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GIS的学习(二十六)geotools 使用 部分代码总结
前段时间的一个项目 本来用ae完成了种种的 查询,空间分析等等功能的代码,但是不幸的是 这是一个web项目,无奈 ae各种错误,显然ae放在server端是不好使的 无奈 一咬牙一跺脚 全部换 换成geotools 看文档 看api 从零 开始算是把 原来AE实现的东西 统统改了过来 用起来 反而觉得既稳定 效率还不错哈!
1、连接数据库 这里使用的postgis 链接代码如下:
private static void conn(String dbtype, String host, String port, String database, String userName, String password) { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.DBTYPE.key, "postgis"); // 两种代码方式 // params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.HOST.key, "localhost"); // params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.PORT.key, new Integer(5432)); // params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.DATABASE.key, "postgis"); // params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.SCHEMA.key, "public"); // params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.USER.key, "postgres"); // params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.PASSWD.key, "root"); params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.DBTYPE.key, dbtype); params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.HOST.key, host); params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.PORT.key, new Integer(port)); params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.DATABASE.key, database); params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.SCHEMA.key, "public"); params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.USER.key, userName); params.put(PostgisNGDataStoreFactory.PASSWD.key, password); try { pgDatastore = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(params); if (pgDatastore != null) { System.out.println("系统连接到位于:" + host + "的空间数据库" + database + "成功!"); } else { System.out.println("系统连接到位于:" + host + "的空间数据库" + database + "失败!请检查相关参数"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("系统连接到位于:" + host + "的空间数据库" + database + "失败!请检查相关参数"); } } 调用方法为:conn("postgis", "localhost", 5432, "postgis", "postgres", "root");
2.1 查询 public static ArrayList<SimpleFeature> queryMethod(String filterStr, String layerName) { //pgDatastore为上文连接数据库获取相当于AE中的workspace //SimpleFeatureSource相当于AE中的featureClass SimpleFeatureSource featureSource =pgDatastore.getFeatureSource(layerName); ArrayList<SimpleFeature> featureList = new ArrayList<SimpleFeature>(); if(featureSource==null) return featureList; try { Filter filter; filter = CQL.toFilter(filterStr); // filterStr形式 如 name='武汉大学' or code like 'tt123%' SimpleFeatureCollection result = featureSource.getFeatures(filter); FeatureIterator<SimpleFeature> itertor = result.features(); while (itertor.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature feature = itertor.next(); featureList.add(feature); } itertor.close(); return featureList; } catch (CQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
2.2 要素操作 对上面4.1中的 SimpleFeature操作 //获取feature的geometry Geometry geo=(Geometry) feature.getDefaultGeometry(); //获取geometry中的坐标 这里用string的方式保存 int geoUnm = geo.getNumGeometries(); // 一个geometry可能含有n个geometry for (int i = 0; i < geoUnm; i++) { Geometry singleGeo = geo.getGeometryN(i); //获取其中每一个geometry int pointCount = singleGeo.getNumPoints(); Coordinate[] coords = singleGeo.getCoordinates(); for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; j++) { if (j == pointCount - 1) sBuilder.append(coords[j].x + "," + coords[j].y); else { sBuilder.append(coords[j].x + "," + coords[j].y + ";"); } } if (i != geoUnm - 1) { sBuilder.append("|"); } } //获取feature中的属性 feature.getAttribute(arg0);
