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Sun Java Bugs that affect lucene

  • jade
Sometimes Lucene runs amok of bugs in Sun's Java implementation. In certain cases we whittle it down to a small test case, open an issue with Sun, and hopefully Sun fixes it. In other cases we know the bug is in the JRE but we haven't narrowed it enough to open a bug with Sun. Sometimes we can work out a simple workaround in Lucene.

We try to open a Lucene mirror bug to provide details on how Lucene is affected, iterate on a compact test case for Sun, etc.

If you are affected by one of these issues that Sun has yet to accept or resolve, or simply have some spare votes, please consider adding your vote to the bug (on Sun's bug page):

Sun bug
Lucene mirror bug
Impact to Lucene
State, Priority

NIOFSDirectory has very poor performance on Windows
Accepted, Low
Use FSDirectory or MMapDirectory on Windows

You hit a false OutOfMemoryException when loading norms in an index with many docs
Accepted, Low
Locally patch Lucene to load large contiguous byte sequences in chunks

Index corruption
Fixed as of 1.6.0_10, High
Lucene code base has a workaround in it

MMapDirectory won't close files until GC (higher transient disk usage than other FSDir); MMapDirectory returns 0 bytes when used for read/write access in remote (SMB/CIFS) mount
Cause Known, Low
Use a different Directory implementation

(No sun bug yet)
SEGV during indexing, with Java 1.6 64 bit
(No compact test case yet)
None known

(No sun bug yet)
Discussed here and here
On 64 bit JREs, reading from files may hang (??)
(Still characterizing)
None known

No impact as of 3.1/4.0 -- we now avoid calling new String(int[], int, int)
Fix Delivered, Bug




    Oracle has two products that implement Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE) 7: Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 7 and Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) 7. JDK 7 is a superset of JRE 7, and contains ...


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    Bugs Hunter的描述中提到“误报不少”,这意味着工具可能无法区分真正的漏洞和正常代码,需要用户具备一定的专业知识,对结果进行二次确认。这是因为代码的复杂性和上下文依赖使得自动检测工具难以做到百分之百准确...


    Java 语言设计始于 1991 年,SUN 公司想在消费类电子产品方面寻求市场,成立了由 James Gosling 领导的 Green 开发小组,首要目标是编写可内嵌于家用小型电器设备内部的软件,使得机器更聪明,更具有人工智能。...

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    Microsoft Press Hunting Security Bugs

    Offering practical advice, hands-on guidance and code samples, this essential guide will help you to find, classify, and assess security bugs before your software is released.

    Microsoft.Press.Hunting.Security.Bugs chm

    Microsoft.Press.Hunting.Security.Bugs chm Microsoft.Press.Hunting.Security.Bugs chm

    find_bugs 工具



    former editor of TheServerSide, recently blogged (after a painful debugging session that ultimately revealed a threading bug) that most Java programs are so rife with concurrency bugs that they work ...


    DJ Java Decompiler ver. for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 THE PURPOSE: DJ Java Decompiler is decompiler for Java which reconstructs the original source code from the compiled binary CLASS files ...

    What bugs in the cloud?

    在云计算系统中,存在着各种各样的问题和故障,这些被称为“云中的bug”。由于云计算在现代数据中心基础设施中扮演着核心角色,云系统的开发和部署问题的研究就显得尤为重要。该研究通过对六个流行的云系统(Hadoop ...

    OpenGL GLFW

    GLFW 3.0.4 is available for download. It adds fixes for a number of bugs that together affect all supported platforms, most notably MinGW compilation.

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    eclipse find bugs 插件使用

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    The BUGS Book A Practical Introduction to Bayesian Analysis

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    discovRE: Efficient Cross-Architecture Identification of Bugs in Binary Code是发表在NDSS'16会议上的论文。本文在SP'15的基础上提出了在效率和效果上都有提高的跨架构二进制代码漏洞检测方案。 Abstract & ...

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