Functions Description
BW objects such as InfoCubes, ODS objects, MultiProviders and MultiProviders and InfoObjects (attributes or texts) can function as open hub data sources. If you use an InfoCube with non-cumulative key figures as a data source.
With open hub service , infospoke are used to transfer data out of BW data provider (like infocube, ODS) to a flat file on local station or application server or to some database table.
Hereyou can give selections as to fields to be loaded from infocube and also mark the data load as full or delta.You can check the same by going at rsa1(adm workbench)->Tools->open hub service.
There is a table where all customers information was stored, we have to filter those customers who have access.This table was clubed with all the customer irrespective of those who have the access and those who dont have the access to BI.
Here we implemented Openhub.We get the data to BW there we implemented Infospoke and wrote code in BADI, the filtered records sent to Openhub and from open hub to The same table UPS through Ascential Stage tool.
Two separate options to extract data from SAP BW to TPS (third party servers) & other SAP Systems.
1)Flat Files in CSV (comma separated values) format only
Create Flat Files to BW Directory and use FTP to move to third party servers- FREE
2)DB Tables
Connect to third party server and use DB Connect tool to directly update to that server- MAY REQUIRE LICENSE
Data can be extracted from the following types of InfoProviders:
3)InfoObject Master Data (if it's a Data Target)
Open Hub supports both Full & Delta extractions.
1)Full extraction
2)Delta extraction
How to Use BADI In Open Hub Service
The definition for the BAdI is called OPENHUB_TRANSFORM.
1. Goto RSBOH1.
2. Create your InfoSpoke with default options.
3. Activate you InfoSpoke.
4. Change it and go to the tab "Transformations" and check the box "InfoSpke with ... BAdI".
5. This will take you to the BAdI.
6. Implementing the BAdI
6.1 You are in the BAdI builder. Enter a short text for the implementation. The implementation name is always the same as the technical name of the InfoSpoke.
6.2. The implementation of this BAdI is always filter-dependent. Enter your InfoSpoke on the Properties tab page under Filter Specifications. You can only have one implementation for each InfoSpoke.
If you do not specify an InfoSpoke under Filter Specifications, then this implementation is valid for all InfoSpokes. This means that this is called up for all InfoSpokes during the extraction.
6.3. Activate your class.
6.4. From the Interface tab page, you arrive at the TRANSFORM method in the class builder by double-clicking. There you can enter your code:
your code
6.5. Activate your method. Return to the BAdI builder. Return to your InfoSpoke.
Relation Link
SAP Help
Frequently Asked Questions - Open Hub
Dynamic selection for InfoSpoke & Use InfoSpoke Badi to correct KYF format
InfoSpoke Creation and Loading the File Generated via FTP
Extraction to Non-SAP Systems
Open Hub Service
Loading data from SAP BW into Microsoft Analysis Services using Open Hub Service
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