commons lang 是 apache commons系列中使用频率最多的一个包,现在2.5版发布,不再支持Java 1.2,还有一些增强,修复了一些BUG
These are the release notes and advice for upgrading Commons-Lang from version 2.4 to version 2.5.
This document contains the release notes for the 2.5 version of Apache Commons Lang.
Commons Lang is a set of utility functions and reusable components that should be of use in any Java environment.
Lang 2.5 no longer attempts to target the Java 1.2 environment and now targets Java 1.3.
* [LANG-583] - ArrayUtils - add isNotEmpty() methods
* [LANG-534] - ArrayUtils - add nullToEmpty() methods
* [LANG-454] - CharRange - provide an iterator that lets you walk the chars in the range
* [LANG-514] - CharRange - add more readable static builder methods
* [ ] - ClassUtils - new isAssignable() methods with autoboxing
* [LANG-535] - ClassUtils - add support to getShortClassName and getPackageName for arrays
* [LANG-434] - DateUtils - add ceiling() method
* [LANG-486] - DateUtils - add parseDateStrictly() method
* [LANG-466] - EqualsBuilder - add reset() method
* [LANG-461] - NumberUtils - add toByte() and toShort() methods
* [LANG-522] - Mutable numbers - add string constructors
* [ ] - MutableBoolean - add toBoolean(), isTrue() and isFalse() methods
* [LANG-422] - StrBuilder - add appendSeparator() methods with an alternative default separator if the StrBuilder is currently empty
* [LANG-555] - SystemUtils - add IS_OS_WINDOWS_7 constant
* [LANG-554] - SystemUtils - add IS_JAVA_1_7 constant for JDK 1.7
* [LANG-405] - StringUtils - add abbreviateMiddle() method
* [LANG-569] - StringUtils - add indexOfIgnoreCase() and lastIndexOfIgnoreCase() methods
* [LANG-471] - StringUtils - add isAllUpperCase() and isAllLowerCase() methods
* [LANG-469] - StringUtils - add lastOrdinalIndexOf() method to complement the existing ordinalIndexOf() method
* [LANG-438] - StringUtils - add repeat() method
* [LANG-445] - StringUtils - add startsWithAny() method
* [LANG-430] - StringUtils - add upperCase(String, Locale) and lowerCase(String, Locale) methods
* [LANG-416] - New Reflection package containing ConstructorUtils, FieldUtils, MemberUtils and MethodUtils
* [LANG-494] - CharSet - Synchronizing the COMMON Map so that getInstance doesn't miss a put from a subclass in another thread
* [LANG-500] - ClassUtils - improving performance of getAllInterfaces
* [LANG-587] - ClassUtils - toClass() throws NullPointerException on null array element
* [LANG-530] - DateUtils - Fix parseDate() cannot parse ISO8601 dates produced by FastDateFormat
* [LANG-440] - DateUtils - round() doesn't work correct for Calendar.AM_PM
* [LANG-443] - DateUtils - improve tests
* [LANG-204] - Entities - multithreaded initialization
* [LANG-506] - Entities - missing final modifiers; thread-safety issues
* [LANG-76] - EnumUtils - getEnum() doesn't work well in 1.5+
* [LANG-584] - ExceptionUtils - use immutable lock target
* [LANG-477] - ExtendedMessageFormat - OutOfMemory with a pattern containing single quotes
* [LANG-538] - FastDateFormat - call getTime() on a calendar to ensure timezone is in the right state
* [LANG-547] - FastDateFormat - Remove unused field
* [LANG-511] - LocaleUtils - initialization of available locales can be deferred
* [LANG-457] - NumberUtils - createNumber() thows a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for "l"
* [LANG-521] - NumberUtils - isNumber(String) and createNumber(String) both modified to support '2.'
