css 代码
- #centercontent {
- background:#fff;
- margin-left: 199px;
- margin-right:199px;
- border:1px solid #000;
- voice-family: "\"}\"";
- voice-family: inherit;
- margin-left: 201px;
- margin-right:201px;
- }
IE5x PC mis-implements the box model. Because of that we sometimes have
to perform a little CSS trickery to get pixel-perfect display across browsers.
The following bit of code was proposed by Tantek Celik, and it preys upon a CSS
parsing bug in IE5x PC that will prematurly close a style rule when it runs
into the string "\"}\"". After that string appears in a rule, then, we can override
previously set attribute values and only browsers without the parse bug will
recognize the new values. So any of the name-value pairs above this comment
that we need to override for browsers with correct box-model implementations
will be listed below.
We use the voice-family property because it is likely to be used very infrequently,
and where it is used it will be set on the body tag. So the second voice-family value
of "inherit" will override our bogus "\"}\"" value and allow the proper value to
cascade down from the body tag.
<o:p> </o:p>
The style rule immediately following this rule offers another chance for CSS2
aware browsers to pick up the values meant for correct box-model implementations.
It uses a CSS2 selector that will be ignored by IE5x PC.
Read more at http://www.glish.com/css/hacks.asp
- family: 强调家庭成员,家庭关系。 - house: 指建筑物,住宅。 - home: 涵盖了居住的地方和家人,更注重情感上的归属感。 5. **sound, voice, noise** - sound: 泛指所有种类的声音,包括自然界的和人为的。 ...
- 示例:Tell me about your family. - **above (prep.)**:在...上方。 - 示例:The plane flew above the clouds. - **abroad (adv.)**:在国外;到国外。 - 示例:He plans to study abroad next year. **1.2...
在网页设计中,CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)起着至关重要的作用,它负责控制页面的布局和样式。然而,由于不同的浏览器对CSS规范的实现存在差异,导致了跨浏览器的兼容性问题。"常用CSS HACK问题及解决代码"文档...
纯CSS竖向导航菜单 body { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0; font-size: 80%; font-weight: bold; } ul { list-style: none;...voice-family: “\”}\””;...voice-family: inher
CSS hack浏览器兼容一览表 ...voice-family:”\”}\”;voice-family:inherit;property:value; <STYLE type=text/css> #test-span { voice-family:\}\; voice-family:inherit; color:green; } </
针对盒模型的兼容性问题,此方法通过 `voice-family` 的特殊用法来确保正确的宽度在不同浏览器中得到应用。 #### 9\. 仅Opera识别 ```css @media all and (min-width:0px){select{...}} ``` 此媒体查询专门针对...
- `voice-family`:语音类型。 - `pitch`:音调。 - `pitch-range`:音调范围。 - `stress`:语音强调。 - `richness`:音质的丰富度。 - `speak-punctuation`:如何发音标点符号。 - `speak-numeral`:如何发音数字...
voice-family: "Vivien Leigh", victoria, female; } ``` **2.6 属性** - **属性定义独占一行:** 每个属性定义都应当独占一行。例如: ```css .selector { margin: 0; padding: 0; } ``` - **属性定义后...
voice-family: "VivienLeigh", victoria, female; } ``` ##### 2.6 属性 - **属性独占一行**:[强制] 属性定义必须另起一行。 ```css .selector { margin: 0; padding: 0; } ``` - **属性定义后加分号**...
voice-family: "\"}\""; voice-family:inherit; width: [其它浏览器中的宽度]; } html>body #elem { width: [其它浏览器中的宽度]; } ``` 此外,还可以使用`_width`属性针对IE6及以下版本。 3. **下划线...
- **`voice-family`**: 设置朗读声音的类型。 - **`pitch`**: 设置声音的音调。 - **`pitch-range`**: 设置声音音调的变化范围。 - **`stress`**: 设置强调程度。 - **`richness`**: 设置声音的饱满度。 - **`speak-...
解决方法是使用 `voice-family` Hack,如下: ```css selct { width: IE5.x 宽度; voice-family :”\”}\”"; voice-family:inherit; width: 正确宽度; } ``` 这种方法不依赖 `!important`,而是利用 IE6 ...
此 hack 通过设置 `voice-family` 属性来确保只有 IE5.x 能正确解析宽度。 #### 13. Clear Hack for Firefox ```css select:after {content:"."; display:block; height:0; clear:both; visibility:hidden;} ``` 在...
}`:这是一个针对IE5.x的盒模型问题的Hack,通过`voice-family`属性的特殊用法来改变`width`的值。首先设置一个非继承的`voice-family`,然后用继承的方式覆盖它,最后设置正确的`width`。 8. **清除浮动** - `...
voice-family: "\"}\""; voice-family: inherit; width: 正确宽度; } ``` **清除浮动** 当子元素浮动后,父元素高度无法正确包裹子元素,可以使用如下hack: ```css select:after { content: "."; display: ...
- **`voice-family`**:设置语音类型。 - **`pitch`**:设置音调。 - **`pitch-range`**:设置音调范围。 - **`stress`**:设置强调度。 - **`richness`**:设置饱满度。 - **`speak-punctuation`**:控制是否读出...
为了解决这个问题,可以使用一些技巧,如上面的 `voice-family` hack,来针对 IE6.0 设置正确的宽度: ```css #box { width: 150px; // 错误的width,所有浏览器都读到 voice-family: '\}\;'; voice-family: ...
25. **语音家族与CSS解析**:`voice-family`属性在IE5和IE6中有不同的解析方式,可以利用这一特性进行浏览器兼容性处理。 以上是div+css布局中的一些常见技巧和解决方案,理解和掌握这些方法能帮助开发者更有效地...