
Perforce client command line usage start up


Step 1) Find where perforce is installed on the unix box.  

      Say this folder: /home/pvprapp1/opt/perforce


Step 2) Export the environment variable.

      Issue command: export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/opt/perforce/bin

      Issue command: export P4PORT=...net:1999

you can also export variables like  



But some perforce are ticket based login strategy. "Ticket based" means, as soon as you issue "p4 login", you will get a ticket, and until the ticket expired or you issue "p4 logout", you are out.


Step 3) At this time, you can issue p4 command, and see a help menu.

      Issue command: p4


Step 4) Config the client setup.

Issue command: p4 client


Step 5) The above command will bring you to a vi editor. There, you can edit all the configurations.

      Client:  <workspace name> --- This is the P4CLIENT value

      Root:    <workspace location>

      View:    <which branch on perforce server is mapped to where>


      Issue command: export P4CLIENT= <your P4CLIENT value>

      In your later uage, you need to put your 3 EXPORT(PATH, P4PORT, P4CLIENT) into your .bashrc in your ~ folder.


Step 6) Synchronize with Perforce to get all the source code

      Issue command: p4 sync







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