
常用ruby gem



如果你需要在项目中实现三方平台(如: Twitter, Facebook, 新浪微博, 腾讯 QQ)账号登陆的支

will_paginate 和 Kaminari
分页控件,几乎所有 Rails App 都在用, 其中 will_paginate 比较老, 应用案例较多, kaminari
更新, 性能和兼容性更好

Paperclip 和 Carrierwave
这两个都是上传组件, Paperclip 是老牌产品了,也是几乎绝大多数项目都有在用它,它可以帮你
处理上传图片,裁减,定义不同的图片尺寸,几乎很完美。而 Carrierwave 是后起之秀,功能和
Paperclip差不多,但它还可以管理除图片之外的东西,而且灵活性更高( ruby-china
就是用它)。 对比: Paperclip 官方只支持 ActiveRecord 但相对稳定, 而 Carrierwave
比较灵活支持更多的 orm, 比如 mongoid

表格控件,针对 ActiveRecord,超级强大,支持任意字段排序,过滤,具体看它的 Demo.

一些应用中会用到为不同用户设定不同功能的权限,你可以试试 Cancan 这个 gem 他可以帮你制定
一套完善的方案,Railscasts 上面还有个使用介绍,可以看一下。

采集数据时我们需要解析复杂的 HTML 结构,从中获得需要的数据,Nokogiri 可以帮助我们完美的
处理不同网页上面不同的 HTML 结构,并且有很好的编码处理能力,用它你不用担心页面是 GB2312
还是 GBK 还是 UTF-8,它都能很好的处理,解析结构可以用类似 jQuery 的 CSS Selector 的方
式查找,很是方便。曾经用过 Ruby 的好几个类似插件,最终发现 Nokogiri 才是最好的。

Linux 里面有 Cron 可以帮助我们定期执行一些任务,但是 Cron 手动写起来很是麻烦,尤其是前
面时间周期的定义, Whenever 可以帮助我们用更人性化的方式编写 Cron 任务,具体参见
Railscasts 上面关于 Whenever 的介绍。

Resque 和 Delayed_job
有时候一些任务的执行会很慢,而这些任务我们并不要求需要马上返回结果 (比如:发送邮件,生成
和 delayed_job 可以帮助我们很容易的搞定这件事情。两者区别在于 Resque 可以有不同的队列,
而 Delayed_job 只有一个,但它可以设定优先级。此外 Delayed_job 除了支持 ActiveRecord,
还支持其它 ORM(具体参见 这里)。Delayed_job 使用更加简单。如何选择,这个就要看使用场景
了,Resque 上面对比介绍说,如果你需要有大量的任务需要放到队列里面执行,并且不要求优先级
,那你就用它吧。DelayedJob不适合处理大量的任务, 瓶颈是基于数据库的, 也不支持队列. 操作
上比 Resque 要方便. 而 Resque 是基于 redis 的, 使得生成任务比较迅速, 性能上比
DelayedJob 要好. 唯一的缺点就是不支持定时任务、但是装个 resque-scheduler 可以弥补这一
点. 而且 Resque 还有 web 管理界面, 方便查看任务和追踪错误.

问题原因在于 Rails Development 环境没有缓存所有的类
(Model,Controller,Helper,Views...) 文件,每次刷新页面都将会重新载入,而载入过程实际上
是缓慢的,这个源于 Ruby 的性能问题,所以 rails-dev-boost 搞了缓存的机制来解决这个问题,
用它可以 10 倍提升大项目在开发环境的速度问题,不过某些项目可能不起效果,比如用了
ActiveAdmin。 用这个 Gem 在 rails3.1 下提速效果更为明显, 因为 rails3.1 开发环境默认状
态下每次请求 assets 哪怕是一张图片也要重新加载所有的程序文件.

