
MySQL dba Script


MySQL DBA scripts

The following various scripts as used for various different tasks when reviewing MySQL installations.

  • Calculate Your MySQL Database Size
  • Calculate Your Individual MySQL Schema Size
  • Log various MySQL statistics
  • Analyze MySQL statistics
  • Automated MySQL Installation

    Calculate Your Total MySQL Database Size

    I use the following SQL script as an audit of for each current MySQL Database Instance. You can use this for example on a daily basis to get an indication of the overall growth of your database.
    This SQL uses the MySQL Information_schema that is available for MySQL Version 5.0 and higher.
    For those using MySQL 4.x, using the CHECK TABLE STATUS for each schema and manually computing the same produces a similar result.


    $ wget http://ronaldbradford.com/mysql-dba/allschemas.sql
    $ mysql -u[user] -p  -v -v -v < allschemas.sql


    The following as sample outputs from clients.

    | table_schema       | total_mb        | data_mb         | index_mb        | tables |
    | xxxxxx_xxx         | 993088.84375000 | 776273.18750000 | 216815.65625000 |     54 |
    | information_schema |      0.00390625 |      0.00000000 |      0.00390625 |     17 |
    2 rows in set (59.81 sec)
    | table_schema               | total_mb       | data_mb        | index_mb      | tables |
    | xxxxxxx_xxx_xxxx_xxx       | 45314.47730350 | 38458.88941288 | 6855.58789063 |   2359 |
    | xxxxxxx_xxx_xxxx_xxx       | 28758.38682079 | 24461.27060986 | 4297.11621094 |    275 |
    | xxxxxxx_xxx_xxxx_xxx       | 28732.41495800 | 24464.20304394 | 4268.21191406 |    368 |
    | xxxxxxx_xxx_xxxx_xxx       | 24586.48277569 | 20941.44176006 | 3645.04101563 |    302 |
    | xxxxxxx_xxx_xxxx_xxx       |  3128.63515377 |  2664.54726315 |  464.08789063 |     48 |
    | xxxxxxx_xxx_xxxx_xxx       |  2865.36613274 |  2440.44328117 |  424.92285156 |    265 |
    | xxxxxxx_xxx_xxxx_xxx       |  1635.16585350 |  1388.68831444 |  246.47753906 |   2034 |
    | xxxxxxx_xxx_xxxx_xxx       |  1442.15766239 |  1231.41840458 |  210.73925781 |     17 |
    74 rows in set (20.56 sec)

    Calculate Your Individual Schema Size


    $ wget http://ronaldbradford.com/mysql-dba/perschema.sql
    $ mysql -u[user] -p -v -v -v [table-schema] < perschema.sql


    | table_name       | engine | row_format | table_rows | avg_row_length | total_mb     | data_mb      | index_mb     |
    | xxxxxxx          | InnoDB | Compact    |    1778523 |            314 | 658.39062500 | 533.84375000 | 124.54687500 |
    | xxxxxxxxx        | InnoDB | Compact    |     553266 |            846 | 472.25000000 | 446.75000000 |  25.50000000 |
    | xxxxxxx          | InnoDB | Compact    |     435892 |            884 | 392.25000000 | 367.81250000 |  24.43750000 |
    | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx   | InnoDB | Compact    |    1106547 |             65 | 133.26562500 |  68.59375000 |  64.67187500 |
    | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | InnoDB | Compact    |      58281 |            531 |  30.34375000 |  29.51562500 |   0.82812500 |
    | xxxxxxxxxx       | InnoDB | Compact    |      68721 |            298 |  28.12500000 |  19.54687500 |   8.57812500 |

    NOTE: The table_rows and corresponding avg_row_length is only approximate for Innodb tables. These values under certain circumstances can be wildly inaccurate. The data and index size are considered very accurate.

