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Series of 3D programming tutorials for mobile devices using M3G (JSR 184)
Ericsson announced its first mobile Java 3D-enabled phones in March
2004. A lot has happened since then. Sony Ericsson has to date
introduced “mobile Java 3D” (JSR-184 Mobile 3D Graphics) in 21 of its
mobile phones, showing its commitment for this emerging technology and
firm belief in mobile 3D gaming as one of the key drivers of mobile
entertainment. This is the broadest portfolio, from entry-level to
high-end segment, that any GSM/UMTS handset manufacturer has with 3D
On Sony Ericsson Developer World's dedicated Mobile Java 3D web section (www.SonyEricsson.com/developer
a series of tutorials have been published complete with source code and
application packages to help you get started with Mobile Java 3D
development. The fourth tutorial has just been released, so there is
plenty of comprehensive material to now go through. The tutorials have
been created by Mikael Baros, senior programmer at Redikod. Mikael is a
regular contributor to the Sony Ericsson Developer World discussion
forums. Redikod from Malmo in the south of Sweden has been developing
web and mobile games since 1997, and this small company is now one of
the leaders in the Nordic games industry.
Check out the JSR-184 tutorial series below.
Part One: Quick jump into the world of Mobile Java 3D programming
goal of this tutorial is to teach you how to set up your own 3D Canvas
and make it render stuff on screen. To render models, you are first
shown how to load them and about the tools that are available to create
M3G models. The tutorial finishes by manipulating the camera some so
that you can walk around in your scene.
Part two: Light 3D theory and orientation
goal of this tutorial is to give you a good enough understanding of 3D
math for you to be able to utilize JSR 184's translation and orientation
methods. You are guided through 3D coordinate systems, translation in
3D space and orientation around a vector. Also, you'll be able to use
this newfound knowledge at the end of the tutorial to rotate meshes in
code and place them in 3D space.
Part three: Particle systems and immediate mode rendering
goal of this tutorial is to go through how to gain total control over
the rendering process (immediate rendering) and how to create a very
nice particle system. The tutorial will show you how to render the same
object several times, with different transformations. This is called
immediate mode. You'll learn how powerful such a mode is for a great
many things. Also, this tutorial will be the base of the more advanced
tutorials to come, since you'll almost exclusively be using immediate
mode for rendering from now on.
Part four: M3G built-in collision, light physics and camera perspective
tutorial will teach you some very important things regarding the
dynamics of any 3D game, namely collision and physics. You'll aalso be
shown how the camera perspective matrix works and what you can do by
manipulating it. This is what you'll hopefully accomplish by reading and
practising this tutorial:
- Learn about the perspective matrix and camera manipulation
- Learn how to use M3G's built-in mechanism for fast collision detection
- Gain a basic understanding of how physics can alter a game's feel towards being more realistic
- Implement a very simple pong-like game in 3D
Part five: Heightmap terrain rendering using M3G [博客中浏览]
2011-02-19 23:04 1974这是很久前另一个BLOG上的,现在不用了。转过来吧,方便查看. ... -
2011-02-19 23:00 1320这是很久前另一个BLOG上的,现在不用了。转过来吧,方便查看. ... -
2011-02-19 22:59 1522这是很久前另一个BLOG上的,现在不用了。转过来吧,方便查看. ... -
J2me paint[转]
2011-02-19 22:58 1439这是很久前另一个BLOG上的,现在不用了。转过来吧,方便查看. ... -
[JSR-184][3D编程指南(译文)]第一部分:快速进入移动JAVA 3D编程世界
