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information an event carries assumes that events are composite objects able to carry
information,and so on.
The plan descriptors we use provide an identifier,the triggering event type,the
plan steps as well as a short natural language description,a context specification in-
dicating when this plan should be used and a list of data read and written.
Event descriptors are used to fully specify all events,including those identified ear-
lier.The event descriptor should identify the purpose of the event and any data that
the event carries.We also indicate for each event whether it is expected to be covered
and whether it is expected to be unambiguous.An event is covered if there is always at
least one handling plan which is applicable;that is,for any situation,at least one of the
matching plans will have a true context condition.An event is unambiguous if there is
always at most one handling plan which is applicable.
Data descriptors should specify the fields and methods of any classes used for data
storage within the system.If specialised data structures are provided for maintaining
beliefs,these should also be specified.
An additional artifact that is completed(and checked)at this point is the data dic-
tionary.The data dictionary should be started at the beginning of the project and devel-
oped further at each stage.The data dictionary is important in ensuring consistent use
of names(for example,what is called“delivery info”in one place in the design should
not be called“deliv.information”elsewhere).One option is to organise the data dic-
tionary into separate sections for agents,capabilities,plans,events and data,organised
alphabetically within sections.The other option is to have a flat alphabetical structure.
With tool support multiple views(automatically generated)can be provided.
5 Discussion and conclusions
We have briefly described the key aspects of the Prometheus methodology.The method-
ology has been in use for several years and has been taught in industry workshops(most
recently at the Australian AI conference,2001).The methodology has been in use for
several years as a teaching tool.The feedback we have received indicates that it provides
substantial guidance for the process of developing the design and for communicating
the design within a work group.With student projects it is abundantly clear that the
existence of the methodology is an enormous help in thinking about and deciding on
the design issues,as well as conveying the design decisions.
One of the advantages of this
methodology is the number of places
where automated tools can be used for
consistency checking across the vari-
ous artifacts of the design process.For
example,the input and output events
for an agent must be the same on the
system overview diagram and on the
agent overview diagram.Agent Ori-
ented Software has constructed a sup-
port tool for the methodology that al-
lows design diagrams to be drawn and generates corresponding skeleton code(in
We are also investigating how some of the design artifacts,such as the protocol
definitions,and the capability diagrams,can be used for providing debugging and trac-
ing support within the implemented system[21].Having a design methodology which
can be used through to testing and debugging is clearly advantageous in terms of an
integrated and complete methodology.
Other areas for future work include:clearer integration of goals as a first class con-
cept,extensions to the graphical notation to allow percepts,actions,goals,and(some)
sequencing information to be specified;introduction of social concepts(teams,roles);
and investigating the commonalities and differences with various extensions of UML to
agents[19,20].Additionally,we intend to integrate Prometheus with the agent concepts
we have identified[26].
Acknowledgements:We would like to acknowledge the support of Agent Ori-
ented Software Pty.Ltd.and of the Australian Research Council(ARC)under grant
CO0106934.We would also like to thank James Harland and Jamie Curmi for com-
ments on drafts of this paper.
information,and so on.
The plan descriptors we use provide an identifier,the triggering event type,the
plan steps as well as a short natural language description,a context specification in-
dicating when this plan should be used and a list of data read and written.
Event descriptors are used to fully specify all events,including those identified ear-
lier.The event descriptor should identify the purpose of the event and any data that
the event carries.We also indicate for each event whether it is expected to be covered
and whether it is expected to be unambiguous.An event is covered if there is always at
least one handling plan which is applicable;that is,for any situation,at least one of the
matching plans will have a true context condition.An event is unambiguous if there is
always at most one handling plan which is applicable.
Data descriptors should specify the fields and methods of any classes used for data
storage within the system.If specialised data structures are provided for maintaining
beliefs,these should also be specified.
An additional artifact that is completed(and checked)at this point is the data dic-
tionary.The data dictionary should be started at the beginning of the project and devel-
oped further at each stage.The data dictionary is important in ensuring consistent use
of names(for example,what is called“delivery info”in one place in the design should
not be called“deliv.information”elsewhere).One option is to organise the data dic-
tionary into separate sections for agents,capabilities,plans,events and data,organised
alphabetically within sections.The other option is to have a flat alphabetical structure.
With tool support multiple views(automatically generated)can be provided.
5 Discussion and conclusions
We have briefly described the key aspects of the Prometheus methodology.The method-
ology has been in use for several years and has been taught in industry workshops(most
recently at the Australian AI conference,2001).The methodology has been in use for
several years as a teaching tool.The feedback we have received indicates that it provides
substantial guidance for the process of developing the design and for communicating
the design within a work group.With student projects it is abundantly clear that the
existence of the methodology is an enormous help in thinking about and deciding on
the design issues,as well as conveying the design decisions.
One of the advantages of this
methodology is the number of places
where automated tools can be used for
consistency checking across the vari-
ous artifacts of the design process.For
example,the input and output events
for an agent must be the same on the
system overview diagram and on the
agent overview diagram.Agent Ori-
ented Software has constructed a sup-
port tool for the methodology that al-
lows design diagrams to be drawn and generates corresponding skeleton code(in
We are also investigating how some of the design artifacts,such as the protocol
definitions,and the capability diagrams,can be used for providing debugging and trac-
ing support within the implemented system[21].Having a design methodology which
can be used through to testing and debugging is clearly advantageous in terms of an
integrated and complete methodology.