    Logging MySQL Stats


    $ wget http://ronaldbradford.com/mysql-dba/log-mysql-stats.sh
    $ chmod +x log-mysql-stats.sh
    $ export LOG_DIR=`pwd`
    $ export MYSQL_AUTHENTICATION="-umonitor -psakila"
    $ ./log-mysql-stats.sh variables
    $ ./log-mysql-stats.sh status
    $ ./log-mysql-stats.sh processlist
    $ ./log-mysql-stats.sh innodbstatus
    $ ./log-mysql-stats.sh masterstatus
    $ ./log-mysql-stats.sh slavestatus


    $ more mysql.variables.090629.003542.txt 
    | date_time | 090629.003542 |
    | timezone | -0400 |
    | Variable_name                   | Value                                                     |
    | auto_increment_increment        | 1                                                         |
    | auto_increment_offset           | 1                                                         |
    | autocommit                      | ON                                                        |
    | automatic_sp_privileges         | ON                                                        |
    | back_log                        | 50                                                        |
    | basedir                         | /opt/mysql-5.1.25-rc-linux-x86_64-glibc23/                |
    | big_tables                      | OFF                                                       |
    | binlog_cache_size               | 32768                                                     |
    | binlog_format                   | MIXED                                                     |
    | bulk_insert_buffer_size         | 8388608                                                   |
    $ more mysql.status.090629.003747.txt 
    | date_time | 090629.003747 |
    | timezone | -0400 |
    | Variable_name                     | Value       |
    | Aborted_clients                   | 4           |
    | Aborted_connects                  | 6037        |
    | Binlog_cache_disk_use             | 0           |
    | Binlog_cache_use                  | 0           |
    | Bytes_received                    | 2303295323  |
    | Bytes_sent                        | 50239245119 |
    | Com_admin_commands                | 0           |
    | Com_assign_to_keycache            | 0           |
    | Com_alter_db                      | 0           |
    | Com_alter_db_upgrade              | 0           |
    | Com_alter_event                   | 0           |
    | Com_alter_function                | 0           |
    | Com_alter_procedure               | 0           |
    | Com_alter_server                  | 0           |
    | Com_alter_table                   | 59          |
    | Com_alter_tablespace              | 0           |

    To implement logging in the real world.

    sudo su -
    useradd -m -s /bin/bash monitor
    mkdir /home/monitor/scripts
    cd /home/monitor/scripts
    wget http://ronaldbradford.com/mysql-dba/log-mysql-stats.sh
    chmod +x log-mysql-stats.sh
    mkdir -p /somedir/mysqlstatlogs
    chown monitor:monitor /somedir/mysqlstatlogs
    chown -R monitor:monitor /home/monitor
    su - monitor
    # -c Create Necessary MySQL Permissions
    # -u User with SUPER permissions, defaults to root
    scripts/log-mysql-stats.sh -udba -c
    mkdir tmp
    LOG_DIR=tmp scripts/log-mysql-stats.sh -m all
    ls -l tmp
    rm -rf tmp
    # m h  dom mon dow   command
    * * * * * LOG_DIR="/somedir/mysqlstatlogs" /home/monitor/scripts/log-mysql-stats.sh -m -l status innodbstatus masterstatus slavestatus
    0 * * * * LOG_DIR="/somedir/mysqlstatlogs" /home/monitor/scripts/log-mysql-stats.sh -m -l processlist
    0 0 * * * LOG_DIR="/somedir/mysqlstatlogs" /home/monitor/scripts/log-mysql-stats.sh -m -l variables
    0 0 * * * LOG_DIR="/somedir/mysqlstatlogs" /home/monitor/scripts/log-mysql-stats.sh -z

    Analyze MySQL statistics

    $ wget -O mysql-stats.sh http://ronaldbradford.com/mysql-dba/mysql-stats.sh
    $ chmod +x mysql-stats.sh
    $ export LOG_DIR=`pwd`
    $ ./mysql-stats.sh all

    Install MySQL


    $ wget -O meta.sh http://ronaldbradford.com/mysql-dba/meta.sh
    $ wget -O install-mysql.sh http://ronaldbradford.com/mysql-dba/install-mysql.sh
    $ chmod +x ./install-mysql.sh
    $ sudo ./install-mysql.sh -d [/environment] [-i [ip-address]]


    • -d [/environment] is the base directory of the environment in question, for simplicity, use a base directory (e.g. from /) with the environment name. NOTE: Script is untested for directories that are not root level '/' directories.
    • -i [ip] is a virtual IP that is assigned to the database environment


