
F I X message type


Tag 35


35 = D      New Order Single Request


35 = G     Modification Request


35 = F      Cancel Request


35 = 8      New Order Single Ack

                New Order Single Reject


35 = 9      Modification Reject

                Cancel Reject


35 = h      Trading Session Status


35 = d      Security definition   


35 = Q     Don’t know trade


Tag 150


150 = 0    New


150 = 1    Partial fill (4.2 specific, no longer used in 4.4)


150 = 2    Fill (4.2 specific, no longer used in 4.4)


150 = 3    Done for day


150 = 4    Canceled


150 = 5    Replaced


150 = 6    PendingCancel


150 = 7    Stopped


150 = 8    Rejected


150 = 9    Suspended


150 = A    Pending New


150 = B    Calculated


150 = C    Expired


150 = D    Restated (ExecutionRpt sent unsolicited by sellside, with ExecRestatementReason (378) set)


150 = E    PendingReplace (e.g. result of Order Cancel/Replace Request)


150 = F    Trade (Partial fill or Fill) (4.4 specific )


150 = G   Trade Correct (4.4 specific ) (formerly an ExecTransType (20=2))


150 = H    Trade Cancel (4.4 specific ) (formerly an ExecTransType (20=1))


150 = I     Order Status (4.4 specific ) (formerly an ExecTransType (20=3))





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    message = "Hello, my name is {} and I am {} years old.".format(name, age) print(message) # 输出:Hello, my name is Alice and I am 30 years old. ``` #### 9. 迭代器和生成器 - **迭代器**:具有`__iter__...

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