现在越来越多网站为了改善用户体验,使用 JavaScript 来进行客户端验证。对于程序员来说,也
验证代码,实在不够 DRY,client_side_validations 正是为解决此问题要出现。

client_side_validations 会读取服务端的验证逻辑并生成对应的客户端验证逻辑(依赖 jQuery

当前绘图 JS 库中 Highcharts 非常优秀,rubyist 使用这个 gem 来管理和编写需要的图。

Ruby 进程监控工具

基于 Sphinx 的全文搜索组件,要搞全文搜索功能就用它。


A new release 2.13.2 of RMagick is now available on github as well as rubygems.
This release will fix the installation issues due to ruby 1.9.3 and ImageMagick
6.8+. You can install it the usual way with bundle by adding to Gemfile

Calendar date picker for rails




Thin使用EventMachine,Rack和Mongrel来创建一个快速的web server。我用它来做Rails的本地开
发,它比mongrel稍快。要在我的Rails程序中使用它,只需要在我的程序目录下输入thin start就
行了。当时我的thin和IE cookies之间有点儿冲突,要记得如果你也遇到同样的问题,你的程序可
能有麻烦。(说明:这个问题在thin 0.6.1和Rails 2环境下好像修正了。)


当使用Ruby on Rails的时候,后台处理工具有很多选择,但Sidekiq却是最受欢迎的一个.流行的原因

A Ruby library for accessing memcached.

Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.

BDD for Ruby


Factory Girl可能是ROR测试中最常用到的数据工厂,没有它也只能手工写Fixture了。不解释了,


# spec/factories/user.rb
FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name "Andy"
    last_name  "Lindeman"

# spec/models/user_spec.rb
require "spec_helper"

describe User do
  it "orders by last name" do
    lindeman = create(:user)
    chelimsky = create(:user, first_name: "David", last_name: "Chelimsky")
    expect(User.ordered_by_last_name).to eq([chelimsky, lindeman])

SimpleForm 在用法上与 Formtastic 类似,同样很好的支持了I18n、表间关联、嵌套表单和表单验
证等常用的功能。SimpleForm 从 2.0 开始,在可定制性上有质的突破(Twitter Bootstrap 在里
边起了很关键的作用),现在的它更像是一个 Form Builder 框架,可以很方便的对它进行设置和扩

这是一个相当不错的管理界面应用gem, 基本不需要做什么需求就能上项目了。从RubyGems的百万级
下载量也可以得知其受欢迎的程度了。感觉上是有点仿 Wordpress 的 Dashboard。


Minimal authorization using object oriented design.

·TestUnit(minitest), RSpec, Jasmini,Capybara
·Bootstrap, purecss




EventMachine.run do

  queue.subscribe do |payload|
    puts "Received a message: #{payload}. Disconnecting..."
    connection.close {
  exchange.publish "Hello, world!",:routing_key => queue.name

Ruby框架、类库和资源集合。启发自: awesome-php & awesome-python.

Admin Panels

Libraries for administrative interfaces.

  • active_admin The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications
  • rails_admin A Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data


Libraries for fighting spam.

Asset Management

Tools for managing, compressing and minifying website assets.

  • sprockets Rack-based asset packaging system
  • rails-assets is the frictionless proxy between Bundler and Bower


  • seal A C library (with Ruby binding) for 3D audio rendering

Authentication and OAuth

Libraries for implementing authentications schemes.

  • Devise - Devise is a flexible authentication solution for Rails based on Warden
  • Omniauth - OmniAuth is a flexible authentication system utilizing Rack middleware
  • Warden - General Rack Authentication Framework
  • AuthLogic - A simple ruby authentication solution
  • Sorcery - Magical authentication for Rails 3 & 4
  • CanCanCan Authorization gem for Rails (continued version of CanCan from ryanb)
  • pundit - Minimal authorization using object oriented design.
  • authority - ORM neutral authorization.
  • doorkeeper An OAuth 2 provider for Rails

Build Tools

Compile software from source code.

  • teapot A decentralised build tool for managing complex cross-platform projects


Libraries for caching data.

