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package jadex.examples.blocksworld;
import jadex.util.SimplePropertyChangeSupport;
import java.awt.*;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
* A block in the blocks-world.
public class Block
//-------- static part --------
/** The block counter. */
protected static int counter = 0;
//-------- attributes --------
/** The number of the block. */
protected int number;
/** The color of the block. */
protected Color color;
/** The block where this block is located on. */
protected Block lower;
/** The block located on upper of this block. */
protected Block upper;
/** The helper object for bean events. */
public SimplePropertyChangeSupport pcs;
/** The x translation for drawing (0-1). */
protected double dx;
/** The y translation for drawing (0-1). */
protected double dy;
//-------- constructors --------
* Create a new block.
* @param color The color of the block.
* @param lower The block where this block is located on.
public Block(Color color, Block lower)
this(++counter, color, lower);
* Create a new block.
* @param number The number of the block.
* @param color The color of the block.
* @param lower The block where this block is located on.
public Block(int number, Color color, Block lower)
this.number = number;
this.color = color;
this.pcs = new SimplePropertyChangeSupport(this);
//-------- methods --------
* Get the color of the block.
* @return The color of the block.
public Color getColor()
return color;
* Get the block where this block is located on.
* @return The block where this block is located on.
public Block getLower()
return lower;
* Check if this block is clear.
public boolean isClear()
return upper==null;
* Move this block on top of another block.
public void stackOn(Block lower)
// Check if block can be moved.
throw new RuntimeException("Can only move clear blocks: "+this);
else if(lower==this)
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot move block on itself: "+this);
// Remove this block from old lower block.
// Move to new block.
// Check if there is space on block.
throw new RuntimeException("Can only stack on clear blocks: "+lower);
this.dx = Math.random();
this.dy = Math.random();
* Set the lower block, where this block is located on.
* @param lower The lower block.
protected void setLower(Block lower)
Block old = this.lower;
this.lower = lower;
this.pcs.firePropertyChange("lower", old, this.lower);
//-------- helper methods --------
* Add a block to this block.
protected void addBlock(Block block)
Block old = this.upper;
this.upper = block;
this.pcs.firePropertyChange("upper", old, this.upper);
* Remove a block from this block.
protected void removeBlock(Block block)
this.upper = null;
this.pcs.firePropertyChange("upper", block, null);
* Create a string representation of this block.
public String toString()
return "Block "+number;
* Check for equality.
public boolean equals(Object o)
return o instanceof Block
&& ((Block)o).number==number
&& ((Block)o).getColor().equals(getColor());
//-------- property methods --------
* Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
* The listener is registered for all properties.
* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be added.
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
* Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
* This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered
* for all properties.
* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be removed.
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
import jadex.util.SimplePropertyChangeSupport;
import java.awt.*;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
* A block in the blocks-world.
public class Block
//-------- static part --------
/** The block counter. */
protected static int counter = 0;
//-------- attributes --------
/** The number of the block. */
protected int number;
/** The color of the block. */
protected Color color;
/** The block where this block is located on. */
protected Block lower;
/** The block located on upper of this block. */
protected Block upper;
/** The helper object for bean events. */
public SimplePropertyChangeSupport pcs;
/** The x translation for drawing (0-1). */
protected double dx;
/** The y translation for drawing (0-1). */
protected double dy;
//-------- constructors --------
* Create a new block.
* @param color The color of the block.
* @param lower The block where this block is located on.
public Block(Color color, Block lower)
this(++counter, color, lower);
* Create a new block.
* @param number The number of the block.
* @param color The color of the block.
* @param lower The block where this block is located on.
public Block(int number, Color color, Block lower)
this.number = number;
this.color = color;
this.pcs = new SimplePropertyChangeSupport(this);
//-------- methods --------
* Get the color of the block.
* @return The color of the block.
public Color getColor()
return color;
* Get the block where this block is located on.
* @return The block where this block is located on.
public Block getLower()
return lower;
* Check if this block is clear.
public boolean isClear()
return upper==null;
* Move this block on top of another block.
public void stackOn(Block lower)
// Check if block can be moved.
throw new RuntimeException("Can only move clear blocks: "+this);
else if(lower==this)
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot move block on itself: "+this);
// Remove this block from old lower block.
// Move to new block.
// Check if there is space on block.
throw new RuntimeException("Can only stack on clear blocks: "+lower);
this.dx = Math.random();
this.dy = Math.random();
* Set the lower block, where this block is located on.
* @param lower The lower block.
protected void setLower(Block lower)
Block old = this.lower;
this.lower = lower;
this.pcs.firePropertyChange("lower", old, this.lower);
//-------- helper methods --------
* Add a block to this block.
protected void addBlock(Block block)
Block old = this.upper;
this.upper = block;
this.pcs.firePropertyChange("upper", old, this.upper);
* Remove a block from this block.
protected void removeBlock(Block block)
this.upper = null;
this.pcs.firePropertyChange("upper", block, null);
* Create a string representation of this block.
public String toString()
return "Block "+number;
* Check for equality.
public boolean equals(Object o)
return o instanceof Block
&& ((Block)o).number==number
&& ((Block)o).getColor().equals(getColor());
//-------- property methods --------
* Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
* The listener is registered for all properties.
* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be added.
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
* Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
* This removes a PropertyChangeListener that was registered
* for all properties.
* @param listener The PropertyChangeListener to be removed.
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
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staticBlock.java 演示静态块的使用 staticVar.java 定义静态变量 supplyTest.java 对象作为静态成员使用示例 trySwap.java 试图交换两个形参的值 useOnlyTest.java 创建多个对象,演示this的作用 ...
EarthForge 是一个用 Java 编写的基于块的 2D 生存游戏。它建立在 UtiliGame 引擎之上。 文件 EarthForge-master.zip 具有以下条目。 EarthForge Readme.txt/* w ww ....src/com/earthforge/obj/Block.java
- `Block.java`: - 包含一个ImageIcon对象表示方块上的图标。 - 提供了设置和获取图标的接口`setOpenStateIcon`和`getOpenStateIcon`。 - `ShowRecordDialog.java`: - 保存了成绩文件和清除按钮等成员变量。 ...
- “Block.java” 可能被误识别为“BlockJbubtton” - “Record.java” 被误识别为“Record4.Record” 在实际的编程实践中,需要仔细检查代码和文档,并对上述的错误进行校正。 ### 总结 这份报告所描述的记忆...
这里我们分析给定的四个关键文件:Block.java、LayMines.java、BlockView.java 和 MineFrame.java。 1. **Block.java**: 这个文件定义了扫雷游戏中最基本的单元——`Block`类。`Block`类代表游戏中的一个格子,它...
- 游戏的实现涉及7个Java源文件,包括PuzzleGame.java、PuzzlePad.java、Point.java、Block.java、HandleImage.java、VerifySuccess.java和HandleMove.java。 - 需要利用Java提供的关键类,如JMenuItem、JButton和...
#### 2.3 `Block.java` - **成员变量**:`ImageIcon openStateIcon`存储方块当前显示的图标。 - **方法**:`setOpenStateIcon(ImageIcon)`设置图标,`getOpenStateIcon()`获取图标。 #### 2.4 `ShowRecordDialog....
在Java中,`java.security.Key`接口和`javax.crypto.KeyGenerator`类可用于生成和管理密钥。 2. 模式选择:AES支持多种工作模式,如ECB(Electronic Codebook)、CBC(Cipher Block Chaining)、CFB(Cipher ...
本篇文章将围绕“Java_game_russia-Block.zip”这一项目,详细介绍一个基于Java实现的网络版俄罗斯方块游戏的课程设计,以及其背后涉及的重要知识点。 首先,让我们理解项目的背景。这个课程设计旨在构建一个网络...
在Java编程领域,"ReadBlock.zip" 文件似乎与Oracle数据库中的数据块读取操作有关。Oracle数据库是一个广泛使用的关系型数据库管理系统,它以数据块为基本的存储单元。在这个项目中,我们有一个名为 "ReadBlock.java...
3. `Block.java` - 表示游戏中的一个方块,包含雷的状态和位置信息。 4. `BlockView.java` - 方块的视图,负责显示方块的外观。 5. `LayMines.java` - 雷的布局,用于随机生成雷的位置。 6. `ShowRecord.java` - ...
首先,我们来看关键的三个类:Operation.java、Block.java和My2048.java。这三个文件构成了游戏的核心逻辑和界面展示。 1. Operation.java:这个类很可能负责处理用户的所有操作,如滑动事件。在2048游戏中,滑动是...
而`Block.java`可能是表示游戏中的每个图片块的类,包含了图片信息和状态(翻开或未翻开)。 至于图片文件,如`ani5.jpg`、`car3.jpg`、`car5.jpg`等,它们是游戏中的实际图片资源,可能被用作游戏中的卡片图案,...
4. Block.java - 表示方块,存储数值或图像信息。 5. HandleImage.java - 处理图像操作,如分割和重组。 6. VerifySuccess.java - 检查游戏是否成功,即方块或图像是否已正确排序。 7. HandleMove.java - 管理方块的...
3. **Block.java**:`Block`类扩展自`JButton`,为`MemoryTestArea`的`ArrayList<Block>`提供实例。每个`Block`对象代表游戏中的一个可点击方块,可以设置和获取其状态图标,允许游戏逻辑检查和更新方块的状态。 4....
文件名可能会进一步细分为如GameBoard.java(游戏板)、Block.java(方块类)、Player.java(玩家控制)和Controller.java(事件处理器)等,每个类负责不同的功能。 详细知识点: 1. 面向对象编程:Java是一种面向...