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JVM调优总结 -Xms -Xmx -Xmn -Xss -
JVM调优总结 -Xms -Xmx -Xmn -Xss -
javajdbc 写道
JVM调优总结 -Xms -Xmx -Xmn -Xss -
JVM调优总结 -Xms -Xmx -Xmn -Xss -
How to Convert An Image-Based Guest To An LVM-Based Guest
Moving a Xen Guest into an LVM container from a loopback sparse image is easy enough.
You’ll need to power down the VM using xm shutdown mymachine
Once done, create the logical volume with: lvcreate –name mymachine-disk –size 10G myvg 10G should match the exact size (if not more) of your current VM. Now create the same for the swap file: lvcreate -name mymachine-swap -size 128M myvg. Now edit your machine’s config (/etc/xen/mymachine.cfg), replacing the disk part from:
disk = [
disk = [
And use dd to write the disk to your new LVM filesystem:
dd if=/xen/mymachine/mymachine-disk of=/dev/myvg/mymachine-disk
dd if=/xen/mymachine/mymachine-swap of=/dev/myvg/mymachine-swap
Remembering that you can use killall -SIGUSR1 dd at any time to gain a status update on dd’s IO.
Once done, power up your VM again with xm create mymachine.cfg
When using XEN virtualization it's good practice to use LVM volumes as raw disk devices for the vm guests. The main advantage is that there is no file system for the Xen host to manage and the guest has direct access to the physical volume = better performance!
Another advantage is that you can leverage LVM snapshots adding a similar function to your Xen setup as known in VMWare.
One drawback when using LVM for your virtual guests is that the vm's disk is less portable. There are tools that can handle LVM imaging, but dd is the OSS tool giving you a 1:1 copy of your disk. It's free & it's proven.
dd's known drawback is that the dd dump files get big and time to backup/restore a LVM volume can be lengthy.
Here's how to speed things up and also save on space needed for your LVM images & backups by combining dd with gzip. On modern hardware you can get speeds up to ~90Mb/sec - meaning you can restore a template or image of 15 GB in 3 to 4 minutes.
NOTE: With big data partitions containing a small percentage of data (25% or less of the disk total), it's better to use traditional backup methods. Here dd will lose you precious time backing up parts that contain no real data.
To create an image from the LVM volume:
NOTE: Always make sure your guest is shutdown to ensure data integrity.
dd if=/dev/[lvmsystem]/[lvmpartition] bs=64k | gzip -c > /[path for your image file]/[machine_disk name].img.gz
This command tells dd to use your LVM volume as input using a block size of 64k, the pipe then hands this input stream over to gzip and that zips the stream to the given img.gz file.
* If your source LVM volume contains errors due to disk failure or other, you can tell dd to copy all parts of the disk it can acces. To do this add options conv=sync,noerror before the bs=64k statement.
Restore and Image / Template to an LVM volume:
*If necessary first create a LVM volume where you want the copy written back. It must be at lease the same size (or bigger) than the original LVM volume where the image was taken from.
gunzip -c /[path containing your image file]/[machine_disk name].img.gz | dd of=/dev/[lvmsystem]/[lvmpartition] bs=64k
1. Yes, you can have a seperate LV per Xen guest OS and you should of course.
2. LVM snapshots go something like this.
Snapshotting is a way to take a "point-in-time" image of a filesystem. What this allows you is to do is access files that would normally be locked so you can back them up. The process is as follows:
- Take the snapshot
- Mount the snapshot
- Take a backup of the snapshot
- Unmount and destroy the snapshot
When you take the snapshot, you're essentially creating a new LVM device that appears to be a duplicate of the "real" filesystem at a point in time. To do this we create another LVM device (using lvcreate) with an argument of -s to indicate we want a snapshot and the -n argument to name it. In this case LogVol00 is the original LV and LVsnap is the name of the snapshot. You can name them whatever you want.
lvcreate -l 500 -s -n LVsnap /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
Mounting the snapshot
Next, we mount the snapshot somewhere else, we use /media/snap. We also mount it read only.
mkdir /media/snap mount -o nouuid,ro /dev/VolGroup00/LVsnap /media/snap
Now, backup /media/LVsnap like you would any other directory:
Unmount and destroy the snapshot
Now we have to unmount the snapshot and destroy it. The reason we destroy it because any I/O that takes place on the device uses space to track the differences betweeen the real and the snapshot filesystem. Plus, we've done our job so there's no reason to keep it around.
unmount /media/LVsnap lvremove -f /dev/VolGroup/LVsnap
3. Migrating an LV depends some on whether you have to depend on a bootloader in the LV or not. You could do any of the following depending on your circumstances.