  • rack-cache HTTP Caching for Ruby Web Apps
  • Dalli - a high performance pure Ruby client for accessing memcached servers.

Cloud Services

  • fog The Ruby cloud services library
  • aws-sdk-ruby The official AWS SDK for Ruby


Content management systems

  • Refinery An extendable Ruby on Rails CMS that supports Rails 3.2 and 4
  • Comfortable Mexican Sofa A powerful Rails 4 CMS Engine
  • Browser Humane Content Management for Rails
  • Locomotive a brand new CMS system with super sexy UI and cool features
  • Radiant A no-fluff, open source content management system
  • Nesta A lightweight CMS, implemented in Sinatra
  • alchemy_cms the most powerful, user friendly and flexible Rails CMS
  • weby Newbie CMS in Ruby on Rails

Code Analysis and Linter

Libraries and tools for analysing, parsing and manipulation codebases.

  • Rubocop - A Ruby static code analyzer, based on the community Ruby style guide.
  • ruby-lint - ruby-lint is a static code analysis tool for Ruby

Command-line Tools

Libraries for building command-line application.

  • Commander - The complete solution for Ruby command-line executables
  • Thor - Thor is a toolkit for building powerful command-line interfaces


Libraries for storing configuration options.

CSS and Styling

Data Validation

Libraries for validating data. Used for forms in many cases.

  • kangal - Extended validation gem for email, subdomain, credit card, tax number etc
  • bin_checker - BIN validator for Turkish Banks

Data Visualization

Libraries for visualizing data.

  • prosperity The easiest way to graph data from your Rails models

Database Drivers

Libraties for connecting and operating databases.

  • Relational Databases

    • ruby-pg Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL >= 8.4
    • mysql2 A modern, simple and very fast Mysql library for Ruby
    • sqlite3-ruby Ruby bindings for the SQLite3 embedded database
  • NoSQL Databases

Date and Time

Libraries for working with dates and times.

  • stamp Date and time formatting for humans

Debugging Tools

Libraries for debugging and developing.

  • byebug - Debugging in Ruby 2
  • debugger - port of ruby-debug that works on 1.9.2 and 1.9.3

DevOps Tools

Software and libraries for DevOps.

  • Puppet - Server automation framework and application
  • Chef - A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.
  • Vagrant - Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing development environments.
  • Capistrano - Remote multi-server automation tool
  • Mina Really fast deployer and server automation tool


Libraries to create packaged executables for release distribution.

  • fpm Building packages for multiple platforms (deb, rpm, etc) with great ease and sanity.


Libraries for generating project documentation.

  • rdoc HTML and online documentation for Ruby projects
  • yard A Ruby Documentation tool


Libraries for downloading.

E-Commerce & Online Paying

  • Active Merchant - A simple payment abstraction library extracted from Shopify.
  • Spree - A complete open source e-commerce solution for Ruby on Rails.
  • PayPal Merchant SDK - Provides Ruby APIs for processing payments, recurring payments, subscriptions and transactions using PayPal's Merchant APIs.


Libraries for sending and parsing email.

  • mail A Really Ruby Mail Library
  • mailman An incoming mail processing microframework in Ruby

Environment Management

Libraries for Ruby version and environment management.

  • chruby - Changes the current Ruby
  • chgems - Chroot for RubyGems
  • rvm - Ruby Version Manager
  • rbenv - Groom your app’s Ruby environment
  • ruby-install - Installs Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, MagLev or MRuby
  • ruby-build - Compile and install Ruby

Error Handling

Libraries for exception and error handling.

  • Exception Notification - A set of notifiers for sending notifications when errors occur in a Rack/Rails application
  • Errbit - The open source, self-hosted error catcher
  • Airbrake - The official Airbrake library for Ruby on Rails (and other Rack based frameworks)
  • Better Errors - Better error page for Rack apps

File Uploading

Libraries for handling file uploads.

