Siebel Data Quality addresses an organization's need for real-time and
batch-mode data quality processing. It helps organizations ensure
accurate, consistent, and consolidated customer information. As a result
organizations can obtain a consistent single view of the customer,
reduce operational costs, and increase the return on investment in
Oracle's Siebel Business Applications.
Siebel Data Quality provides the views to allow a user to match and
cleanse contact, prospect, and account data in real-time during data
entry or modification, or as a batch process.
Siebel Data Quality can be used in two ways. First, it can be used
in conjunction with the Siebel Data Quality Matching Server to perform
data matching on prospect, contact, and account records in real-time or
batch mode without using third-party data quality software.
Alternatively, Siebel Data Quality can be used with the Siebel Data
Quality Universal Connector to certified third-party data quality
software to perform data cleansing or standardization, and data matching
and deduplication.
When licensed with the Siebel Data Quality Matching Server, Siebel
Data Quality allows an organization to identify duplicate prospect,
contact, and account records. [ 区分重复的客户资料]
in real-time or in batch mode without using
other third-party software. In real-time mode, whenever a user is
entering a new prospect, contact, or account record, or is saving
changes to an existing record, the possible duplicates are displayed to
the user in real-time, allowing the user to select an existing record to
continue the task with the correct customer profile and to
avoid the creation of duplicate data during data entry. Siebel Data
Quality can also be run in batch mode in which a user can identify
duplicates or suspected duplicates based on match scores and other
customer information. Once the batch process is complete, the user can
merge duplicate records together. This product does not merge potential
matches automatically; merging duplicates must be performed manually or
be automated though custom configuration.
Each Named User of Siebel Data Quality includes a license for the
Siebel Data Quality Universal Connector. Standardizing and cleansing
customer records requires the use of third-party data quality software
that supports these processes through the Siebel Data Quality Universal
Connector. If the customer has not licensed the Siebel Data Quality
Matching server, the customer must also use the certified third-party
data quality software for matching. The Siebel Data Quality Universal
Connector is a Unicode-enabled business service that is included with
each license of Siebel Data Quality. Through the Siebel Data Quality
Universal Connector, customer data within the Siebel transactional
database can be matched and cleansed in real-time or batch mode. The
Siebel Data Quality Universal Connector works only in conjunction with
third-party software from certified data quality vendors.
For example, a site has a large customer data source that has been
created though telemarketing and call center activities. The marketing
team would like to supplement this with a number of new contacts
resulting from a successful marketing campaign against an external list.
After evaluating the customer data, the company discovers that the
quality or the data is suspect. The marketing team believes there are a
number of records with incomplete address in the response and customer
data. The data administration team would use Siebel Data Quality in
batch mode for the customer data to create an accurate base customer
data set. To support ongoing quality, Siebel Data Quality would be
enabled in real-time mode for both the telemarketing and call center
agents to ensure data accuracy upon data entry. Finally, Siebel Data
Quality would be used as a required check for future imports of
marketing prospect lists.
《Siebel CRM 8.2 安装手册》是一份由Oracle公司提供的官方文档,旨在指导用户正确安装和配置Siebel CRM 8.2版本软件。该手册详细介绍了Siebel CRM系统的安装流程、配置参数、系统需求以及可能出现的问题解决办法,...
"Siebel CRM 产品模块介绍" Siebel CRM 产品模块是 Oracle 公司开发的一款客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)软件,旨在帮助企业更好地管理客户关系、提高销售效率和客户满意度。该软件提供了...
《Siebel CRM对象类型参考》是一份关于Siebel CRM系统中所有对象类型的详细文档。Siebel CRM是甲骨文公司(Oracle)旗下的一款客户关系管理(CRM)软件,它为各种规模的企业提供了客户管理、销售、服务等方面的解决...
Oracle的Siebel CRM解决方案 Oracle的Siebel CRM解决方案是Oracle公司的一款客户关系管理(CRM)解决方案,旨在帮助企业实现业务增长、提高客户满意度和忠诚度。该解决方案集成了多种功能,包括销售管理、市场营销...
### Siebel CRM与客户忠诚度计划 #### 引言 在当今竞争激烈的市场环境中,确保顾客忠诚度成为了企业持续成功的关键因素之一。Siebel CRM(客户关系管理)系统作为一种先进的解决方案,为企业提供了一套全面的方法...
【Siebel CRM发展历程】 Siebel CRM,源自于1993年由Tomas M. Siebel和Patricia House共同创立的Siebel公司。这家总部位于美国加利福尼亚San Mateo的公司,以其创新的客户关系管理(CRM)解决方案在业界崭露头角。...
《Packt.Oracle.Siebel.CRM.8.Installation.And.Management》这本书深入探讨了Oracle Siebel CRM 8系统的安装、配置与管理方法,为读者提供了全面的专业指导。以下是基于标题、描述、标签以及部分内容中提炼出的关键...
报告分析了两种主流的CRM系统——微软的Microsoft Dynamics CRM(简称MSCRM)和甲骨文的Oracle Siebel CRM。这两个系统都是为了帮助企业更好地管理和优化客户关系,提升客户体验。本篇对比分析主要从软件界面的易用...
### Siebel-CRM的整体架构及功能模块全面解读 #### 一、Siebel CRM 概述 Siebel CRM 是一款领先的企业级客户关系管理系统,旨在帮助企业提高销售效率、增强客户服务体验并优化市场营销策略。该系统通过集成多种...
Oracle Siebel CRM是一款由甲骨文公司提供的专业级客户关系管理解决方案,专为全球各行各业的企业设计,无论企业规模大小,都能满足其在客户接触点的各种需求。Siebel CRM套件包含多个模块,如电子开单、订单管理、...
汽车集团运用CRM系统,如Oracle Siebel CRM,不仅仅是为了销售和营销活动的管理,更是在于提升整个企业与客户互动的效率和质量。CRM的实施可以显著提高客户忠诚度、市场份额以及企业获利能力。 首先,客户忠诚度的...
Oracle Siebel CRM软件是客户服务管理软件领域的领导者,这一荣誉来自于权威市场调查公司Forrester Research的评估。Forrester在其2007年第二季度的《Forrester Wave评估:客户服务管理软件》报告中,基于180项分类...
通过全球服务体系(GlobalService),Siebel确保客户能够得到高质量的服务与支持。 在技术层面,Siebel CRM的架构设计旨在提供高效、可靠的CRM解决方案。虽然具体内容未详细描述,但我们可以推测Siebel CRM系统具有...
### Siebel CRM 架构与组件详解 #### Siebel CRM 概述 Siebel CRM 是一款由 Oracle 公司开发的企业级客户关系管理 (Customer Relationship Management, CRM) 软件解决方案。它提供了全面的功能来支持销售、市场营销...