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Model-Driven Architecture

What is MDA-omg-omg?

We are presently witnessing an important paradigm shift occurring in the area of information system construction, namely from object and component technology to model technology. The object technology revolution has allowed the replacement of the more than twenty-years old step-wise procedural decomposition paradigm by the more fashionable object composition paradigm. Surprisingly this evolution seems itself to be triggering today another even more radical change, towards model transformation.

To understand the extent and the real meaning of the recent move from object-based to model-based architectures of information systems, it is very instructive to study the proposed new vision of the OMG (Object Management Group) called Model Driven Architecture (MDA) [1], [1]. The OMG has proposed a modeling language called UML (Unified Modeling Language) that is a great industrial success, but which applicability scope is not yet completely stabilized. In order to allow the definition of other similar languages as well, the OMG uses a general framework based on the MOF (Meta-Object Facility). Both UML and the MOF are basic building blocks of the new MDA-omg-omg architecture.

[批注] 我赞同这个说法:MDA是一个vision,它不是某一个标准,说是一个方法论也不太合适。

In this transition from code-oriented to model-oriented software production techniques, a key role is now played by the concept of meta-model. The MOF has emerged from the recognition that UML was one possible meta-model in the information system landscape, but it was not the only one. Facing the danger of having a variety of different non-compatible meta-models emerging and independently evolving (data warehouse, workflow, software process, etc.), there was an urgent need for an integration framework for all meta-models in the software development scene. The answer was thus to provide a language for defining meta-models, i.e. a meta-meta-model together with a general framework for their design, verification, evolution and maintenance. In this context, the need for general model transformation tools clearly appears. One of the main targets of MDA-omg-omg is parametric generation from high-level models to variable middleware platforms (CORBA, DotNet, EJB, Web, etc.).

Models are defined (constrained) by meta-models. A meta-model is an explicit specification of a set of concepts and relations between them. It is used as a consensual abstraction filter in a particular modeling activity. A meta-model defines a description language for a specific domain of interest (platform or business). For example UML describes the artifacts of an object-oriented software system. Some other meta-models may address other domains like process, organization, test, quality of service, etc. They correspond to highly specialized identified domains (platform or end-user) and their number may be very important. They are defined as separate components and many relationships exist between them. The long awaited silver bullet for separation of aspects could be finally in sight. Model engineering considers meta-models as first-class entities with low granularity and high abstraction. This emerging technology could be related and compared to knowledge engineering (ontologies), meta-data management, formal grammars and XML semi-structured data engineering.

Main References

  • [1] Dsouza, D. Model-Driven Architecture and Integration: Opportunities and Challenges Version 1.1, document available at www.kinetiuym.com, February 2001.
  • [2] Soley, R. and the OMG staff Model-Driven Architecture. White paper, Draft 3.2, document available at www.omg.org, November 2000.

Various Web pointers

A Q&A on the MDA-omg-omg may be found at: Model Driven Architecture FAQ

Information on the MDA-omg-omg may be mainly found on the OMG site. Many URLs are provided below.

More general info of various natures may also be found on the following sites, including commercial announcements. Some of the references just mention the MDA-omg-omg initiative. Some others discuss it in more detail. The list is unsorted, evolutive and non-exhaustive:

Local pointers

Some of the work being done locally on subjects more or less related to MDA-omg-omg are listed below:

  • Jean Bézivin: "From Object Composition to Model Transformation with the MDA-omg-omg" TOOLS USA, August 2001, Santa Barbara.<pdf>
  • Jean Bézivin, Richard Lemesle: "Ontology-based Layered Semantics for Precise OA&D Modeling" ECOOP’97, p. 31-37.<pdf>
  • Jean Bézivin, Richard Lemesle: "Some Initial Considerations on the Layered Organization of Meta-models".<pdf>
  • Jean Bézivin, Jean-Paul Bouchet, Erwan Breton: "Correspondances structurelles entre produits et procédés" (in french). <html>
  • Richard Lemesle: "Techniques de modélisation et de Méta-Modélisation" PhD Thesis, Thèse soutenue le 26 octobre 2000 à l’Université de Nantes.<pdf>
  • Richard Lemesle: "Meta-modeling and modularity : Comparison between MOF, CDIF & sNets formalisms".<pdf>
  • Jean Bézivin, Olivier Gerbé: "New Trends in Applied Model Engineering", submitted for publication.<pdf>

The following pointers may be particularly relevant:

OMG pointers

MDA-omg-omg Technology Briefing Presentations

Dr. Richard Mark Soley, Chairman and CEO, OMG: OMG Model Driven Architecture

David S. Frankel, Chief Consulting Architect, Advanced Technologies, IONA Technologies: MDA-omg-omg - Using Industry Standards for Total Business Integration

Jishnu Mukerji, Senior Systems Architect, Middleware Division: OMG, MDA-omg-omg and HP

Eric H. Castain, Senior Vice President, Business Object Services: MDA-omg-omg - Wells Fargo



Discussion papers from OMG members

  • "Model Driven Architecture" by Desmond DSouza, Kinetium, http://www.catalysis.org/publications/papers/2001-mda-reqs-desmond-6.pdf

Press Release

Corporate Background

Quote Sheet


This section will contain pointers on various software tools that could be useful within the MDA-omg-omg framework.