  • paperclip Easy file attachment management for ActiveRecord
  • dragonfly On-the-fly processing - suitable for image uploading in Rails, Sinatra and much more
  • carrierwave Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks

Feature flipping

Libaries for flipping features

  • helioth Manage feature flipping and rollout
  • flipper feature flipping for ANYTHING
  • flip Flip lets you declare and manage feature flags, backed by cookies (private testing) and database (site-wide)
  • rollout Feature flippers.

Foreign Function Interface

Libraries for providing foreign function interface.


Libraries for working with forms.

  • simple_form Forms made easy for Rails
  • formtastic A Rails form builder plugin with semantically rich and accessible markup

Game Development

Awesome game development libraries.

  • Gosu - A 2D game development library for the Ruby and C++ programming languages


Libraries for geocoding addresses and working with latitudes and longitudes.

  • geocoder Complete Ruby geocoding solution
  • Geokit - Geokit gem provides geocoding and distance/heading calculations.

Git Tools

Libraries for working with Git VCS

  • katip - Change logger for Git initialized projects


Libraries for working with graphical user interface applications.

  • shoes A tiny graphical app kit for ruby
    • shoes4 the next version of Shoes

High Performance

Libraries for making Ruby faster.

  • EventMachine - EventMachine: fast, simple event-processing library for Ruby programs
  • Celluloid - Actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby

HTML/XML/CSS Manipulation

Libraries for working with HTML, XML & CSS.

  • Nokogiri
  • loofah A general library for manipulating and transforming HTML/XML documents and fragments


Libraries for working with HTTP.

  • httparty Makes http fun again!
  • faraday Simple, but flexible HTTP client library, with support for multiple backends.
  • http A simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests
  • excon Usable, fast, simple HTTP(S) 1.1 for Ruby
  • nestful Simple Ruby HTTP/REST client with a sane API


Libraries for manipulating images.

  • rmagick An interface to the ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick image processing libraries
  • chunky_png Read/write access to PNG images in pure Ruby
  • image_optim Optimize images using multiple utilities
  • magickly image manipulation as a (plugin-able) service


Libraries for woking with i18n.

  • i18n - Basic internationalization(i18n) library for Ruby
  • globalize Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord model/data translation
  • i18n-tasks Manage translations in ruby applications with the awesome power of static analysis


Libraries for generating and working with log files.

  • Logstash Logstash is a tool for managing events and logs.

Machine Learning

Libraries for Machine Learning.

  • PredictionIO Ruby SDK - The PredictionIO Ruby SDK provides a convenient API to quickly record your users' behavior and retrieve personalized predictions for them


Framworks and libraries for MapReduce.

Natural Language Processing

Libraries for working with human languages.

  • Treat - Treat is a toolkit for natural language processing and computational linguistics in Ruby


Libraries for network programming.


Libraries that implement Object-Relational Mapping or datamapping techniques.

  • Relational Databases

    • ActiveRecord - Databases on Rails. Build a persistent domain model by mapping database tables to Ruby classes
    • DataMapper - DataMapper is an Object Relational Mapper written in Ruby. The goal is to create an ORM which is fast, thread-safe and feature rich.
    • Sequel - The Database Toolkit for Ruby
  • NoSQL Databases

    • Mongoid - Mongoid (pronounced mann-goyd) is an Object-Document-Mapper (ODM) for MongoDB written in Ruby.
    • Ohm - Object-Hash Mapping for Redis

Package Management

Libraries for package and dependency management.

  • RubyGems - RubyGems is a package manager for the Ruby programming language that provides a standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries
  • Bundler - Bundler provides a consistent environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing the exact gems and versions that are needed
  • Homebrew - Homebrew installs the stuff you need that Apple didn’t
  • Homebrew Cask - Cask provides a friendly homebrew-style CLI workflow for the administration of Mac applications distributed as binaries


  • kaminari A Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator
  • will_paginate Pagination library for Rails 3, Sinatra, Merb, DataMapper, and more
  • order_query Keyset pagination to find the next or previous record(s) relative to the current one efficiently, e.g. for infinite scroll.