2.3 拓扑查询 public static Filter getGeoFilter(FilterFactory2 ff, //构建拓扑查询的filter String geometryAttributeName, Geometry refGeo, SpatialReltionType.TopoRelTypeEnum relType) { //这个SpatialReltionType是我自己定义的。。。 switch (relType) { case intersect: return ff.intersects(ff.property(geometryAttributeName), ff .literal(refGeo)); case contains: return ff.contains(ff.property(geometryAttributeName), ff .literal(refGeo)); case within: return ff.within(ff.property(geometryAttributeName), ff .literal(refGeo)); case cross: return ff.crosses(ff.property(geometryAttributeName), ff .literal(refGeo)); case overlaps: return ff.overlaps(ff.property(geometryAttributeName), ff .literal(refGeo)); case touches: return ff.touches(ff.property(geometryAttributeName), ff .literal(refGeo)); case equals: return ff.equals(ff.property(geometryAttributeName), ff .literal(refGeo)); case disjoint: return ff.disjoint(ff.property(geometryAttributeName), ff .literal(refGeo)); default: return null; } }
// 普通的拓扑查询 public static ArrayList<Geometry> topoQueryMethod(Geometry refGeo, String layerName, SpatialReltionType.TopoRelTypeEnum relType) { ArrayList<SimpleFeature> featurelist=new ArrayList<SimpleFeature>(); FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2(null); SimpleFeatureSource featureSource=pgDatastore.getFeatureSource(layerName); SimpleFeatureType schema = featureSource.getSchema(); String geometryAttributeName = schema.getGeometryDescriptor().getLocalName(); Filter filter1= getGeoFilter(ff,geometryAttributeName, refGeo, relType); //上面的方法 SimpleFeatureCollection result=null; try { result = featureSource.getFeatures(filter1); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if(result==null) return null; FeatureIterator<SimpleFeature> itertor = result.features(); while (itertor.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature feature = itertor.next(); featurelist.add(feature); } //这个方法是将feature转为geometry 自己定义的 return SpatialUtil.ConverToGeoList(featurelist); }
//联合属性的拓扑查询 public static ArrayList<Geometry> topoQueryMethod(Geometry refGeo, String queryName, String layerName, SpatialReltionType.TopoRelTypeEnum relType) { FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2(null); ArrayList<SimpleFeature> featurelist=new ArrayList<SimpleFeature>(); SimpleFeatureSource featureSource=pgDatastore.getFeatureSource(layerName); SimpleFeatureType schema = featureSource.getSchema(); String geometryAttributeName = schema.getGeometryDescriptor().getLocalName(); Filter filter1= SpatialUtil.getGeoFilter(ff,geometryAttributeName, refGeo, relType); Filter filter2=null; try { filter2=CQL.toFilter("StandName = '"+queryName+"'"); } catch (CQLException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } List<Filter> match = new ArrayList<Filter>(); match.add(filter1); match.add(filter2); Filter filter = ff.and(match); SimpleFeatureCollection result=null; try { result = featureSource.getFeatures(filter); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if(result==null) return null; FeatureIterator<SimpleFeature> itertor = result.features(); while (itertor.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature feature = itertor.next(); featurelist.add(feature); } return SpatialUtil.ConverToGeoList(featurelist); }
3.1 添加要素 //添加一个feature到图层中 在添加前要确定构造featureType public static SimpleFeatureType createFeatureType(String typeName,Class type) { SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); builder.setName(typeName); builder.setCRS(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84); // <- Coordinate reference // system builder.add("the_geom", type); //这个为地理属性字段 postgis中为 the——geom builder.add("StandName", String.class); // 这是其他属性字段 自己定义的.... // build the type final SimpleFeatureType TYPE = builder.buildFeatureType(); return TYPE; } //添加到图层的图层名,添加的要素空间属性和要素的某属性名 public static boolean addFeature(String layerName,Geometry geo,String featureName){ String type=geo.getGeometryType(); Class TypeClass=null; if(type.toLowerCase().equals("point")){ TypeClass=Point.class; }else if(type.toLowerCase().equals("polygon")){ TypeClass=Polygon.class; }else if(type.toLowerCase().equals("polyline")){ TypeClass=Polyline.class; }else if(type.toLowerCase().equals("multipolygon")){ TypeClass=MultiPolygon.class; } SimpleFeatureType featureType=createFeatureType(layerName,TypeClass); SimpleFeatureCollection collection = FeatureCollections.newCollection(); SimpleFeatureBuilder featureBuilder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(featureType); /* Longitude (= x coord) first ! */ GeometryFactory geometryFactory = JTSFactoryFinder.getGeometryFactory(null); featureBuilder.add(geo); featureBuilder.add(featureName); SimpleFeature feature = featureBuilder.buildFeature(null); collection.add(feature); FeatureSource featureSource=pgDatastore.getFeatureSource(layerName); if (featureSource instanceof SimpleFeatureStore) { SimpleFeatureStore featureStore = (SimpleFeatureStore) featureSource; Transaction transaction = new DefaultTransaction("create"); featureStore.setTransaction(transaction); try { featureStore.addFeatures(collection); transaction.commit(); return true; } catch (Exception problem) { problem.printStackTrace(); try { transaction.rollback(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } finally { try { transaction.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { System.out.println(layerName + " does not support read/write access"); } return false; }
3.2 修改要素 // 修改feacode为XX的要素的名字为featureName 地理方位为geo (feacode StandName为你的属性字段自定义) public static boolean modifyFeature(String layerName,Geometry geo,String featureName,String FeaCode){ FeatureSource featureSource=pgDatastore.getFeatureSource(layerName); if (featureSource instanceof SimpleFeatureStore) { SimpleFeatureStore featureStore = (SimpleFeatureStore) featureSource; Transaction transaction = new DefaultTransaction("create"); featureStore.setTransaction(transaction); try { String filterStr="FeaCode= '"+FeaCode+"'"; String[] names=new String[2]; names[0]="StandName"; names[1]="the_geom"; Object[] values=new Object[2]; values[0]=featureName; values[1]=geo; featureStore.modifyFeatures(names, values, CQL.toFilter(filterStr)); transaction.commit(); return true; } catch (Exception problem) { problem.printStackTrace(); try { transaction.rollback(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } finally { try { transaction.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { System.out.println(layerName + " does not support read/write access"); } return false; }
4 、Geometry 与 JTS
geotools 构建 geometry方法:这里转载一个别人写的比较好的
4.1构建点 public Point createPoint(){ Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(109.013388, 32.715519); Point point = geometryFactory.createPoint( coord ); return point; } public Point createPointByWKT() throws ParseException{ WKTReader reader = new WKTReader( geometryFactory ); Point point = (Point) reader.read("POINT (109.013388 32.715519)"); return point; } public MultiPoint createMulPointByWKT()throws ParseException{ WKTReader reader = new WKTReader( geometryFactory ); MultiPoint mpoint = (MultiPoint) reader.read("MULTIPOINT(109.013388 32.715519,119.32488 31.435678)"); return mpoint; }
4.2 构建线 public LineString createLine(){ Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[] {new Coordinate(2, 2), new Coordinate(2, 2)}; LineString line = geometryFactory.createLineString(coords); return line; } public LineString createLineByWKT() throws ParseException{ WKTReader reader = new WKTReader( geometryFactory ); LineString line = (LineString) reader.read("LINESTRING(0 0, 2 0)"); return line; } public MultiLineString createMLine(){ Coordinate[] coords1 = new Coordinate[] {new Coordinate(2, 2), new Coordinate(2, 2)}; LineString line1 = geometryFactory.createLineString(coords1); Coordinate[] coords2 = new Coordinate[] {new Coordinate(2, 2), new Coordinate(2, 2)}; LineString line2 = geometryFactory.createLineString(coords2); LineString[] lineStrings = new LineString[2]; lineStrings[0]= line1; lineStrings[1] = line2; MultiLineString ms = geometryFactory.createMultiLineString(lineStrings); return ms; } public MultiLineString createMLineByWKT()throws ParseException{ WKTReader reader = new WKTReader( geometryFactory ); MultiLineString line = (MultiLineString) reader.read("MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 2 0),(1 1,2 2))"); return line; }