2011-01-23 00:37 1754[英文原文&源码下载] ... -
[JSR-184][3D编程指南]Part V: Heightmap terrain rendering using M3G
2011-01-22 23:13 1892<!-- 整理收集自网络,收藏以便日后查阅 --> ... -
[JSR-184][3D编程指南]Part IV:M3G built-in collision,light physics and camera perspec
2011-01-22 23:04 2136<!-- 整理收集自网络,收藏以便日后查阅 --> ... -
[JSR-184][3D编程指南]Part III: Particle systems and immediate mode rendering (2)
2011-01-22 22:56 1547<!-- 整理收集自网络,收藏以便日后查阅 --> ... -
[JSR-184][3D编程指南]Part III: Particle systems and immediate mode rendering (1)
2011-01-22 22:48 2235<!-- 整理收集自网络,收藏以便日后查阅 --> ... -
[JSR-184][3D编程指南]Part II: Light 3D theory and orientation
2011-01-22 22:29 1533<!-- 整理收集自网络,收藏以便日后查阅 --> ... -
[JSR-184][3D编程指南]Part I: Quick jump into the world of Mobile Java 3D programming
2011-01-22 22:07 2347<!-- 整理收集自网络,收藏以便日后查阅 --> ... -
2009-10-08 18:19 1662原文连接 kuix这 ... -
2009-03-13 22:04 2687getResourceAsStream()可以获取JAR包内的 ... -
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2009-02-27 09:10 1613最近在做一个小Demo时,需要画一个半透明的圆,看遍M ... -
2009-02-23 22:07 14161: 架构性宣言: MI ... -
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2009-02-23 21:24 2861原文:http://www.mcu123.com/ ... -
2009-02-22 17:05 1613简要说明: 非常好的一篇文章,谈论到了线程各个方面的问题 ... -
2009-02-22 16:17 1904Progressive download ...
【JSR-184】3D编程指南第二部分:光照3D理论与定向 在3D编程领域,理解和应用光照理论以及物体的定向是至关重要的。JSR-184,全称Java 3D API,是Java平台上的一个标准,它提供了用于创建和操作3D图形的强大工具。...
总之,【JSR-184】【3D编程指南】Part IV探讨了移动3D图形中的关键元素,包括碰撞检测、光照物理和相机视角控制,这些是创建生动、交互性3D应用的基础。通过学习和实践,开发者可以利用JSR-184在移动设备上创建...
【JSR-184】是Java Micro Edition (Java ME) 中的一个标准,全称为"Mobile 3D Graphics API",旨在为移动设备提供3D图形编程接口。这个标准允许开发者在小型设备上创建复杂的3D图形应用,比如游戏或者可视化工具。本...
总之,【JSR-184】的3D编程指南Part V专注于使用M3G在移动设备上实现基于高度图的地形渲染,涉及图像处理、3D网格构建、纹理映射、光照以及移动平台的图形渲染技术。通过实践和理解这些概念,你将能够创建出逼真的3D...
赠送jar包:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.1.7.Final.jar; 赠送原API文档:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.1.7.Final-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.1.7.Final-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息...
赠送jar包:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.1.7.Final.jar; 赠送原API文档:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.1.7.Final-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.1.7.Final-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息...
《3-D Game Development on JSR-184 v1_0_3》是关于使用Java 3D技术在J2ME平台上开发3D游戏的一份重要资料,它为初学者提供了一个宝贵的入门教程。JSR-184,全称为Java ME 3D API,是Java Micro Edition(J2ME)平台...
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.measure.converter.ConversionException所需的jar
【JSR-168 Portlet开发指南】 JSR-168,全称为Java Specification Request 168,是Java社区制定的一项标准,旨在为portlet开发者提供一套API,以实现portlet的可移植性和互操作性。Portlet是一种组件化的应用程序,...
赠送jar包:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.2.14.Final.jar; 赠送原API文档:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.2.14.Final-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.2.14.Final-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息...
赠送jar包:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.2.14.Final.jar; 赠送原API文档:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.2.14.Final-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.2.14.Final-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息...
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赠送jar包:jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar; 赠送原API文档:jsr311-api-1.1.1-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:jsr311-api-1.1.1-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:jsr311-api-1.1.1.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:jsr311-api...
"JSR-168 Portlet中文指南大全.doc"这个文档很可能详细介绍了JSR-168标准的各个方面,包括但不限于上述概念,可能还包括如何开发portlet、配置portlet容器、实现portlet间的通信等实践指导。对于想要学习和实施JSR-...
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