PDF Processing

  • wicked_pdf PDF generator (from HTML) plugin for Ruby on Rails
  • pdfkit HTML+CSS to PDF using wkhtmltopdf
  • prawn Fast, Nimble PDF Writer for Ruby

Presentation Tools

  • rabbit A programable presentaton tool by Ruby
  • reveal-ck Reveal.js presentations with a Ruby toolset

Processes and Threads

Libraries for woking with processes or threads

  • Parallel - Ruby parallel processing made simple and fast


  • bullet - help to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading

Push Notification

  • Rpush - The push notification service for Ruby.
  • apn_sender - Background worker to send Apple Push Notifications over a persistent TCP socket.
  • Houston - A simple gem for sending Apple Push Notifications.


Libraries for working with event and task queues.

  • Resque A Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues.
  • Delayed::Job — Database backed asynchronous priority queue.
  • Qu A Ruby library for queuing and processing background jobs.
  • Sidekiq Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby


Libraries for developing RESTful APIs.

  • Grape - An opinionated micro-framework for creating REST-like APIs in Ruby.
  • Rails::API - Rails for API only applications
  • jbuilder - Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL
  • rabl - General Ruby templating with json, bson, xml, plist and msgpack support
  • active_model_serializers - ActiveModel::Serializer implementation and Rails hooks
  • oat - Adapters-based API serializers with Hypermedia support for Ruby apps (HAL, Siren, JSONAPI).


Libraries for manipulating Excel, Google Spreadsheets, Numbers, OpenOffice and LibreOffice files

  • spreadsheet - The Spreadsheet Library is designed to read and write Spreadsheet Documents.
  • axlsx - Axlsx excels at helping you generate beautiful Office Open XML Spreadsheet documents.
  • axlsx_rails - Axlsx_Rails provides an Axlsx renderer so you can move all your spreadsheet code from your controller into view files.
  • roo - Roo implements read access for all spreadsheet types and read/write access for Google spreadsheets.
  • google-spreadsheet-ruby - This is a library to read/write Google Spreadsheet.
  • rubyXL - rubyXL is a gem which allows the parsing, creation, and manipulation of Microsoft Excel (.xlsx/.xlsm) Documents
  • Odf-report - Generates ODF files, given a template (.odt) and data, replacing tags
  • simple_xlsx_writer - Just as the name says, simple writter for Office 2007+ Excel files
  • remote_table - Open local or remote XLSX, XLS, ODS, CSV (comma separated), TSV (tab separated), other delimited, fixed-width files, and Google Docs.
  • acts_as_xlsx - acts_as_xlsx lets you turn any ActiveRecord::Base inheriting class into an excel spreadsheet.
  • activeadmin-axlsx - This gem uses axlsx to provide excel/xlsx downloads for resources in Active Admin.
  • to_spreadsheet - Render XLSX from Rails using existing views
  • write_xlsx - write_xlsx is a gem to create a new file in the Excel 2007+ XLSX format.
  • excel_rails - Allows you to program spreadsheets using .rxls views
  • sheets - Work with spreadsheets easily in a native ruby format.
  • workbook - Workbook contains workbooks, as in a table, contains rows, contains cells, reads/writes excel, ods and csv and tab separated files...
  • Spreadsheet report - Simple tool for running queries against ActiveRecord and putting them into a Google Spreadsheet.
  • oxcelix - A fast Excel 2007/2010 (.xlsx) file parser that returns a collection of Matrix objects
  • wrap_excel - WrapExcel is to wrap the win32ole, and easy to use Excel operations with ruby. Detailed description please see the README.
  • write_xlsx_rails - xlsx renderer for Rails base on write_xlsx gem


  • whenever Cron jobs in Ruby
  • resque-scheduler A light-weight job scheduling system built on top of resque
  • rufus-scheduler Scheduler for Ruby
  • Clockwork Clockwork is a cron replacement. It runs as a lightweight, long-running Ruby process which sits alongside your web processes (Mongrel/Thin) and your worker processes (DJ/Resque/Minion/Stalker) to schedule recurring work at particular times or dates.

