* Copyright (c) 2008, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Please see http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Core-20001113/ecma-script-binding.html
* Object Object()
* @constructor
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function Object(){};
* function toString()
* @memberOf Object
* @returns {String}
* @see Object
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Object.prototype.toString = function(){return "";};
* function toLocaleString()
* @memberOf Object
* @returns {String}
* @see Object
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Object.prototype.toLocaleString = function(){return "";};
* function valueOf()
* @memberOf Object
* @returns {Object}
* @see Object
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Object.prototype.valueOf = function(){return new Object();};
* function hasOwnProperty(name)
* @memberOf Object
* @param {String} name
* @returns {Boolean}
* @see Object
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty = function(name){return true;};
* function isPrototypeOf(o)
* @memberOf Object
* @param {Object} o
* @returns {Boolean}
* @see Object
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf = function(o){return true;};
* function propertyIsEnumerable(name)
* @memberOf Object
* @param {Object} name
* @returns {Boolean}
* @see Object
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable = function(name){return true;};
* Property constructor
* @type Function
* @memberOf Object
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Object.prototype.constructor = new Function();
* Object String()
* @constructor
* @extends Object
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function String(){}
String.prototype = new Object();
* static function fromCharCode(charCode1, ...)
* @memberOf String
* @param {Number} charCode
* @returns {String}
* @static
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.fromCharCode = function(charCode){return "";};
* Property length
* @type Number
* @memberOf String
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.length = 1;
* function charAt(position)
* @memberOf String
* @param {Number} position
* @returns {String}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.charAt = function(position){return "";};
* function charCodeAt(position)
* @memberOf String
* @param {Number} position
* @returns {Number}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.charCodeAt = function(position){return 0;};
* function concat(value1, ...)
* @memberOf String
* @param {String} value
* @returns {String}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.concat = function(value){return "";};
* function indexOf(searchString, startPosition)
* @memberOf String
* @param {String} searchString
* @param {Number} startPosition
* @returns {Number}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.indexOf = function(searchString, startPosition){return 1;};
* function lastIndexOf(searchString, startPosition)
* @memberOf String
* @param {String} searchString
* @param {Number} startPosition
* @returns {Number}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(searchString, startPosition){return 1;};
* function localeCompare(otherString)
* @memberOf String
* @param {String} otherString
* @returns {Number}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.localeCompare = function(otherString){return 0;};
* function match(regexp)
* @memberOf String
* @param {RegExp} regexp
* @returns {Array}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.match = function(regexp){return [];};
* function replace(regexp, replaceValue)
* @memberOf String
* @param {RegExp} regexp
* @param {String} replaceValue
* @returns {String}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.replace = function(regexp, replaceValue){return "";};
* function search(regexp)
* @memberOf String
* @param {RegExp} regexp
* @returns {Number}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.search = function(regexp){return 1;};
* function slice(start, end)
* @memberOf String
* @param {Number} start
* @param {Number} end
* @returns {String}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.slice = function(start, end){return "";};
* function split(separator, limit)
* @memberOf String
* @param {String} separator
* @param {Number} limit
* @returns {Array}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.split = function(separator, limit){return [];};
* function substring(start, end)
* @memberOf String
* @param {Number} start
* @param {Number} end
* @returns {String}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.substring = function(start, end){return "";};
* function toLowerCase()
* @memberOf String
* @returns {String}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.toLowerCase = function(){return "";};
* function toLocaleLowerCase()
* @memberOf String
* @returns {String}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.toLocaleLowerCase = function(){return "";};
* function toUpperCase()
* @memberOf String
* @returns {String}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.toUpperCase= function (){return "";};
* function toLocaleUpperCase()
* @memberOf String
* @returns {String}
* @see String
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
String.prototype.toLocaleUpperCase = function(){return "";};
* Object Number()
* @constructor
* @extends Object
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function Number(){}
Number.prototype = new Object();
* property MIN_VALUE
* @type Number
* @memberOf Number
* @static
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Number.MIN_VALUE = 0;
* property MAX_VALUE
* @type Number
* @memberOf Number
* @static
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Number.MAX_VALUE = 0 ;
* property NaN
* @type Number
* @memberOf Number
* @static
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Number.NaN = 0;
* @type Number
* @memberOf Number
* @static
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* @type Number
* @memberOf Number
* @static
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* function toFixed(fractionDigits)
* @memberOf Number
* @param {Number} fractionDigits
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Number.prototype.toFixed = function(fractionDigits){return "";};
