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jquery 消息插件--仿QQ消息弹出提醒 -
你这个不错,看看这个。jquery message toolt ...
jquery 消息插件--仿QQ消息弹出提醒 -
jquery 消息插件--仿QQ消息弹出提醒 -
新连接:http://download.skype.com/l ...
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cui_angel 写道消息框可以动态加载内容吗?可以加载动态 ...
jquery 消息插件--仿QQ消息弹出提醒
You will deal with the Yii command line, migrations, and assets. You will learn about role-based access, security, and deployment. We'll show you how to easily get started, configure your environment...
This book provides you with a wide space for practice approaches and helps you to learn about the new Yii2 framework. Understand the difference between the Yii 1.x.x versions using useful examples ...
`views`目录下的`site`和`layouts`子目录则包含了视图文件,如`about.php`、`contact.php`和`error.php`,以及布局文件`main.php`和`column1.php`、`column2.php`。 总的来说,Yii框架以其高效的性能、丰富的功能和...
这意味着当你访问如`/index.php?r=doc/page&view=about`这样的URL时,Yii会自动调用`DocController`的`page`动作,并尝试查找相应的视图文件来显示。 接下来,你需要创建一个存放静态页面视图文件的目录。在这个...
本文实例分析了Yii2针对游客、用户防范规则和限制的解决方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 最近在用Yii2.0做项目,其中需要实现一个功能:没有登录不能访问部分页面,即游客身份访问限制。查了半天资料,终于...
本文实例讲述了Yii扩展组件编写方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下: 因为Yii本身就引入了Prado的component-based 思想做为主要思想。... * some description about the <span xss=removed>components
To learn more about what Yii brings to the table, check out the features section. History Yii is the brainchild of its founder, Qiang Xue, who started the Yii project on January 1, 2008. Qiang ...
Yii2地理 以不同格式生成地理注释的界面。 目前支持 KML 和 geoJSON 格式以及 MultiPolygon、Point 和 Polygon 类型。 More about geoJSON: http://geojson.org/geojson-spec.html More about KML: ...
NavbarWidget::make(['Home', 'About', 'Contact']) !!} ``` **小部件缓存** 为了提高性能,`Widgetify`还支持小部件的缓存。只需在`render`方法中启用缓存,例如: ```php public function render() { return ...
2. 关于我们(about.php):这个页面用来详细介绍公司的历史、团队成员、企业文化、愿景与使命等,帮助建立企业形象。 3. 产品/服务(products.php):此页面展示公司的主要产品或服务,每个产品或服务可以有详细的...
Autodetect for Yii database CSS breakdown in File Window Changes in French translation Joomla database connection Joomla syntax errors "go to" structure in the PHP code validator
Autodetect for Yii database CSS breakdown in File Window Changes in French translation Joomla database connection Joomla syntax errors "go to" structure in the PHP code validator
You also can use ContextHelp to get information about shortcut keys. Code folding (collapsing) Pair highlighting Highlighting of paired tags and attributes. Pair selection, tags and attributes ...