    • This script must be run as the 'root' user, as it creates files and sets appropriate permissions.
    • The base environment directory (e.g. /[environment]) must exist and be empty
    • The Installed MySQL binary version must be in the /software directory
    • The meta.sh file is required in the same directory as the install_mysql.sh file

    Specific example

    $ sudo su -
    $ mkdir /software /db1
    $ cd /software
    $ wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/mysql-5.1.37-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tar.gz/from/http://mirror.trouble-free.net/mysql_mirror/
    $ mkdir /db1
    $ ./install-mysql.sh -d /db1

    Example Output

    # ./install-mysql.sh -d /db1
    16:50:55 INFO  Starting installation of MySQL
    16:50:55 WARN  IP not specified with -i, not binding to any IP
    16:50:55 WARN  No MySQL Version specified, using '5.1'
    16:50:55 INFO  Installing MySQL . . .
    16:50:55 INFO  Creating default MySQL user
    16:50:55 INFO  Group 'mysql' already exists
    16:50:55 INFO  User 'mysql' already exists
    16:50:55 INFO  Installing MySQL from binary tar file '/software/mysql-5.1.37-linux-x86_64-glibc23.tar.gz
    16:51:03 INFO  Setting MYSQL_HOME to '/db1/mysql'
    16:51:03 INFO  Installing mysql starter database
    16:51:13 INFO  Setting mysql directory ownership & permissions
    16:51:13 INFO  Configuring MySQL
    16:51:13 INFO  Setting MYSQL_HOME to '/db1/mysql'
    16:51:13 INFO  Generating my.cnf
    16:51:13 INFO  Configuring services for 'mysql_db1'
    16:51:15 INFO  Defining User Permissions
    16:51:15 INFO  Completed installation of MySQL
    A successful installation will result in:
    • MySQL installed and running in /db1
    $ export MYSQL_HOME=/db1/mysql
    $ $MYSQL_HOME/bin/mysql -udba -psakila -h${IP} -e "SELECT VERSION();SHOW SCHEMAS;"
    | VERSION()  |
    | 5.1.37-log | 
    | Database           |
    | information_schema | 
    | mysql              | 
    | test_db1           | 

    Common Errors

    Not run as root
        14:11:05 INFO  Starting installation of MySQL
        14:11:05 ERROR This script must be run as root
        14:11:05 INFO  Exiting with status code of '1'
    Not specifying an environment directory with -d.
        14:14:16 INFO  Starting installation of MySQL
        14:14:16 ERROR You must specify an install directory with -d
        14:14:16 INFO  Exiting with status code of '1'
    Not specifying a binding IP Address with -i
        ./install_mysql.sh -d /xxx
        14:30:45 INFO  Starting installation of MySQL
        14:30:45 ERROR You must specify a binding IP with -i
        14:30:45 INFO  Exiting with status code of '1'
    Specifying an environment directory that already contains an instance
        ./install_mysql.sh -d /qa -i
        14:33:33 INFO  Starting installation of MySQL
        14:33:33 WARN  No MySQL Version specified, using '5.1'
        14:33:33 ERROR A MySQL Instance at '/qa/mysql' has been detected, ensure no MySQL instance exists at '/qa'
        14:33:33 INFO  Exiting with status code of '1'
    Specifying an environment directory that does not exist.
        /install_mysql.sh -d /xxx -i
        14:34:29 INFO  Starting installation of MySQL
        14:34:29 WARN  No MySQL Version specified, using '5.1'
        14:34:29 ERROR Base deployment directory '/xxx' does not exist
        14:34:29 INFO  Exiting with status code of '1'
    Specify an invaid version of MySQL to install
        ./install_mysql.sh -d /xxx -i -v 5.2
        14:37:34 INFO  Starting installation of MySQL
        14:37:34 ERROR Unable to find a '5.2' version of MySQL in '/software/'
        14:37:34 INFO  Exiting with status code of '1'

    Unsupported Scripts

    $ wget http://ronaldbradford.com/mysql-dba/mysql-sessions.sh


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