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一句话, shared server 就是为了省 SGA.
About Dedicated and Shared Server Processes
Oracle Database creates server processes to handle the requests of user processes connected to an instance. A server process can be either of the following:
A dedicated server process , which services only one user process
A shared server process , which can service multiple user processes
Your database is always enabled to allow dedicated server processes, but you must specifically configure and enable shared server by setting one or more initialization parameters.
Dedicated Server Processes
Figure 4-1, "Oracle Database Dedicated Server Processes" illustrates how dedicated server processes work. In this diagram two user processes are connected to the database through dedicated server processes.
In general, it is better to be connected through a dispatcher and use a shared server process. This is illustrated in Figure 4-2, "Oracle Database Shared Server Processes" . A shared server process can be more efficient because it keeps the number of processes required for the running instance low.
In the following situations, however, users and administrators should explicitly connect to an instance using a dedicated server process:
To submit a batch job (for example, when a job can allow little or no idle time for the server process)
To use Recovery Manager (RMAN) to back up, restore, or recover a database
To request a dedicated server connection when Oracle Database is
configured for shared server, users must connect using a net service
name that is configured to use a dedicated server. Specifically, the net
service name value should include the SERVER=DEDICATED
clause in the connect descriptor.
See Also:
Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide for more information about requesting a dedicated server connectionFigure 4-1 Oracle Database Dedicated Server Processes

Description of "Figure 4-1 Oracle Database Dedicated Server Processes"
Shared Server Processes
Consider an order entry system with dedicated server processes. A customer phones the order desk and places an order, and the clerk taking the call enters the order into the database. For most of the transaction, the clerk is on the telephone talking to the customer. A server process is not needed during this time, so the server process dedicated to the clerk's user process remains idle. The system is slower for other clerks entering orders, because the idle server process is holding system resources.
Shared server architecture eliminates the need for a dedicated server process for each connection (see Figure 4-2 ).
Figure 4-2 Oracle Database Shared Server Processes

Description of "Figure 4-2 Oracle Database Shared Server Processes"
In a shared server configuration, client user processes connect to a dispatcher. The dispatcher can support multiple client connections concurrently. Each client connection is bound to a virtual circuit , which is a piece of shared memory used by the dispatcher for client database connection requests and replies. The dispatcher places a virtual circuit on a common queue when a request arrives.
An idle shared server process picks up the virtual circuit from the common queue, services the request, and relinquishes the virtual circuit before attempting to retrieve another virtual circuit from the common queue. This approach enables a small pool of server processes to serve a large number of clients. A significant advantage of shared server architecture over the dedicated server model is the reduction of system resources, enabling the support of an increased number of users.
For even better resource management, shared server can be configured for connection pooling . Connection pooling lets a dispatcher support more users by enabling the database server to time-out protocol connections and to use those connections to service an active session. Further, shared server can be configured for session multiplexing , which combines multiple sessions for transmission over a single network connection in order to conserve the operating system's resources.
Shared server architecture requires Oracle Net Services. User processes targeting the shared server must connect through Oracle Net Services, even if they are on the same machine as the Oracle Database instance.
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本资源汇总了 历届全国电子设计竞赛(电赛)真题+模拟题,涵盖 电路设计、嵌入式系统、信号处理、自动控制等核心考点,并提供详细解析及综合测评,帮助参赛者高效备赛、查漏补缺、提升实战能力。 适用人群: 适合 准备参加电子设计竞赛的大学生、电赛爱好者、电子信息类相关专业的学生,以及希望提高电子设计和电路分析能力的工程师。 能学到什么: 电赛考察重点:熟悉往届竞赛的命题方向及考核重点。 电路设计与仿真:提升模拟电路、数字电路、单片机等核心技能。 问题分析与解决能力:通过综合测评找到薄弱点并针对性提升。 实战经验:掌握竞赛策略,提高应试效率和设计能力。 阅读建议: 建议先 通读真题,了解题型与解题思路,然后 结合模拟题实战演练,查找不足并通过测评强化练习,逐步提升竞赛能力。
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本美发门店管理系统有管理员和用户两个角色。用户功能有项目预定管理,产品购买管理,会员充值管理,余额查询管理。管理员功能有个人中心,用户管理,美容项目管理,项目类型管理,项目预定管理,产品库存管理,产品购买管理,产品入库管理,会员卡管理,会员充值管理,余额查询管理,产品类型管理,系统管理等。因而具有一定的实用性。 本站是一个B/S模式系统,采用SSM框架,MYSQL数据库设计开发,充分保证系统的稳定性。系统具有界面清晰、操作简单,功能齐全的特点,使得美发门店管理系统管理工作系统化、规范化。本系统的使用使管理人员从繁重的工作中解脱出来,实现无纸化办公,能够有效的提高美发门店管理系统管理效率。 关键词:美发门店管理系统;SSM框架;MYSQL数据库;Spring Boot 1系统概述 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2研究目的 1 1.3系统设计思想 1 2相关技术 2 2.1 MYSQL数据库 2 2.2 B/S结构 3 2.3 Spring Boot框架简介 4 3系统分析 4 3.1可行性分析 4 3.1.1技术可行性 4 3.1.2经济可行性 5 3.1.3操作可行性 5 3.2系
内容概要:本文档介绍了基于SSA-CNN-GRU麻雀算法优化卷积门控循环单元数据分类预测的详细项目实例,重点讲述了该项目的背景、目标、挑战与解决方案、技术特点、应用领域等方面的内容。文档详细记录了从项目启动、数据预处理、算法设计(SSA优化CNN-GRU模型)、构建与评估模型到实现美观的GUI界面整个过程,并讨论了防止过拟合的技术如正则化、早停和超参数优化。另外还涵盖了项目扩展的可能性、部署和应用策略、需要注意的地方以及未来改进的方向。全文强调了模型的泛化能力和计算效率,展示了该混合算法模型在实际应用中的优越性能。 适合人群:具备一定的Python编程经验及机器学习基础知识的研究人员和技术人员;对深度学习、智能优化算法及实际应用感兴趣的学者和从业者;寻求提升数据分析和预测准确性的金融分析师、数据科学家等相关专业人士。 使用场景及目标:本文档非常适合用作学习和参考资料,以掌握如何将SSA、CNN与GRU三种先进技术结合起来进行复杂的分类和预测问题求解。具体应用场景包括但不限于以下几个方面:金融领域——股票价格预测;医疗保健领域——辅助诊断;工业制造——预防性维护;智能家居——个性化服务;以及其他涉及到时序数据分析和多模态数据处理的场合。文档既包含了理论知识又提供了完整的源代码示例,可以帮助读者理解算法原理并通过实践中加深对其的认识。 其他说明:该项目不仅仅是关于算法的设计实现,更是有关于系统的整体架构规划以及工程上的考量,比如环境准备(确保环境洁净、必要包的安装等)、数据准备、GPU配置支持等等。同时文中给出了详细的代码片段,方便开发者理解和复现实验成果。值得注意的是,虽然文中提供了一套通用解决方案,但在真实场景下还需要针对性的调整参数或修改网络结构来达到最好的性能效果。此外,对于追求更高的预测精度或解决更大规模的问题,作者建议进一步探索深度强化学习等高级技术和多任务学习策略,并且考虑使用增量学习让模型能够适应新数据而不必重新训练整个模型。最后提到安全性和隐私保护也是项目实施过程中的重要因素,要妥善保管用户的敏感信息并且做到合法合规地收集和使用数据。