Science and Data Analysis

Libraries for scientific computing and data analyzing.


Libraries and software for indexing and performing search queries on data.

Site Monitoring

Libs for analytics, monitoring

  • rack-google-analytics Simple Rack middleware for implementing google analytics tracking
  • DataDog A monitoring service for IT, operations and development teams
  • Keen IO Build analytics features directly into your Ruby apps

Static Page Generation

Starter Apps

App templates for creating apps quickly

  • suspenders A Rails template with our standard defaults, ready to deploy to Heroku
  • ruby2-rails4-bootstrap-heroku A starter application based on Ruby 2, Rails 4 and Bootstrap for Sass, deployable on Heroku
  • rails-bootstrap Rails 4.1 starter app with the Bootstrap front-end framework
  • rails4-starterkit Rails 4.1 starter app with production ready performance, security, and authentication
  • cybele - Rails 4.x template with responder, simple form, haml, exception notification, etc ...

Text Processing

Libraries for parsing and manipulating texts.

  • General

  • Specific Formats

  • Parser

    • Yomu - Read text and metadata from files and documents (.doc, .docx, .pages, .odt, .rtf, .pdf)


Libraries for tagging items.

  • acts-as-taggable-on - A tagging plugin for Rails applications that allows for custom tagging along dynamic contexts.

Template Engine

Libraries and tools for templating and lexing.

  • Slim A templating lang that reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic.
  • Haml HTML Abstraction Markup Language - A Markup Haiku
  • Tilt
  • Liquid


Libraries for testing codebases and generating test data.

  • Testing Frameworks
    • RSpec - BDD for Ruby
    • MiniTest - minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking
    • [Cucumber]
      • Cucumber Github - Cucumber is a tool that executes plain-text functional descriptions as automated tests
      • Cucumber Site - Behaviour Driven Development with elegacy and joy
    • Spinach - Spinach is a high-level BDD framework that leverages the expressive Gherkin language (used by Cucumber) to help you define executable specifications of your application or library's acceptance criteria.
    • Rubytest - Rubytest is a testing metaframework usedful for create highly customize test suites or building whole new test frameworks.
      • BRASS - Bare-metal Ruby assertion system standard used by Rubytest.
      • Lemon - Strict unit test system built on top of Rubytest.
    • shoulda-matchers - Collection of testing matchers extracted from Shoulda
    • capybara - Acceptance test framework for web applications
  • Mock
    • RSpec-mocks - RSpec's 'test double' framework, with support for stubbing and mocking
    • Mocha - Mocking and stubbing library with JMock/SchMock syntax, which allows mocking and stubbing of methods on real (non-mock) classes.
    • FlexMock - Flexible mocking for Ruby testing
  • Fake Data
    • Faker - A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers
    • ffaker - Faker Refactored.
    • Forgery - Easy and customizable generation of forged data.
  • Code Coverage
    • simplecov Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+ with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage
  • Load Testing

  • Error Handler

Third-party APIs

Libraries for accessing third party APIs.

  • koala A lightweight, flexible library for Facebook
  • fb_graph A full-stack Facebook Graph API wrapper
  • twitter A Ruby interface to the Twitter API
  • tweetstream A simple library for consuming Twitter's Streaming API
  • gitlab Ruby wrapper and CLI for the GitLab API
  • octokit.rb Ruby toolkit for the GitHub API
  • instagram The official gem for the Instagram API
  • linkedin Ruby wrapper for the LinkedIn API
  • twilio-ruby A Ruby gem for communicating with the Twilio API and generating TwiML
  • viewpoint-spws A Microsoft Sharepoint Web Services library for Ruby.
  • youtube_it An object-oriented Ruby wrapper for the YouTube GData API
  • flickraw Flickraw is a library to access flickr api
  • f00px Official 500px api ruby gem

URL Manipulation

Libraries for parsing URLs.


