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[u][i][b][flash=200,200][url][i ...
看看mybatis 源代码 -
Android文件图片上传的详细讲解(一)HTTP multipart/form-data 上传报文格式实现手机端上传 -
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android | 0.8 |
iphone | 0.8 |
ipad | 0.8 |
mobileweb | 1.8 |
An alert dialog is a modal view that includes an optional title, a message and buttons, positioned in the middle of the display.
An alert dialog is created using Titanium.UI.createAlertDialog
Although this dialog always appears in the middle of the display (not touching the edges), other aspects of its aesthetics and the way the user interacts with it are different for each platform, as described below.
On Android, the default alert dialog displays text information, via a title and message, without any buttons. As the user can use the system hardware back
button to dismiss it, a button is optional.
Buttons are shown if the buttonNames
property is defined, and are rendered horizontally below the message.
To create a custom layout, a view may be added and, in turn, a hierarchy of views added to that child view.
On iOS, the default alert dialog displays text information, via a title and message, with a single button to allow it to be dismissed.
Buttons are defined using the buttonNames
property and are rendered vertically below the message.
On iOS 4.0 and later, alert dialogs are automatically cancelled when the application is paused/suspended.
Global Alias
A global method alert()
is aliased to this object, and can be invoked with a single message. For example
alert('this is a message');
This will generate an alert with a title of "Alert" and an "OK" button.
Multiple alerts should not be shown at once.
androidView | String |
View to load inside the message area, to create a custom layout.
buttonNames | String |
Name of each button to create.
cancel | String |
Index to define the button cancel button, returned by the
message | String |
Dialog message.
messageid | String |
Key identifying a string in the locale file to use for the message text.
ok | String |
Text for the
okid | String |
Key identifying a string in the locale file to use for the
title | String |
Title of the dialog.
titleid | String |
Key identifying a string in the locale file to use for the title text.
// test firing 2 alerts in a row, should show the // first and after you click OK, should then show the next var a = Titanium.UI.createAlertDialog({ title:'添加人员信息', message:"人员添加成功", buttonNames: ['确定'] }); //a.addEventListener('click', function(e) { // alert("Now you should see this one, assuming you dismissed the first alert"); //}); a.show();
var dialog = Titanium.UI.createOptionDialog({ title: '添加人员信息', options: ['成功','失败'], cancel:1 }); dialog.show();
var minDate = new Date(); minDate.setFullYear(2009); minDate.setMonth(0); minDate.setDate(1); var maxDate = new Date(); maxDate.setFullYear(2009); maxDate.setMonth(11); maxDate.setDate(31); var value = new Date(); value.setFullYear(2009); value.setMonth(0); value.setDate(1); var view=Ti.UI.createView({ height:100, width:100 }); var picker = Ti.UI.createPicker({ type:Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_DATE_AND_TIME, minDate:minDate, maxDate:maxDate, value:value }); // turn on the selection indicator (off by default) picker.selectionIndicator = true; view.add(picker); var dialog = Titanium.UI.createAlertDialog({ title:'添加人员信息', message:"人员添加成功", androidView:view }); dialog.show();
var emailDialog = Titanium.UI.createEmailDialog(); if (!emailDialog.isSupported()) { Ti.UI.createAlertDialog({ title:'Error', message:'Email not available' }).show(); return; } emailDialog.setSubject('Hello from Titanium!'); emailDialog.setToRecipients(['foo@yahoo.com']); emailDialog.setCcRecipients(['bar@yahoo.com']); emailDialog.setBccRecipients(['blah@yahoo.com']); if (Ti.Platform.name == 'iPhone OS') { emailDialog.setMessageBody('<b>Appcelerator Titanium Rocks!</b>å'); emailDialog.setHtml(true); emailDialog.setBarColor('#336699'); } else { emailDialog.setMessageBody('Appcelerator Titanium Rocks!'); } // attach a blob emailDialog.addAttachment(event.media); // attach a file var f = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Titanium.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory, 'cricket.wav'); emailDialog.addAttachment(f); emailDialog.addEventListener('complete',function(e) { if (e.result == emailDialog.SENT) { if (Ti.Platform.osname != 'android') { // android doesn't give us useful result codes. // it anyway shows a toast. alert("message was sent"); } } else { alert("message was not sent. result = " + e.result); } }); emailDialog.open();
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【转】网易博客Android客户端 — native+html5移动应用混合开发实践
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2012-05-10 13:00 11901在phonegap中通过二维码实现也是 ... -
Titanium 的Module的开发
2012-05-07 17:59 2977针对Titanium中需要特定的功能可 ... -
2012-04-24 12:12 28161.复制粘贴技术 设置粘贴板的内容: Titaniu ... -
2012-04-24 11:56 2234ApplicationWindow.js文件内容: ... -
2012-04-22 18:50 1934我这里介绍的方法就可以解决直接在app ... -
2012-04-18 14:54 2724Titanium和JQuery整合的结构如下: 登 ... -
2012-04-18 13:21 1900Titanium代码实现如下: ... -
2012-04-18 13:18 2005报表采用WebView调用本地hmtl实现相关的报表功能 ... -
2012-04-17 16:33 2219在Titanium的Database sqlli ... -
2012-04-17 12:29 1982Titanium实现Footer和 ... -
2012-04-17 08:38 2961安装Titanium过程地址: 在Titanium Stud ... -
2012-04-15 13:29 4625这里说的框架,英文原 ... -
2012-04-08 14:50 2099在Android应用中,默认是把Tabbar放在顶部的, ... -
Mobile UI Design Patterns: 10+ Sites for Inspiration
2012-04-08 14:43 1801mobileUIandroidiOS User ... -
2012-03-16 10:31 2270在Titanium中通过SOAP类库调用SOAP协议 ... -
Titanium中Httpclient访问REST 服务
2012-03-16 09:59 2167Titaniun源代码: // this sets the ... -
2012-03-16 09:56 2239Titanium.UI.Window.layout Prop ...