4.3 构建多边形 public Polygon createPolygonByWKT() throws ParseException{ WKTReader reader = new WKTReader( geometryFactory ); Polygon polygon = (Polygon) reader.read("POLYGON((20 10, 30 0, 40 10, 30 20, 20 10))"); return polygon; } public MultiPolygon createMulPolygonByWKT() throws ParseException{ WKTReader reader = new WKTReader( geometryFactory ); MultiPolygon mpolygon = (MultiPolygon) reader.read("MULTIPOLYGON(((40 10, 30 0, 40 10, 30 20, 40 10),(30 10, 30 0, 40 10, 30 20, 30 10)))"); return mpolygon; }
4.4 构建geo集合 public GeometryCollection createGeoCollect() throws ParseException{ LineString line = createLine(); Polygon poly = createPolygonByWKT(); Geometry g1 = geometryFactory.createGeometry(line); Geometry g2 = geometryFactory.createGeometry(poly); Geometry[] garray = new Geometry[]{g1,g2}; GeometryCollection gc = geometryFactory.createGeometryCollection(garray); return gc; }
4.5 构建圆 public Polygon createCircle(double x, double y, final double RADIUS){ final int SIDES = 32;//圆上面的点个数 Coordinate coords[] = new Coordinate[SIDES+1]; for( int i = 0; i < SIDES; i++){ double angle = ((double) i / (double) SIDES) * Math.PI * 2.0; double dx = Math.cos( angle ) * RADIUS; double dy = Math.sin( angle ) * RADIUS; coords[i] = new Coordinate( (double) x + dx, (double) y + dy ); } coords[SIDES] = coords[0]; LinearRing ring = geometryFactory.createLinearRing( coords ); Polygon polygon = geometryFactory.createPolygon( ring, null ); return polygon; }
postgis 删除表 SELECT DropGeometryTable ('my_schema','my_spatial_table');
如: SELECT DropGeometryTable ('public','river');
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GeoTools学习指南 GeoTools是一款功能强大的开源GIS(Geographic Information System)工具包,提供了丰富的API和插件,帮助开发者快速构建GIS应用程序。在本指南中,我们将详细介绍GeoTools的基本概念、库函数、...
《GeoTools汉语版资料》是一份详实的资源集合,主要针对使用GeoTools进行地理信息系统(GIS)开发的用户。GeoTools是一个开放源代码的Java库,它实现了OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium)标准,提供了对地理空间数据...
- **MyGeoTools.doc**:这可能是一份个人整理的GeoTools学习笔记,包含了使用GeoTools开发GIS应用的关键概念和代码示例。 - **MyGeoTools.mht**:可能是另一种格式的学习资料,MHT是单个文件的Web档案,可能包含...
**Geotools API 手册**是一份详细的技术文档,主要针对使用Geotools库进行地理信息系统(GIS)开发的程序员。Geotools是开源Java库,它提供了一系列的工具和接口,使得开发者能够轻松地在Java应用程序中处理、分析和...
同时,GeoTools提供了丰富的API文档和示例代码,帮助开发者快速理解和使用这个库。 总的来说,GeoTools18.1是Java开发GIS应用的重要资源,无论你是构建地图服务、进行空间分析还是开发与地理空间数据相关的应用,它...
6. **API设计**:GeoTools的API设计遵循了Java的设计模式,易于理解和使用,同时提供了丰富的示例代码和文档,帮助开发者快速上手。 在实际项目中,开发者可以根据需求选择导入压缩包中的特定jar包,比如如果只需要...
GeoTools 是一个遵循 OGC 规范的开源 GIS 工具包,提供了地理信息数据读写、处理、坐标转换、查询分析、格式化输出等多个方面的功能。在 GeoTools 的基础上,我们可以实现一个简单的 WMS(Web Map Service),本文将...
8. **JUnit** 和 **Mockito**:测试框架,用于确保GeoTools的代码质量,通过编写和执行单元测试来验证功能的正确性。 在实际的构建过程中,开发者需要配置Maven的本地仓库路径指向解压后的“repository”目录,这样...
### GeoTools 学习系列(一):IntelliJ IDEA 搭建快速入门示例 #### 一、概述 GeoTools 是一个开源 Java 库,用于地理空间数据的处理和展示,支持多种地理空间数据格式。对于初学者来说,熟悉如何在开发环境中...
GeoTools是一个开源的Java库,专门用于处理地理空间数据,它是基于Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)标准的实现。...通过不断的实践和学习,开发者可以掌握GeoTools的使用,从而高效地开发GIS应用。
org.geotools org.geotools.arcsde org.geotools.arcsde.data org.geotools.arcsde.data.view org.geotools.arcsde.filter org.geotools.arcsde.jndi org.geotools.arcsde.logging org.geotools.arcsde....
这个压缩包文件“geotools-18.4”包含了`geotools`库的一个特定版本,即18.4,这将对那些需要在项目中使用`geotools`功能的开发者非常有用。 `geotools`库的核心目标是实现OGC(开放地理空间联盟)标准,这些标准...