大拇指规则 (RULE OF THUMB) 可以理解诚是一种试探法 (heuristics)
试探法 (heuristics):The high-level, often imprecise rules of thumb and intuitive reasoning that experts use to solve problems.
大拇指规则字面的理解应该是从经验阿实践中总结得出的方法和规则什么的,不是经过科学实验得出的, 因为老早以前没有温度计,别人烧水啊什么的时候呢就没得知道到底有多热了,所以呢就用大拇指浸一下,大叫一声烫啊,然后就可以知道,哇,水已经很热了。还有一种说法呢,就比较正常一点人性化一点了,因为古代的时候大家都是用便于计量的单位来计量的,比方说脚阿手指头阿什么的,忘记掉以前哪个英国国王说滴,诺,从我鼻子到我伸出的手指头就是一yard.
在英国普通法中, 有一条“大拇指规则”(rule of thumb), 意即只要用一根比大拇指小的棍子鞭打妻子,便不属虐待妻子行.
"rule of thumb"
by Mark Israel
[This is a fast-access FAQ excerpt.]
This term for "a simple principle having wide application but not
intended to be strictly accurate" dates from 1692. A frequently
repeated story is that "rule of thumb" comes from an old law
regulating wife-beating: "if a stick were used, it should not be
thicker than a man's thumb." Jesse Sheidlower writes at
[The URL that was given above is no longer valid. Jesse's
article on "rule of thumb" is now at
"It seems that in 1782 a well-respected English judge named Francis
Buller made a public statement that a man had the right to beat his
wife as long as the stick was no thicker than his thumb. There was
a public outcry, with satirical cartoons in newspapers, and the
story still appeared in biographies of Buller written almost a
century later. Several legal rulings and books in the late
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries mention the practice as
something some people believe is true. There are also earlier
precedents for the supposed right of a man to beat his wife.
"This 'rule' is probably not related to the phrase 'rule of
thumb', however. For one thing, the phrase is [...] attested
[earlier ...]. (Of course, it's possible that it was a well-known,
but unrecorded, practice before Buller.) Another problem is that
the phrase 'rule of thumb' is never found in connection with the
beating practice until the 1970s. Finally, there is no semantic
link [... from what was presumably a very specific distinction to
the current sense 'rough guideline']. The precise origin of 'rule
of thumb' is not certain, but it seems likely to refer to the thumb
as a rough measuring device ('rule' meaning 'ruler' rather than
'regulation'), which is a common practice. The linkage of the
phrase to the wife-beating rule appears to be based on a
misinterpretation of a 1976 National Organization of Women report,
which mentioned the phrase and the practice but did not imply a
connection. There is more information about this, with citations
from relevant sources, at the Urban Legends Archive."
Thumbs were used to measure *lots* of things (the first joint
was roughly one inch long before we started growing bigger, and
French pouce means both "inch" and "thumb"). The phrase may also
come from ancient brewmasters' dipping their thumb in the brew to
test the temperature of a batch; or from a guideline for tailors:
"Twice around the thumb is once around the wrist..."
For a definitive rule of thumb, see the paper "Thumb's rule
tested: Visual angle of thumb's width is about 2 deg." by Robert P.
O'Shea in Perception, 20, 1991, pp. 415-418.
在Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 中,`Thumb`控件是一个非常实用的组件,它可以用于实现用户界面元素的拖动和缩放功能。本篇文章将深入探讨`Thumb`控件的工作原理,以及如何利用它来实现自定义控件的移动和...
### ARM及Thumb-2指令集概述 ARM架构是目前移动设备和嵌入式系统中最广泛使用的体系结构之一。它提供了一套丰富的指令集,其中包括传统的ARM指令集以及针对低功耗和高性能应用优化的Thumb-2指令集。本文将详细介绍...
在许多应用中,我们希望Seekbar的滑块(thumb)能够居中显示当前的进度,以便用户更直观地了解进度状态。"Seekbar thumb 居中显示的Demo"就是针对这一需求提供的一种实现方式。 在默认情况下,Seekbar的thumb是根据...
以下是对这些规则的详细解读: 1. **优先考虑泛型而非特化**:Stroustrup强调,C++0x的设计目标是支持更广泛的编程风格和设计模式,而不仅仅是针对特定情况的解决方案。这意味着模板和泛型编程被赋予了更高的重视,...
在上述场景中,PopupWindow可以用来展示SeekBar的进度值,提供更大的显示空间,让用户更容易阅读。使用PopupWindow时,需要注意以下几点: 1. 创建PopupWindow对象,传入一个View作为内容视图,比如一个包含进度...
这些新增指令覆盖了算术运算、数据处理、分支控制等方面,极大地增强了Thumb-2的执行效率。例如,Thumb-2 ISA支持16位和32位指令混合使用,这使得程序员可以在需要高性能时使用32位指令,在追求代码密度时使用16位...
6. **配置与自定义**:"lk-thumb"允许开发者自定义其行为,如默认的缩放算法、存储路径、文件命名规则等。这些配置通常在`config/lk-thumb.php`文件中进行设置。 7. **性能优化**:考虑到图像处理可能对服务器性能...
用法 ... 文件-您要生成拇指输出的电影的路径-输出拇指持续时间的路径-帧时间 测验 我使用mocha进行测试,首先将mocha安装为global npm i -g mocha 然后使用以下命令运行测试: npm test 享受!
经验法则 Zemoga前端开发 原型: 平板电脑原型台式机原型设计移交(Figma) 该项目是通过引导的。 可用脚本 yarn start 在开发模式下运行应用程序。 打开在浏览器中查看它。... 如果您进行编辑,则页面将重新加载。...
ARM Thumb 指令集 Thumb 指令可以看作是ARM 指令压缩形式的子集,是针对代码密度的问题而提出的,它具有16 位的代码密度。Thumb 不是一个完整的体系结构,不能指望处理只执行Thumb 指令而不支持ARM 指令集。因此,...
第四章:THUMB指令集 THUMB指令集是ARM处理器架构的一个子集,设计用于提供一个高效的16位指令编码格式,以节省代码空间。它最初是为了与经典的32位ARM指令集配合使用,允许处理器在不同的代码密度和性能需求之间...
它的指令通常更复杂,可以执行更多操作,但占用的内存空间也更大。ARM指令集包含了数据处理、分支、浮点运算、加载/存储等多种类型的指令。 Thumb指令集则设计用于减少代码大小,适合嵌入式系统和资源受限的环境。...