同步适配器和迁移是Alloy数据管理的重要部分,它们允许应用与各种后端数据源(如SQLite、云服务等)进行交互。这部分将讲解如何配置同步适配器和执行数据库迁移。 通过阅读和理解这些文档,开发者能够全面掌握...
Titanium 选项对话框的包装器,使添加选项按钮变得更简单。 示范 用法 安装 下载最新的发行版 ZIP 文件并查阅以了解如何安装它,或者直接使用 : gittio install com.magana.betteroptiondialog 例子 var ...
《TitaniumBackup_6.0.5.1:专业版的安卓备份与恢复解决方案》 在安卓设备的管理和维护中,数据备份与恢复是至关重要的环节。TitaniumBackup_6.0.5.1,这款专业版应用,以其强大的功能和高效的操作,为用户提供了...
文档明确表示“按现状提供”,不包含任何形式的明示或暗示保证。因此,使用文档的风险完全由读者承担。 #### 七、Titanium Mobile API 的优势 1. **跨平台开发**:一次编写,多平台运行,极大地提高了开发效率。 2...
ECM(Engine Control Module)是汽车电子控制单元的简称,它是现代汽车的核心部件,负责监控和调节发动机的各种运行参数,如燃油喷射、点火正时等。在本压缩包"ecm.titanium-26100.rar"中,包含的工具专门用于ECU的...
[Packt Publishing] Appcelerator Titanium 移动应用开发教程 (英文版) [Packt Publishing] Creating Mobile Apps with Appcelerator Titanium (E-Book) ☆ 图书概要:☆ Develop fully-featured mobile ...
【钛合金(Titanium)插件开发初探】 在移动应用开发领域,Titanium 是一个流行的选择,它允许开发者使用 JavaScript 来构建原生的 iOS 和 Android 应用。Titanium 的核心理念是通过跨平台的 JavaScript API 提供与...
Titanium 是一个强大的开源JavaScript框架,专为开发原生移动应用而设计。它允许开发者使用JavaScript编写代码,同时能够利用iOS、Android等平台的原生功能。在涉及到“titanium 打开本地网络”的话题时,我们主要...
Cisco N7K 模拟器 Titanium 6.1.1 安装方法 本文档将指导用户如何安装 Cisco N7K 模拟器 Titanium 6.1.1,包括虚拟机的设置、模拟器的连接、TFTP 服务器的建立、升级安装包的传输、系统文件的更新等步骤。 一、...
【mac】dvd光盘刻录 Roxio Toast Titanium 17.4.dmg,安装即用
Titanium Backup_3.7.4捐赠完全版
**前端开源库-node-titanium-sdk** 前端开发领域中,`node-titanium-sdk`是一个重要的开源库,它基于Node.js环境,为开发者提供了一种使用JavaScript开发原生移动应用的途径。`node-titanium-sdk`是Appcelerator ...
atom-titanium, 用于 Titanium 合金的Atom 封装 用于 Titanium 合金的 All-in-One封装这是一个用于 Titanium 合金的Atom 封装。$ apm install titanium-alloy冲突&需要通知Alloy 1.8. x
titanium-d1-kickstart.6.1.1.gbin 强大的思科模拟器
Google-Cloud-Messaging--Titanium-, 在 Titanium 中,Google云消息传递 Google-Cloud-Messaging--Titanium -注册带有GCM和处理发送到设备的通知的Titanium MODULE 。Android平台使用c2dm进行推送,但是因为c2dm停止...
最后,`api.json` 文件可能是一个 JSON 格式的 Titanium API 参考,包含 Titanium 的各种对象、方法、属性和事件的详细信息。JSON 格式便于解析和理解,这对于开发者快速查找和学习特定 API 非常有用。 学习这些...
ti.filepicker Titanium 文件选择器对话框用法: var filepicker = require ( "ti.filepicker" ) ;filepicker . createFilePickerDialog ( ) . show ( ) ;