* function toExponential(fractionDigits)
* @memberOf Number
* @param {Number} fractionDigits
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Number.prototype.toExponential = function(fractionDigits){return "";};
* function toPrecision(precision)
* @memberOf Number
* @param {Number} fractionDigits
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Number.prototype.toPrecision = function(fractionDigits){return "";};
* Object Boolean()
* @constructor
* @extends Object
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function Boolean(){};
Boolean.prototype = new Object();
* Object Array()
* @constructor
* @extends Object
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function Array(){};
Array.prototype = new Object();
* Property length
* @type Number
* @memberOf Array
* @see Array
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Array.prototype.length = 1;
* function concat(args)
* @param {Array} args
* @returns {Array}
* @memberOf Array
* @see Array
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Array.prototype.concat = function(args){return [];};
* function join(seperator)
* @param {String} seperator
* @returns {Array}
* @memberOf Array
* @see Array
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Array.prototype.join = function(seperator){return [];};
* function pop()
* @returns {Object}
* @memberOf Array
* @see Array
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Array.prototype.pop = function(){return new Object();};
* function push(args)
* @param {Array} args
* @memberOf Array
* @see Array
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Array.prototype.push = function(args){};
* function reverse()
* @returns {Array}
* @memberOf Array
* @see Array
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Array.prototype.reverse = function(){return [];};
* function shift()
* @returns {Object}
* @memberOf Array
* @see Array
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Array.prototype.shift = function(){return new Object();};
* function slice(start, end)
* @param {Number} start
* @param {Number} end
* @returns {Array}
* @memberOf Array
* @see Array
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Array.prototype.slice = function(start, end){return [];};
* function sort(funct)
* @param {Function} funct
* @returns {Array}
* @memberOf Array
* @see Array
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Array.prototype.sort = function(funct){return [];};
* function splice(start, deletecount, items)
* @param {Number} start
* @param {Number} deletecount
* @param {Array} items
* @returns {Array}
* @memberOf Array
* @see Array
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Array.prototype.splice = function(start, deletecount, items){return [];};
* function unshift(items)
* @param {Object} values
* @returns {Number}
* @memberOf Array
* @see Array
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Array.prototype.unshift = function(values){return 1;};
* Object Function()
* @constructor
* @extends Object
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function Function(){};
Function.prototype = new Object();
* function apply (thisObject, argArray)
* @param {Object} thisObject
* @param {Array} argArray
* @returns {Object}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Function.prototype.apply = function(thisArg, argArray){return new Object();};
* function call (thisObject, args)
* @param {Object} thisObject
* @param {Object} args
* @returns {Object}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Function.prototype.call = function(thisObject, args){return new Object();};
* property length
* @type Number
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Function.prototype.length = 0;
* Object Date(s)
* @constructor
* @param {String} s
* @extends Object
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function Date(s){};
Date.prototype = new Object();
* function UTC(hour, min, sec, ms)
* @memberOf Date
* @param {Number} hour
* @param {Number} min
* @param {Number} sec
* @param {Number} ms
* @returns {Number}
* @static
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.UTC = function(hour, min, sec, ms){return 0;};
* function parse(string)
* @memberOf Date
* @param {String} string
* @returns {Number}
* @static
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.parse = function(string){return 0;};
* function toDateString()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.toDateString = function(){return "";};
* function toTimeString()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.toTimeString = function(){return "";};
* function toLocaleString()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.toLocaleString = function(){return "";};
* function toLocaleDateString()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString = function(){return "";};
* function toLocaleTimeString()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.toLocaleTimeString = function(){return "";};
* function valueOf()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Object}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.valueOf = function(){return new Object();};
* function getFullYear()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getFullYear = function(){return 0;};
* function getTime()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getTime = function(){return 0;};
* function getUTCFullYear()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getUTCFullYear = function(){return 0;};
* function getMonth()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getMonth = function(){return 0;};
* function getUTCMonth()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getUTCMonth = function(){return 0;};
* function getDate()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getDate = function(){return 0;};
* function getUTCDate()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getUTCDate = function(){return 0;};
* function getDay()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getDay = function(){return 0;};
* function getUTCDay()
* @memberOf Date
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getUTCDay=function(){return 0;};
* function getHours()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getHours = function(){return 0;};
