这是我第二次访问印度。2004年,我访问了印度普纳(接近孟买)。这次是海得拉巴 - 印度中心附近 - 接近班加罗尔。
在市中心,有许多的IT或业务流程外包(BPO)公司–类似中国科技园等。表面上,他们很相似:都在4、5层高的建筑中。你还能看到各种知名的企业——Oracle, HP, Tata。深入了解之后,能发现2者有很大不同?主要的区别在哪?
= = = =
6年前,我们的CEO开始构想这座大楼,他希望它反映我们的价值观和成为商业模式价值的实验室。当时,我们大约只有120名员工。我们的CEO构想一个能容纳1600 名以上员工的建筑,因为他想建设一个长期的服务型公司。请跟我参观一下公司。
XYZ可以看作是由许多致力于客户服务的小机构组成。我们称之为扩展的团队模型(Extended Team Model - ETM)。每位员工首先把自己看成是ETM客户服务的一员。但也应看到自己是XYZ家庭的一份子。(大部分员工已为这个公司服务了很久。我认为一部分原因是这个“家族”哲学。)整个建筑是由各个客户服务单位的办公区组成。在这幢楼我们有一个连续的楼梯,连接所有的区域。当员工走出自己的工作区,整个建筑物映入眼帘,她便感受到自己是XYZ家庭的一部分。
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· 一些其他建议——假如您将去访问印度的公司
This is my second visit to India. In 2004,I visited Pune (close to Mumbai). Now, it is Hyderabad – near the center ofIndia – close to Bangalore.
Most of the IT or BPO companies are in theHiTec City area – like the Science Park in China. On the surface, it may looksimilar – many 4-5 storiesbuildings. You can also find a lot of well known brands here – Oracle,HP, Tata, etc. But if one look deeper,
one will find it quite different. Whatare the main differences?
Here, outsourcing is the main and onlybusiness of the area. It can be in IT, business process, callcentres, etc. Becausethe customers are in US and Europe, people are working in every hour round theclock. For example, there is a night shift from 3am to 9am
shift (total 3shifts). Here, in outsourcing, companies with 2000+ staff is regarded as smallto medium size.。
This time, I come to prepare for a CMMIappraisal for a local IT company. This XYZis a 16 years old IT company in Hyderabad, India. The company has beengrowing very well. It has now nearly 2,000 staff.
Because XYZ mainly serves overseascustomers, the company is organized around how to serve each customer best. Customer satisfaction is always XYZ’s toppriority.
The following excepts focus on how thedesign of the XYZ building in HiTec city reflect the company’s core values.
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Q: XYZ has been very successful. Would you please tell me what are thevalues and management philosophy that support this?
A:We care very much about the long term relationship with ourcustomers. For example, we are still serving our first customer in US for morethan 16 years now. Our CEO is the still prime contact to this customer.
When our CEO design this building 6 yearsago, he wanted it to reflect the valuesand business model of Value Labs. Then, we had about only 120 staff. Our CEOdesigned the building for 1600 + staff because he wanted the building is toserve the company for
the long term. Have our people showed you around thisbuilding?
The architect we employed was the top ofthe class in India. He put in a lot of passion in this project. For example, heinterviewed all our senior executives to understand our thinking. He understoodwe want the building to reflect our unique business model.
XYZ can be seen as made up of many smallcompanies. Each is dedicated to serve its customer organization. We call thisour Extended Team Model (ETM). Each employee should see herself first as amember of the ETM serving a customer. But she should also see herself
as partof the XYZ family. (Most of the staff has been with the company for a longtime. I think this ‘family’ philosophy is part of the reason.) So the whole buildingis made up of open office areas for each customer unit. In this building wehave one continuous
staircase that link all the areas. When the staff come outof her ‘company’s work area, she sees the entire building and feels she is partof the XYZ family.
The architect also considered a lot of theinputs from the existing staff.
The old office building was made up of manyclosed areas separated by cabinets. The staff did not feel good about it. Inthe new building , we use see through glass walls to give a feeling oftransparency and fairness to all staff.For example , on this executive
floor , when you come in, you can seeall offices are using these glass walls. You can probably get this feeling of spaceand openness.
= = = =
In Hyderabad, because so many companiescompeting for resources (good people), it is always a challenge for companiesto attract, and retain good staff. XYZ did alotto reinforce this ‘family’ feeling among staff – free lunch / dinner(even breakfast), tea
/ coffees and other drinks are also free, companycoaches to pick up staff to work. Thereare also periodic company events.
·* * Other tips to those who mayvisit India companies in future * *
Electric poweris still not stable (although much better than 10 years ago) There are alwaysseveral short breaks in electric power everyday.
The incomedifference is huge in India. For example,there are servers in the company who only serve tea and coffee in theoffice. These people may be earning only USD 100 per month! There are also full time drivers.
Infrastructure is still much behind China. InHyderabad, they are building their Subway – target to get the first linerunning in 2014 / 15 timeframe. Many rides motorbike to work. I do notrecommend you to drive yourself (even if you have an international drivinglicense).
It is because the traffic is so chaotic, especially in the rushhours.
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