* [LANG-432] - StringUtils - improve handling of case-insensitive Strings
* [LANG-552] - StringUtils - replaceEach() no longer NPEs when null appears in the last String[]
* [LANG-460] - StringUtils - correct JavaDocs for startsWith() and startsWithIgnoreCase()
* [LANG-421] - StringEscapeUtils - escapeJava() escapes '/' characters
* [LANG-450] - StringEscapeUtils - change escapeJavaStyleString() to throw UnhandledException instead swallowing IOException
* [LANG-419] - WordUtils - fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when lower is greater than the String length
* [LANG-523] - StrBuilder - Performance improvement by doubling the size of the String in ensureCapacity
* [LANG-575] - Compare, Equals and HashCode builders - use ArrayUtils to avoid creating a temporary List
* [LANG-467] - EqualsBuilder - removing the special handling of BigDecimal (LANG-393) to use compareTo
* [LANG-574] - HashCodeBuilder - Performance improvement: check for isArray to short-circuit the 9 instanceof checks
* [LANG-520] - HashCodeBuilder - Changing the hashCode() method to return toHashCode()
* [LANG-459] - HashCodeBuilder - reflectionHashCode() can generate incorrect hashcodes
* [LANG-586] - HashCodeBuilder and ToStringStyle - use of ThreadLocal causes memory leaks in container environments
* [LANG-487] - ToStringBuilder - make default style thread-safe
* [LANG-472] - RandomUtils - nextLong() always produces even numbers
* [LANG-592] - RandomUtils - RandomUtils tests are failing frequently
初用spring mvc 找各种包用了...commons-lang-2.5.jar commons-logging-1.1.1.jar ibatis- ibatis包 jstl.jar jstl支持包 log4j-1.2.15.jar log4j日志 mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar mysql 连接包
- `commons-lang-2.4.jar`:Apache Commons Lang提供了大量的Java语言实用工具类。 - `commons-beanutils.jar`:Apache Commons BeanUtils提供了对JavaBean属性操作的简单抽象。 - `commons-dbcp.jar`:Apache ...
6. **Commons Lang** (commons-lang-2.5.jar):Apache Commons Lang 是一个实用工具类库,补充了 Java 核心库中的语言特性,包括字符串处理、日期和时间操作等。 7. **Commons Pool** (commons-pool-1.5.5.jar):...
9. `commons-lang-2.5.jar`:Apache Commons Lang,提供了许多 Java 核心库没有的实用工具类,例如字符串处理、日期时间操作等,这些在处理 AMQP 消息时可能会用到。 10. `org.springframework.transaction-3.1.1....
<commons-lang3.version>3.3.2</commons-lang3.version> <commons-io.version>1.3.2</commons-io.version> <commons-net.version>3.3</commons-net.version> <pagehelper.version>3.4.2-fix ...
该库引入了Apache Commons Lang库中的函数,为JSP页面提供了丰富的字符串操作和其他实用函数,如字符串截取、大小写转换等。 **I18N库(Internationalization):** 用于处理国际化和本地化,提供`<fmt:bundle>`、`...
2.5. Web层 2.5.1. Spring MVC的表单标签库 2.5.2. Spring MVC合理的默认值 2.5.3. Portlet 框架 2.6. 其他特性 2.6.1. 动态语言支持 2.6.2. JMX 2.6.3. 任务规划 2.6.4. 对Java 5(Tiger)的支持 2.7. ... 引入通知 7.4. Spring里的advisor(Advisor) API 7.5. 使用ProxyFactoryBean创建AOP代理 7.5.1. 基础 7.5.2. JavaBean属性 7.5.3. 基于JDK和CGLIB的代理 7.5.4. 对接口进行代理 7.5.5. 对类进行代理 7.5.6...
2.5. Web层 2.5.1. Spring MVC的表单标签库 2.5.2. Spring MVC合理的默认值 2.5.3. Portlet 框架 2.6. 其他特性 2.6.1. 动态语言支持 2.6.2. JMX 2.6.3. 任务规划 2.6.4. 对Java 5(Tiger)的支持 2.7. ...
2. Spring 2.0和 2.5的新特性 2.1. 简介 2.2. 控制反转(IoC)容器 2.2.1. 新的bean作用域 2.2.2. 更简单的XML配置 2.2.3. 可扩展的XML编写 2.2.4. Annotation(注解)驱动配置 2.2.5. 在classpath中自动搜索组件...
2.5. Web层 2.5.1. Spring MVC合理的默认值 2.5.2. Portlet 框架 2.5.3. 基于Annotation的控制器 2.5.4. Spring MVC的表单标签库 2.5.5. 对Tiles 2 支持 2.5.6. 对JSF 1.2支持 2.5.7. JAX-WS支持 2.6. 其他 ...