Libraries for manipulating video and GIFs.

  • streamio-ffmpeg Simple yet powerful ruby ffmpeg wrapper for reading metadata and transcoding movies

Web Content Extracting

Libraries for extracting web contents.

Web Crawling

Libraries for scraping websites.

Web Frameworks

Web development frameworks.

  • Ruby On Rails - Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity
  • Sinatra - Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.
  • Padrino - The Godfather of Sinatra provides a full-stack agnostic framework on top of Sinatra
  • Cramp - Cramp is a fully asynchronous real-time web application framework in Ruby
  • Lotus - A newborn complete Ruby web framework that is simple, fast and lightweight.
  • Cuba - Cuba is a microframework for web development originally inspired by Rum, a tiny but powerful mapper for Rack applications.
  • Pakyow - Pakyow is an open-source framework for the modern web. Build working software faster with a development process that remains friendly to both designers and developers. It's built for getting along.

Web Servers

App server interface

  • puma A simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications.
  • thin A thin and fast web server
  • trinidad Run Rails or Rack applications within an embedded Apache Tomcat container.
  • unicorn An HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients.
  • passenger A modern web server and application server for Ruby, Python and Node.js.
  • pow Pow treats files and directories as ruby objects giving you more power and flexibility.
  • goliath is a non-blocking Ruby web server framework.


Libraries for woking with WebSocket.

  • Faye - Simple pub/sub messaging for the web
  • websocket-rails - Plug and play websocket support for ruby on rails.


Useful libraries or tools that don't fit in the categories above.

  • packetfu A mid-level packet manipulation library for Ruby.
  • chatterbot A straightforward ruby-based Twitter Bot Framework, using OAuth to authenticate
  • sneakers A fast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ
  • ransack Object-based searching.
  • cinch The IRC Bot Building Framework
  • pry An IRB alternative and runtime developer console
  • friendly_id Slugging and permalink plugins for ActiveRecord
  • backup An elegant DSL in Ruby for performing backups on UNIX-like systems
  • kss Documenting CSS and generating styleguides
  • AASM - A library for adding finite state machines to Ruby classes
  • JsonCompare - Returns the difference between two JSON files
  • blankable - Adds blank slates to index view in Rails
  • tcmb_currency - T.C.M.B. currencies for Money Gem
  • enumerize - Enumerated attributes with I18n and ActiveRecord/Mongoid support
  • lol_dba - lol_dba is a small package of rake tasks that scan your application models and displays a list of columns that probably should be indexed.
  • annotate-models - Annotate ActiveRecord models
  • fast_attributes - FastAttributes adds attributes with their types to the class

Editor Plugins

Plugins for various editors.

  • vim-ruby Vim/Ruby Configuration Files
  • vim-rails rails.vim: Ruby on Rails power tools


Where to discover things (libraries, news e.g) about Ruby.





    在Ruby开发中,gem是常用的扩展和库的形式,而ExceptionTrack就是这样的一个工具,属于"杂项"类别,因为它可能不被包含在基础的Rails框架中,但对开发者来说是非常实用的补充。 **文件名称列表推断:** "exception...




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    `.gem`文件是RubyGems的包格式,用于分发和安装Ruby库,包括Redis的客户端库或与Redis相关的工具。 4. **redis-config**: 提到的"6个redis-config配置文件"可能是指Redis服务器的配置文件,它们通常用于设置Redis...


    Redis-3.0.0.gem是Redis在Ruby语言环境中的封装库,便于Ruby开发者在项目中集成和使用Redis服务。下面我们将深入探讨Redis的基础知识、3.0.0版本的特点以及如何在Ruby中安装和使用Redis。 1. Redis基础知识: - ...