* function getUTCHours()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getUTCHours = function(){return 0;};
* function getMinutes()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getMinutes = function(){return 0;};
* function getUTCMinutes()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getUTCMinutes = function(){return 0;};
* function getSeconds()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getSeconds = function(){return 0;};
* function getUTCSeconds()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getUTCSeconds = function(){return 0;};
* function getMilliseconds()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getMilliseconds = function(){return 0;};
* function getUTCMilliseconds()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getUTCMilliseconds = function(){return 0;};
* function getTimezoneOffset()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.getTimezoneOffset = function(){return 0;};
* function setTime(value)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} value
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setTime = function(value){return 0;};
* function setMilliseconds(value)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} value
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setMilliseconds = function(value){return 0;};
* function setUTCMilliseconds(ms)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} ms
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setUTCMilliseconds = function(ms){return 0;};
* function setSeconds(sec,ms)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} sec
* @param {Number} ms
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setSeconds = function(sec,ms){return 0;};
* function setUTCSeconds(sec,ms)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} sec
* @param {Number} ms
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setUTCSeconds=function(sec,ms){return 0;};
* function setMinutes(min,sec,ms)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} min
* @param {Number} sec
* @param {Number} ms
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setMinutes=function(min,sec,ms){return 0;};
* function setUTCMinute(min,sec,ms)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} min
* @param {Number} sec
* @param {Number} ms
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setUTCMinute = function(min,sec,ms){return 0;};
* function setHours(hour, min,sec,ms)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} hour
* @param {Number} min
* @param {Number} sec
* @param {Number} ms
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setHours = function(hour,min,sec,ms){return 0;};
* function setUTCHours(hour, min,sec,ms)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} hour
* @param {Number} min
* @param {Number} sec
* @param {Number} ms
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setUTCHours = function(hour,min,sec,ms){return 0;};
* function setDate(date)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} date
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setDate = function(date){return 0;};
* function setUTCDate(date)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} date
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setUTCDate = function(date){return 0;};
* function setMonth(month,date)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} date
* @param {Number} month
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setMonth = function(month,date){return 1;};
* function setUTCMonth(month,date)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} date
* @param {Number} month
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setUTCMonth = function(month,date){return 1;};
* function setFullYear(month,date)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Number}
* @param {Number} date
* @param {Number} month
* @param {Number} year
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setFullYear = function(year, month,date){return 0;};
* function setUTCFullYear(month,date)
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {Date}
* @param {Number} date
* @param {Number} month
* @param {Number} year
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.setUTCFullYear = function(year, month,date){};
* function toUTCString()
* @memberOf Date
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Date.prototype.toUTCString = function(){return "";};
* Property NaN
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
var NaN=0;
* Property Infinity
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
var Infinity=0;
* function eval(s)
* @param {String} s
* @type Object
* @returns {Object}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function eval(s){return new Object();};
//@GINO: Bug 197987 (Temp Fix)
* Property debugger
* @description Debugger keyword
var debugger=null;
* Property undefined
* @description undefined
var undefined=null;
* function parseInt(s,radix)
* @param {String} s
* @param {Number} radix
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function parseInt(s,radix){return 0;};
* function parseFloat(s)
* @param {String} s
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function parseFloat(s){return 0;};
* function escape(s)
* @param {String} s
* @type String
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function escape(s){return "";};
* function unescape(s)
* @param {String} s
* @type String
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function unescape(s){return "";};
* function isNaN(number)
* @param {String} number
* @type Boolean
* @returns {Boolean}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function isNaN(number){return false;};
* function isFinite(number)
* @param {String} number
* @type Boolean
* @returns {Boolean}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function isFinite(number){return false;};
* function decodeURI(encodedURI)
* @param {String} encodedURI
* @type String
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function decodeURI(encodedURI){return "";};
* @param {String} uriComponent
* @type String
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function decodeURIComponent(uriComponent){return "";};