    ### MDA:新一代软件互操作体系结构 #### 概述 MDA(Model Driven Architecture,模型驱动架构)是OMG(Object Management Group,对象管理组织)于2001年7月提出的一种旨在解决软件互操作性问题的新一代体系结构...

    MDA Distilled: Principles of Model-Driven Architecture

    MDA Distilled is an accessible introduction to the MDA standard and its tools and technologies. The book describes the fundamental features of MDA, how they fit together, and how you can use them in ...

    OMG Model Driven Architecture (MDA) MDA Guide rev. 2.0 (ormsc-14-06-01)

    模型驱动体系架构(Model-Driven Architecture,简称MDA)是由对象管理组织(Object Management Group,简称OMG)定义的一种系统开发方法。...更多详细信息可以通过OMG提供的资源网站获取,网站地址为“***”。


    MDA(Model Driven Architecture,模型驱动架构)是一种软件开发方法论,由OMG(Object Management Group,对象管理组织)提出,旨在通过模型的抽象层次提高软件开发的效率和质量。MDA的核心思想是将软件开发过程中...


    5. **MDA的优势**:MDA方法论能够提高开发效率,因为模型可以在多个层次上被复用和修改,减少了编码量;同时,通过抽象,使得系统更易于理解和维护,减少了出错的可能性。 6. **MDA的挑战**:尽管MDA有诸多优点,但...

    MDA Dms转换方法



    ZMDA工具开发的重点在于如何有效地定义和管理这些领域的特定模型,并确保这些模型能够平滑地转化为其他模型或代码实现。 #### 三、管理和运营实践 - 在管理和运营方面,除了关注技术实现之外,还需要注重项目的...


    1. **模型层次**:MDA定义了三个主要的模型层次——概念模型(Platform Independent Model, PIM)、平台相关模型(Platform Specific Model, PSM)和代码生成。PIM描述了与特定平台无关的业务逻辑,而PSM则将PIM转换...




    MDA(Model Driven Architecture,模型驱动架构)是一种软件开发方法论,旨在通过...MDA的实践需要熟练掌握建模技术和工具,以及理解如何定义和执行模型转换,以确保从高层次的业务模型到低层次的代码生成的平滑过渡。


    这种广泛的硬件兼容性使得MDA在多种车辆和ECU类型上都能发挥作用。 总的来说,INCA的MDA组件是汽车标定和诊断领域不可或缺的工具。它提供了强大的测量和故障诊断能力,帮助工程师优化车辆性能。使用时需要注意软件...


    - **定义**:PIM是在CIM的基础上进一步细化得到的模型,它仍然不依赖于具体的实现技术,但更详细地描述了软件系统的结构和功能。 - **作用**:提供了一个高层次的设计视图,帮助团队理解系统的整体架构和组成部分。 ...

    MDA develop

    MDA通过四个主要阶段定义了特定的模型,并通过模型之间的转换实现了模型的跟踪。 #### MDA开发过程概览 MDA开发过程在三个抽象层面上明确地分离了模型: 1. **计算独立模型 (Computational Independent Model, ...


    实际上,MDA与敏捷开发可以很好地结合,通过持续的模型迭代和代码生成,快速响应需求变化,提高软件项目的灵活性和交付速度。 总之,MDA模型驱动开发方法学以其高效、灵活的特点,正逐渐成为现代软件工程领域的一股...


    CIM用于定义业务模型,包括业务对象、业务流程和服务等,它是整个MDA架构的基础。 2. **Platform Independent Model (PIM)**:平台无关模型阶段,基于CIM进一步细化,开始考虑软件架构和设计模式,但仍然不涉及具体...

    论文研究 - 部,部门和机构(MDA)的内部审计和创新会计实践:实证分析



    - **模型的不同抽象层次**:MDA定义了不同级别的模型,如平台无关模型(Platform Independent Model, PIM)和平台相关模型(Platform Specific Model, PSM)。 - **模型的映射**:PIM是高层次的抽象模型,不涉及具体...

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