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    在这个特定的场景中,我们关注的是一个名为 "will_paginate" 的插件,它是 Ruby on Rails 中用于实现高效、灵活分页功能的常用工具。 `will_paginate` 插件为 Rails 应用程序提供了一种简单而优雅的方式来处理大量...


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    完成本教程的学习后,读者应该能够熟练掌握 Ruby 的基本概念和常用操作,并能够开始构建简单的 Ruby 应用程序。接下来,可以继续探索更高级的主题,如面向对象编程、网络编程等,或者尝试参与实际的项目来进一步提升...

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    标签中的"ruby api installer"可能意味着这个资源不仅包含了Ruby的基本安装,还可能附带了一些常用API或gem的安装指南。Ruby的gem管理工具`gem`允许用户通过命令行安装、更新和管理这些API或库。例如,如果你需要...


    不过,更常用的工具有`archive-tar-minitar`和`zip` gem。安装这两个gem后,可以方便地进行解压操作。例如,要解压名为“tieba”的ZIP文件,可以编写如下代码: ```ruby require 'zip' Zip::File.open('tieba.zip')...

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    在 Ruby 开发中,SQLite3 是一个常用的数据库选择,特别是对于小型项目、测试环境或者快速原型开发。Ruby 社区提供了一个名为 `sqlite3` 的 gem(Ruby 的软件包管理器),使得在 Ruby 应用中集成 SQLite3 成为可能。...

    Ruby 教程 The Book of Ruby

    - 常用的Ruby库与框架 - Gem管理工具的使用 - 社区资源与开发工具推荐 #### 四、特色与亮点 - **实战导向**:本书通过丰富的实例演示Ruby的各项功能,帮助读者在实践中学习。 - **深入浅出**:作者Huw ...


    在调试Ruby代码时,`ruby-debug`是开发者们常用的一个工具,它提供了丰富的交互式调试功能,帮助我们理解代码运行过程,定位并解决问题。本文将详细介绍`ruby-debug`的使用方法和核心特性。 ### 一、安装`ruby-...


    这里提到的Gem就是Ruby社区中对可重用代码模块的称呼。因此,这个特定的Gem使得开发者无需直接与OpenSSL库交互,而是可以通过更友好的Ruby接口来实现加密和解密功能。 在标签部分为空的情况下,我们可以通过标题和...

    awesome-rails-gem-zh_CN, Rails 常用 Gem 列表 - Awesome Rails Gem 中文版.zip

    Awesome Rails Gem 是一个广泛收录了Rails开发中常用、实用、有趣的Gem的列表,旨在帮助开发者提高开发效率和代码质量。这个中文版的Awesome Rails Gem列表,为国内开发者提供了一个方便的参考资源,使他们能够更好...

    ruby watir教程

    - **更新Gem**:通过命令行执行 `gem update --system` 来更新Ruby的包管理工具Gem。 - **安装Watir**:使用Gem安装Watir,命令为 `gem install watir`。 ##### 2. Gem 命令详解 Gem 是 Ruby 社区广泛使用的包管理...

    Ruby语言教程知识点详解 ruby重点知识点总结掌握.docx

    11.Ruby标准库与常用Gem 12.Ruby on Rails简介(扩展内容) 一、Ruby语言简介与安装 重点详细内容知识点总结 Ruby简介:Ruby是一种简洁、优雅且面向对象的编程语言,以其灵活性和易用性著称。 安装Ruby:介绍了...

    Working with Ruby Threads

    - **Gem依赖**:确保项目中使用的第三方Gem是线程安全的,以避免引入潜在的问题。 - **请求边界**:每个HTTP请求被视为一个独立的单元,可以在这个边界内实现线程安全。 #### 抽象线程 - **单一抽象级别**:通过将...

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