Other areas for future work include:clearer integration of goals as a first class con-
cept,extensions to the graphical notation to allow percepts,actions,goals,and(some)
sequencing information to be specified;introduction of social concepts(teams,roles);
and investigating the commonalities and differences with various extensions of UML to
agents[19,20].Additionally,we intend to integrate Prometheus with the agent concepts
we have identified[26].
Acknowledgements:We would like to acknowledge the support of Agent Ori-
ented Software Pty.Ltd.and of the Australian Research Council(ARC)under grant
CO0106934.We would also like to thank James Harland and Jamie Curmi for com-
ments on drafts of this paper.
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4. **启动服务**:重启Prometheus服务以应用新的配置。 #### Grafana集成 Grafana是一款功能强大的可视化工具,常用于展示Prometheus收集的数据。通过将Prometheus作为数据源与Grafana集成,可以创建丰富多彩的...
4. 启动Prometheus服务:`./service.sh`。 5. 通过Web访问Prometheus UI:http://localhost:9090。 二、Grafana部署 Grafana是一款流行的可视化工具,可以将Prometheus等数据源的数据展示成图表。 1. 下载Grafana...
4. **警报管理**:Prometheus内置了警报管理器,可以定义规则将监控数据转化为警报,并通过Alertmanager发送通知到各种接收渠道。 5. **客户端库和代理**:Prometheus提供了多种语言的客户端库,方便在应用中集成...
### prometheus+grafana监控系统部署详解 #### 一、概述 随着信息技术的快速发展,对系统性能和稳定性的要求越来越高。为了确保业务系统的正常运行,监控成为了一个必不可少的环节。Prometheus与Grafana作为目前...
4. 创建Prometheus Service 创建一个Service,以便其他组件可以访问Prometheus实例。 ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: prometheus spec: selector: app: prometheus ports: - port: ...
4. **配置Prometheus监控node_exporter** 修改`prometheus.yml`配置文件,添加对node_exporter的引用,如: ``` static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9090'] # 采集Prometheus自身监控数据 - job_name: '...
Prometheus 是一个开源的监控和警报系统,广泛应用于云原生环境,它以其强大的时序数据处理能力和灵活的查询语言 Prometheus Query Language ( PromQL ) 而闻名。本篇文章将详细探讨如何通过 Prometheus 的 API 进行...
4. **表达式语言 (Expression Language)**:Prometheus拥有强大的查询和表达式语言,用户可以使用它来分析和聚合监控数据。 5. **规则文件 (Rule Files)**:允许定义告警规则,当满足特定条件时,Prometheus会触发...
4. **启动Prometheus**:Prometheus提供了一个可执行文件`prometheus`,你可以通过命令行启动它。在配置文件所在的目录下运行: ``` ./prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yml ``` 5. **设置开机启动**:为了...
4. **警报管理**:Prometheus支持定义规则,当满足特定条件时触发警报,可与Alertmanager配合将警报发送至不同的通知渠道。 5. **服务发现**:Prometheus能自动发现和跟踪服务,适应微服务和容器化环境。 而...
2.33.4是Prometheus的一个稳定版本,提供了一系列改进和修复。 在“Prometheus-2.33.4 Linux二进制安装包全家桶”中,包含了以下组件: 1. **Prometheus-2.33.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz**:这是Prometheus服务器本身,...
4. **目标管理**:Prometheus使用服务发现机制来动态地跟踪要监控的服务实例。 5. **警报管理器**:Prometheus可以配置警报规则,当查询结果满足特定条件时,会触发警报并通过警报管理器发送通知。 接下来,我们...
"github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp" echoPrometheus "github.com/globocom/echo-prometheus" ) func main () { e := echo . New () e . Use ( echoPrometheus . MetricsMiddleware ()) ...
4. **Prometheus Query Language (PromQL)**: PromQL 是一种强大的查询语言,用于从 Prometheus 数据库中提取实时度量信息。例如,你可以用它来计算过去一小时的平均响应时间,或者检测服务是否出现异常。 5. **...
4. 使用`prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yml`命令启动Prometheus服务。 5. 浏览器访问`http://localhost:9090`查看Prometheus Web UI,确认服务已正常运行。 了解并熟练掌握Prometheus的配置和使用,能够帮助...
4. **警报管理**:Prometheus允许设置警报规则,当特定条件满足时(例如,CPU利用率超过90%),它将触发警报,并通过Alertmanager发送通知给相关人员。在Windows环境下,这有助于及时发现和处理问题。 5. **集成与...
4. **运行Prometheus**: 启动Prometheus服务器,可以使用解压后目录中的`prometheus`二进制文件: ``` ./prometheus-2.49.1.linux-amd64/prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yml ``` 如果没有指定配置文件...
4. **rule_files**:存放Prometheus规则文件的地方,这些文件定义了当某些条件满足时触发警报的逻辑。 5. **docs**:包含Prometheus的文档,帮助用户理解如何使用和配置Prometheus。 6. **licences**:包含软件的...
4. **Prometheus配置**: 在Prometheus配置文件中添加目标地址,指向netapp-exporter的服务端口,以便Prometheus定期拉取数据。 5. **Grafana集成**(可选): 为了可视化这些数据,可以将Prometheus配置到Grafana,...