Why Currency translation in Bex
- Depending upon various business scenario we need to do currency translation for BI Reports according to exchange rate of varying time ref.
- For Ad-hoc reporting and on particular date's exchange rate translation is required .
- Target currency is not fixed and hence can not be defined the translation in the update/transfer rules.
- Time ref. (Date ) is not fixed based on which translation should happen and hence can not be defined the translation in the update/transfer rules.
How to Achieve currency translation in Bex ( Implemenation part )
- Transaction code to create currency translation is RRC1 .
- Put technical name and desription .Here you need to be cautious while putting a description as just by looking at it one should able to figure out which time ref. which currency this transaction refers to . As this will only be identifier in Query designer / Bex.
- Visible tab pages are Exchange Rate , Source Currency, Target Currency , Time reference. Lets see each and every tab pages significance.
Exchange Rate
Exchange Rate Type : In general case it is M Standard translation at average rate.
Source Currency
Source Currency from Data Record : Fetches currency from the record at the run time of a query key figure. Generally this is a default setting .
Info object for determining the source currency : Info object can be specified which holds currency , and this would be taken as ref. for converting to target currency.
Target Currency
Selection of Target currency with translation : This option is selected when target currency isnot fixed. In the query designer / runtime system asks for target currencycontaining target currency.
- *Fixed Target Currency :*This option is selected when target currency is Fixed and it will not be change for reporting part. In indian scenarios companies prefer to seeamount in currencies like "USD" or "EUR" .
Info object for determining Target Currency : Info object can be specified which holds currency , and this would be taken as ref. for converting to target currency.
- *Target currency from Variable :*This option is selected when target currency isnot fixed. In the query designer / runtime system asks for target currencycontaining target currency.Variable for target currency needs to be created if it doesnt exist from query designer,it will be added to selection-screen/input dialog while executing a query.
Time References
Fixed Time Ref :
Current Date : This option is selected, when report should convert all key figures into target currency based on exchange rate as on date (today).
Key Date : This option is selected, when report should convert all key figures into target currency based on exchange rate as on specified date . Generally this date value is end of fiscal year or depending upon requirement it changes .
Time Based value from Variable : This option is selected, when report should convert all key figures into target currency based on exchange rate as on specified date in query designer/ reports .
Variable Time Ref. : Different options avaialble here are
1Fiscal year closing
2Start of fiscal year
3End of period
4Beginning of period
5End of calendar year
6Start of calendar year
7End month
8Start month
9End of week
ATo the exact day
BEnd of Calender Year/ Quarter
CStart of Calender Year/ Quarter
Standard info object : Based on granularity selected in the variable time ref. system tries to assign time characteristics to the object.
e.g. if Fiscal year closing is selcted then std object would be 0FISCYEAR
for end of week std object would be 0CALWEEK
For end of the month std object would be 0CALMONTH
Special Info object : If this option is selected we can specify info object other than std time characteristics info objects .
Example :Translating values as on the transactions date exchange rates for large amount of transaction is necessary . In this case we would select variable time ref. as A ( to the excact day) , special info object to be 0PSTNGDT ( Posting Date) . By this setting for each posting date system will try finding exchange rate and will convert keyfigures considering exchange rate as on the posting date.
Query Key Date : If this option is selected , system takes query key date into consideration while translating amounts to target currency . ( Where to specify it ?? : Query -> Properties -> Query Key Date ) Please note that , if you have time dependent master data characteristics in the report , then this setting would affect those master data display also .
Example : In the scenario where user wants to run a currency translation as on specified date , this option would be useful.
Disadvantages of Currency Translation in Bex
- Increase execution time of query
- Increase load on the system as system does currency translation for every record.
Advantages of Currency Translation in Bex
- No need to change data model
- Flexibility of dates which should be taken in to account while translation .
I hope you find the blog interesting and informing.
Relation URL:http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/ee/301c22ab159943aa99571d51c59245/content.htm
Source url: https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/wiki?path=/display/BI/Currency%252btranslation%252bin%252bBex
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