* function encodeURIComponent(uriComponent)
* @param {String} uriComponent
* @type String
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function encodeURIComponent(uriComponent){return "";};
* function encodeURIComponent(URI)
* @param {String} URI
* @type String
* @returns {String}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function encodeURI(URI){return "";};
* Object Math(\s)
* @super Object
* @constructor
* @memberOf Math
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function Math(){};
Math.prototype=new Object();
* Property E
* @memberOf Math
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* Property LN10
* @memberOf Math
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* Property LN2
* @memberOf Math
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* Property LOG2E
* @memberOf Math
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* Property LOG10E
* @memberOf Math
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* Property PI
* @memberOf Math
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* Property SQRT1_2
* @memberOf Math
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* Property SQRT2
* @memberOf Math
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* function abs(x)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.abs=function(x){return 0;};
* function acos(x)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.acos=function(x){return 0;};
* function asin(x)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.asin=function(x){return 0;};
* function atan(x)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.atan=function(x){return 0;};
* function atan2(x,y)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.atan2=function(x,y){return 0;};
* function ceil(x)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.ceil=function(x){return 0;};
* function cos(x)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.cos=function(x){return 0;};
* function exp(x)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.exp=function(x){return 0;};
* function floor(x)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.floor=function(x){return 0;};
* function log(x)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.log=function(x){return 0;};
* function max(arg)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} args
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.max=function(args){return 0;};
* function min(arg)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} args
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.min=function(args){return 0;};
* function pow(x,y)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.pow=function(x,y){return 0;};
* function pow()
* @memberOf Math
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.random=function(){return 0;};
* function round(x)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.round=function(x){return 0;};
* function sin(x)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.sin=function(x){return 0;};
* function sqrt(x)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.sqrt=function(x){return 0;};
* function tan(x)
* @memberOf Math
* @param {Number} x
* @type Number
* @returns {Number}
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
Math.tan=function(x){return 0;};
* Object RegExp()
* @super Object
* @constructor
* @memberOf RegExp
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function RegExp(){};
RegExp.prototype=new Object();
* function exec(string)
* @param {String} string
* @returns {Array}
* @type Array
* @memberOf RegExp
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
RegExp.prototype.exec=function(string){return [];};
* function test(string)
* @param {String} string
* @returns {Boolean}
* @type Boolean
* @memberOf RegExp
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
RegExp.prototype.test=function(string){return false;};
* property source
* @type String
* @memberOf RegExp
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* property global
* @type Boolean
* @memberOf RegExp
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* property ignoreCase
* @type Boolean
* @memberOf RegExp
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* property multiline
* @type Boolean
* @memberOf RegExp
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* property lastIndex
* @type Number
* @memberOf RegExp
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* Object Error(message)
* @super Object
* @constructor
* @param {String} message
* @memberOf Error
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function Error(message){};
Error.prototype=new Object();
* property name
* @type String
* @memberOf Error
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* property message
* @type String
* @memberOf Error
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
* Object EvalError()
* @super Error
* @constructor
* @memberOf EvalError
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function EvalError(){};
EvalError.prototype=new Error("");
* Object RangeError()
* @super Error
* @constructor
* @memberOf RangeError
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function RangeError(){};
RangeError.prototype=new Error("");
* Object ReferenceError()
* @super Error
* @constructor
* @memberOf ReferenceError
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function ReferenceError(){};
ReferenceError.prototype=new Error("");
* Object SyntaxError()
* @super Error
* @constructor
* @memberOf SyntaxError
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function SyntaxError(){};
SyntaxError.prototype=new Error("");
* Object TypeError()
* @super Error
* @constructor
* @memberOf TypeError
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function TypeError(){};
TypeError.prototype=new Error("");
* Object URIError()
* @super Error
* @constructor
* @memberOf URIError
* @since Standard ECMA-262 3rd. Edition
* @since Level 2 Document Object Model Core Definition.
function URIError(){};
URIError.prototype=new Error("");
//support for debugger keyword
var debugger = null;
System.Web.Extensions.dll和System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll是ASP.NET框架中两个至关重要的组件,主要用于支持AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)技术。在ASP.NET应用程序中,这些DLL文件提供了丰富的功能...
