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JVM调优总结 -Xms -Xmx -Xmn -Xss -
JVM调优总结 -Xms -Xmx -Xmn -Xss -
javajdbc 写道
JVM调优总结 -Xms -Xmx -Xmn -Xss -
JVM调优总结 -Xms -Xmx -Xmn -Xss -
How to Convert An Image-Based Guest To An LVM-Based Guest
Making Fonts Available To X<!----> | |||
Font HowTo | |||
There are a number of ways fonts can be added to X. Firstly, XFree86 has a font path which is just a list of several directories or font servers where it searches for fonts. A font server is just a background process that makes fonts available to XFree86. An advantage of font servers is that they can send fonts to remote displays. Recently, xfs ( the ``X font server'' ) has been patched to support TrueType fonts, and run as a stand-alone program. The patched version ships with RedHat and RedHat-based distributions, and is included in XFree86 4.0 and newer. xfs is actually just the standard font server that comes with XFree86. It's source code is part of the XFree86 source tree. However, distributions have recently been shipping a version that runs in stand-alone mode. The stand-alone X font server, with the TrueType support patch ( the TrueType support takes place via a font server called xfsft ) is probably the nicest font management solution currently available. Its advantages include:
Because different distributions ship with different configurations, it is not true that one size fits all. We can split users up into three groups:
4.1. The font pathXFree86 finds your fonts by searching a font path, a list of directories ( or servers -- we'll explain this further later. ) containing fonts. When an application requests a font, it searches through the directories in your font path one at a time until the font is found. To make fonts available requires you to set your font path. You can add a directory to your font path with the command xset fp+ directory Once you have done this, you need to ask the X server to re-scan for available fonts with the command
Since you will want these commands to run automatically, you should put them in your .xinitrc file ( or possibly your .Xclients or .xsession file -- this depends on how you start X. It's convenient to make two of these files symlinks to the other to avoid confusion ). Another way to have the commands set automatically is edit XF86Config. For example, to add /usr/share/fonts/myfonts to the font path when X is started, edit XF86Config like this:
The advantage of editing XF86Config is that the resulting changes are system wide. 4.2. Installing Type 1 Fonts
4.2.1. Run Type1inst The easiest way to make Type 1 fonts available to X is with the help of the Type1inst utility. This is a perlscript that automatically creates the fonts.dir and fonts.scale files that you need for X to use the fonts. Simply CD to the directory, and run type1inst. cd directory type1inst 4.2.2. If You Have the xfs Package Now you need to add the fonts to your font path. If you already have the stand-alone Section 4.4 running, you do this by editing your xfs configuration file. RedHat users can just use chkfontpath. the format is chkfontpath --add directory Your fonts will be available to X after you restart xfs, or tell it to reload by sending a SIGHUP. You may need to run xset fp rehash as well. Your fonts should now be available to X. Now you just run xset fp rehash and X will be able to find the new fonts. 4.2.3. If You Don't Have The xfs Package In this case, you need to add the directory containing your new fonts to the font path, as described previously. 4.3. True Type Fonts Adding TrueType fonts is a little more difficult, because you need to have a font server that is capable of serving TrueType fonts. Two font servers that do this are xfstt and xfs. xfstt is a TrueType font server. While it's easy to configure, and quite useful, it appear that xfs is becoming more popular. The main advantage of xfs over xfstt is that it supports both Type 1 and TrueType fonts. 4.3.1. xfstt To set up xfstt, just download it and install it. Once you install it, you need to do the following:
Your TrueType fonts should now display and be available to applications such as GIMP and Netscape. You may want to configure it to start every time your system starts up. Check to see if there's a startup file included ( if you are using RPM, you can use rpm -ql xfstt |grep init and look for the file with a name something like this: /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfstt ) If you don't have an init script, just put two lines in /etc/rc.local like this:
4.4. xfsSome of the newer Linux distributions ship with the X font server xfs configured to run as a stand alone program. Notably, Redhat and all the redhat based distributions use this modularised xfs with TrueType compiled in. Debian also ship xfs, but the version they ship in stable ("potato") doesn't have built in true type support, though the one in testing ("woody") does. Running xfs as a stand alone server has several benefits, especially if it is compiled with TrueType support. The main advantage is that since the font server is no longer attached to the X server, it is possible to serve fonts to remote displays. Also, it makes it much easier to modify the font path. 4.4.1. The xfs Path As a font server, xfs has it's own font path. One might wonder where this fits into the picture. It works like this: you can place the xfs font server in XFree86's font path, by adding unix/:port to the XFree86 font path. Once you do this, any font in the xfs font path automatically becomes available to XFree86. The xfs font path is determined by the xfs configuration file, which is /etc/X11/fs/config on Redhat, and /etc/X11/xfs/config on Debian. Redhat users do not need to explicitly edit this file, they can use the chkfontpath utility. The syntax is simple: chkfontpath --add directory Users of other distributions can edit the configuration file as follows:
The above would add /usr/share/fonts/my_new_fonts/ to the xfs font path. Note that the last line of the list of directories doesn't have a comma at the end. For these modifications to the font path to become effective, xfs must be told to reload by running /etc/init.d/xfs reload or sending it a SIGHUP with "kill -HUP [pid]" or "killall -HUP xfs". Alternately you can just re-start xfs, though if you do that it would be a good idea to re-start your X session too. 4.4.2. Installing a Font Into xfs To prepare a font for xfs, you need to follow the following steps:
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This publication is available in Web form1 and also as a PDF document2. Please forward any comments to tcc-doc@nmt.edu. Table of Contents 1. What is Tkinter?..............................................