- Snapshot the old LV, create a new LV on the destination machine, export it with NFS and copy all files across using cp.
- Snapshot the old LV, create a new LV on the destination, export it with NFS and use dump and restore to dum the old LV to the new one.
dump 0 -f - /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 | (cd /dest; restore -rf - )
- Snapshot the old LV, create a new LV on the destination machine, and dd the snapshot and pipe it into ssh
dd if=/dev/VolGroup00/LVsnap | ssh -c arcfour "dd of=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00"
I don't think I have to tell you to be VERY careful with the last one. If you get the destination Logical Volume screwed up you will toast the destination. I specified arcfour for the cipher because it's much faster than the default. You will probably want to mess with dd's blocksize too as you can double the speed in which dd will copy if the blocksize is larger. Another option would be to use ddrestore or dd_restore in place of dd. Make sure you look at the syntax difference first. Both of these are faster than stock dd but if you bump the blocksize dd will almost keep up. I assume you only keep the VM OS on the LV and not all data. If so then it won't take long to copy. It takes about 45 min per 80 GB here. If you're running a 10GB OS LV then you can figure about 5 minutes.
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**LVM2(Logical Volume Manager 2)**是Linux操作系统中的一个高级磁盘管理工具,它允许用户在物理硬盘上创建逻辑卷,从而提供更大的灵活性和扩展性。LVM2比传统的分区方式更加灵活,因为它可以跨越多个硬盘,动态...
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LVM(Logical Volume Manager)是Linux系统中一种高级的存储管理技术,它允许管理员将物理硬盘组织成逻辑卷,提供更灵活的磁盘管理和扩展能力。LVM2是其第二代版本,相较于第一代,它增加了更多的功能和优化,提高了...
"Linux LVM硬盘管理及LVM扩容" 根据提供的文件信息,以下是相关的知识点: 一、LVM简介 LVM(Logical Volume Manager)是一种逻辑卷管理系统,由Heinz Mauelshagen在Linux 2.4内核上实现。LVM可以将一个或多个...
**LVM(逻辑卷管理)**是Linux操作系统中一种先进的磁盘管理技术,它允许管理员在物理硬盘之上创建逻辑存储单元,以实现更灵活的磁盘空间管理和数据存储。LVM将物理硬盘组织成卷组(Volume Group),然后在卷组上...
从给定的文件信息来看,LVM(Logical Volume Manager)是一种高级的磁盘管理技术,主要解决了传统分区方式中磁盘空间无法动态扩展的问题。LVM允许管理员在Linux系统上更加灵活地管理和分配磁盘空间,它将物理磁盘...
Linux LVM,全称为Logical Volume Manager,是Linux操作系统下的一种磁盘管理工具,它提供了一种灵活、可扩展的方式来管理磁盘存储空间。LVM允许系统管理员创建和管理逻辑卷,这些逻辑卷可以跨越多个物理硬盘,从而...
Linux 7 扩容根分区(LVM+非 LVM) Linux 7 扩容根分区是指在 Linux 7 操作系统中扩展根分区的大小,以满足存储需求。在本文中,我们将介绍使用 LVM(Logical Volume Manager)和非 LVM 两种方法来扩容根分区。 使用...
LINUX下的LVM(Logical Volume Manager)是一种先进的磁盘管理技术,它允许系统管理员在Linux环境中灵活地管理和调整磁盘分区。LVM的核心优势在于它提供了动态调整存储空间的能力,无需停机,使得扩展文件系统变得...
Linux LVM 硬盘管理 Linux LVM 硬盘管理是指通过 Logical Volume Manager(逻辑卷管理)来管理硬盘的存储空间。LVM 将一个或多个硬盘的分区在逻辑上集合,相当于一个大硬盘来使用。当硬盘的空间不够使用的时候,...
CentOS6.9 数据库服务器扩容手册(LVM+非LVM) 本文档旨在指导用户在 CentOS6.9 环境下扩容数据库服务器,涵盖了 LVM 和非 LVM 两种情况。该手册将分为四个部分:准备工作、LVM 扩容、非 LVM 扩容和总结。 准备...
# parted /dev/sdb set 1 lvm on ``` 修改完成后,执行`partprobe`命令更新内核分区表缓存,确保系统识别到分区类型的更改。 ```bash # partprobe ``` ### 二、创建PV、VG、LV #### 1. 使用`pvcreate`创建PV 创建...