4. **File System (FS) 模块**:Node.js提供了FS模块,用于进行文件操作,如读取、写入、创建、删除等。这些操作都是异步的,确保了程序的流畅运行。 5. **HTTP模块**:Node.js的HTTP模块使得创建Web服务器变得简单...
d3.js(Data-Driven Documents)是一个强大的JavaScript库,专门用于数据可视化。它由Mike Bostock创建,旨在让开发者能够利用Web浏览器的SVG、Canvas或HTML5来创建复杂的、数据驱动的图表和可视化应用。这个“d3.js...
jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.js A Touch-Optimized Web Framework jQuery Mobile is a ...jquery.mobile-1.4.5.js // 这个是源码哦 jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.css jquery.mobile.structure-1.4.5.min.css
System.js和jspm是JavaScript模块管理和加载工具,而PIXI.js则是一个强大的2D渲染引擎,用于创建丰富的图形和动画效果。 首先,让我们了解一下System.js。System.js是一个遵循ES6模块规范的动态模块加载器,它允许...
Three.js是一个基于WebGL的JavaScript库,它允许开发者在浏览器中创建丰富的3D图形和交互式体验。 首先,我们需要理解Three.js的核心概念。WebGL是一种在浏览器中渲染3D图形的API,而Three.js则是对WebGL的一层封装...
Node.js基于JavaScript运行环境,提供了丰富的服务器端API,用于构建高效可扩展的网络应用;MySQL则是广泛使用的开源SQL数据库,保证了数据的安全性和稳定性。 【Vue.js】 Vue.js作为前端框架,主要负责用户界面的...
《图书管理系统源码详解》 图书管理系统是一款基于JSP技术的简单项目开发案例,它为初学者提供了良好的学习平台,帮助他们理解Web应用程序的基本架构和工作原理。在这个系统中,我们将探讨以下几个关键知识点: 1....
这个系统名为"news_publish_system",并包含了完整的项目源码以及MySQL数据库文件,为开发者提供了一个实战学习和二次开发的良好平台。 一、SSM框架介绍 1. Spring框架:作为核心容器,负责管理应用中的对象,提供...
OA系统,全称为Office Automation System,是办公自动化系统的简称,主要目标是实现企业或组织内部的工作流程自动化,提高工作效率,减少不必要的纸质文档流转,促进信息共享。本压缩包"oa_system.zip"包含了一个...
这个"ASP实例开发源码—X-chat System.zip"是一个基于ASP技术的实时聊天系统的源代码实例。通过分析这个压缩包,我们可以深入理解ASP在构建交互式Web应用中的运用。 "使用须知.txt"可能包含了解和运行该源码的指导...
在HR-System公司员工后台管理系统设计源码项目中,Vue.js作为前端框架的核心,负责构建系统的基本结构和逻辑,而Element UI则为系统的各个部分提供了现成的、响应式的前端界面组件。这包括各种输入框、按钮、表格、...
这个压缩包“ASP源码—X-chat System.zip”很可能包含了该聊天系统的全部源代码文件,便于开发者研究、学习或定制。 在ASP源码中,我们通常会看到以下关键知识点: 1. **脚本语言**:ASP主要支持VBScript和JScript...
该项目是个人毕设项目源码,评审分达到95分,都经过严格调试,确保可以运行!放心下载使用。 该项目资源主要针对计算机、自动化等相关专业的学生或从业者下载使用,也可作为期末课程设计、课程大作业、毕业设计等。 ...
Node.js 是一个基于 Chrome V8 引擎的 JavaScript 运行环境,它让开发者能够使用 JavaScript 来进行服务器端编程。这个技术的出现极大地推动了Web应用的开发效率,特别是对于实时、高并发的网络应用来说,Node.js ...
5. 粒子系统(Particle System):粒子系统常用于创建火花、烟雾、雨滴等效果,Three.js的ParticleSystem和Points类提供了粒子系统的实现。 三、Three.js特效制作 1. 光影效果:通过组合不同类型的灯光和材质,...
标题“WindowsFormsApp2_Node.js_C#_windowsFormsAPP_源码”暗示这是一个使用C#编写的Windows Forms应用程序,该程序与Node.js集成,目的是在Windows操作系统中实现后台运行Go或Node.js等程序的功能。这涉及到...