A uniform resource locator, abbreviated URL, also known as web address, is a specific character string that constitutes a reference to a resource. In most web browsers, the URL of a web page is displayed on top inside an address bar. An example of a typical URL would be "http://en.example.org/wiki/Main_Page". A URL is technically a type of uniform resource identifier (URI), but in many technical documents and verbal discussions, URL is often used as a synonym for URI, and this is not considered a problem.[1]
Every URL consists of the following:
- the scheme name (commonly called protocol), then
- a colon, two slashes,[note 1], then
- a host, normally given as a domain name[note 2] but sometimes as a literal IP address, then
- optionally a port number, then
- the full path of the resource
In computing, a uniform resource identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a name of a web resource. Such identification enables interaction with representations of the web resource over a network (typically the World Wide Web) using specific protocols. Schemes specifying a concrete syntax and associated protocols define each URI.
这是 URI地址,URI就是表示web资源的字串,就是标识资源的一种方式,通过名字或者地址,
再来 看URN
A uniform resource name (URN) is the historical name for a uniform resource identifier (URI) that uses the urn:
这 就是URN定义,就是使用urn:这种schme的uri的历史名字。
最后 又在网络上收到的下面的对比:
A URI identifies a resource either by location, or a name, or both. More often than not, most of us use URIs that defines a location to a resource. The fact that a URI can identify a resources by both name and location has lead to a lot of the confusion in my opionion. A URI has two specializations known as URL and URN.
A URI identifies a resource by name in a given namespace but not define how the resource maybe obtained. This type of URI is called a URN. You may see URNs used in XML Schema documents to define a namespace, usually using a syntax such as:
<xsd:schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
Here the targetNamespace
use a URN. It defines an identifier to the namespace, but it does not define a location.
A URL is a specialization of URI that defines the network location of a specific resource. Unlike a URN, the URL defines how the resource can be obtained. We use URLs every day in the form of http://damnhandy.com, etc. But a URL doesn’t have to be an HTTP URL, it can be ftp://damnhandy.com, smb://damnhandy.com, etc.
#### 三、URI与URL之间的区别及联系 - **区别**: - **URI**是对资源的标识,不提供如何访问该资源的信息。 - **URL**是一种特殊的URI,不仅标识资源,还提供访问资源的方法。 - **URN**(Uniform Resource Name...
URI、URL和URN之间的关系是:URI是顶层概念,包括了URL和URN。URL是URI的一种具体形式,用于提供资源的访问途径,而URN则提供了一个永久性的名字,即使资源的物理位置改变,依然可以通过URN找到资源。 在Java中,...
URI 不仅包括了 URL(Uniform Resource Locator,统一资源定位符),还包含了 URN(Uniform Resource Name,统一资源名称)。URL 是 URI 的一个子集,它提供了资源的具体位置,可以用来获取资源。URL 的结构通常包含...
二、URI和URL的区别及关系 简而言之,URI是标识某一个资源,而URL用位置来标识一个资源。 一、URI、URL和URN Web上地址的基本形式是URI,它有多种形式:常见的有URL和URN。 URI = Universal Resource Identifier ...
其中,URL,URN是URI的子集。 Web上地址的基本形式是URI,它代表统一资源标识符。有两种形式: URL:目前URI的最普遍形式就是无处不在的URL或统一资源定位器。 URN:URL的一种更新形式,统一资源名称(URN, Uniform ...
- **修改URI组件**:你可以单独修改URI的任何部分,如更改路径、添加或删除查询参数、更新主机名等,然后重新组合成一个新的URI字符串。 - **规范化和比较URI**:Uri库支持URI的规范化,确保相同含义的URI以相同的...
URI(Uniform Resource Identifier)和URL(Uniform Resource Locator)是互联网上资源定位的两种重要概念,它们之间存在着密切的关系,但又有明显的区别。 URI是统一资源标识符,它是一个全局唯一的字符串,用于...
URI(Uniform Resource Identifier)和URL(Uniform Resource Locator)是互联网上资源定位的两种重要概念。它们虽然在功能上有所重叠,但有着明确的区别。 首先,URI,统一资源标志符,是一个抽象的概念,用于唯一...
在讨论URI时,常常会遇到其他类似的术语,例如URL(Uniform Resource Locator,统一资源定位符)和URN(Uniform Resource Name,统一资源名称)。这些术语之间的关系如下: - **URL**:URL是一种特殊的URI,用于...
URI(统一资源标识符)和URL(统一资源定位符)是互联网资源定位的基础概念,而URN(统一资源名称)则是一种特殊的URI,用于持久命名资源。本文将深入探讨这些概念及其在Java中的实现。 首先,URI是全球唯一的资源...
Java 8 documentation for class URI, a good reference for recapping the concepts and use cases of URI/URL/URN.
### 磁力链接(Magnet URI):一种基于内容识别的链接方式 #### 一、磁力链接的概念与特点 磁力链接(Magnet URI)是一种特殊的链接格式,主要用于点对点(P2P)文件共享网络中,如BitTorrent。与传统的HTTP或FTP...
在Web应用中,URI扮演着至关重要的角色,它用于定位网络资源,包括URL(Uniform Resource Locator)和URN(Uniform Resource Name)。URI.js 提供了一套完整的API,使得开发者可以轻松地解析、构建、修改和操作URI。...
在IT行业中,URI(Uniform Resource Identifier)是一种标准的标识资源的方式,它包括URL(Uniform Resource Locator)和URN(Uniform Resource Name)。"VSoft.Uri-master_SimpleUriParser_"这个项目是针对URI解析...
URI是互联网上资源的唯一标识符,包括我们常见的URL(Uniform Resource Locator)和URN(Uniform Resource Name)。这份文档详细阐述了URI的构建块、语法、编码规则以及解析过程,对于理解互联网资源的定位和引用至...
它包含了URL(Uniform Resource Locator)和URN(Uniform Resource Name),是互联网上的资源定位和命名的核心部分。URI schemes则是定义如何解析和访问这些资源的特定协议或方式。本文将深入探讨"uri-schemes-1.x-...
分层URI(Hierarchical Uniform Resource Identifier)是互联网上资源的唯一标识,如URL(Uniform Resource Locator)和URN(Uniform Resource Name)。本资料主要探讨了如何使用JavaScript来处理和解析这些在网络...