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Economic - lesson 7

Lesson 7 MoneyMoney: Making Trade Easier
Teaching Objectives:1. To teach that the use of money as a medium of exchange is more efficient than barter because money reduces the cost of trade.
Economics Concepts \Vocabulary: Money, Trade, Exchange, Barter
Time Allowed: 25-30 minutes
Enough play dough modeling compound for each student to make a sculpture
Articles of "capital" (pencils, scissors, rulers, etc.)
Play money
Discussion of Economic Concepts:
  Barter (direct exchange) is inefficient because there must first be a coincidence of wants.Each trading partner must want what the other one has, and must be willing to trade for it.Using money (indirect exchange) is much more efficient because a coincidence of wants isnot required. When trading, people accept money and then use the money to purchaseother goods and services.
  Using money as a medium of exchange greatly lowers the cost of trade by reducing the timeand resources required for finding a trading partner. This permits more time for the actualproduction of goods and services. By greatly reducing the costs of trade and therefore ex-panding the size of potential trading markets, the use of money encourages people to spe-cialize more in what they produce. This, in turn, results in much greater productivity and inmuch higher standards of living.
Teaching Tips:
1.Because this lesson builds on Lesson 6, it is best to teach it soon after Lesson 6 is completed.

Teaching Procedure:
1.Tell students that you are going to give them another chanceto produce and trade
goods. Pass out the play dough and let studentscreate goods as in Lesson 6. Stress thatas producers, they must produce goods that consumers (other students) want. Theyshould also produce a high quality product.
2. Let the students describe what they have produced. Theymay want to "advertise" whytheir product is the best one for a classmate to purchase.
3. Tell students that you realize that in the previous lesson,some of them had trouble trad-
ing for the exact good they wanted, and thatyou want to make it a bit easier for them.Ask students if they would like to havesome money to use while trading. Pass out $10 inplay money (one $5 and five $1 bills) to each student.
4. Give students about 5 minutes to trade. Tell themto make the best deals possible, using
any combination of goods or money to make trades. Students can make asmany tradesas they want, however, they do not have to trade.
5. After the trading session is over, discuss the following questions:
a.Did you get the good you wanted? Whyor why not?
b. Did using money make it easieror more difficult to make a trade? Why? (Using
money usually makes trade easier because both people do not have to want what theother has produced.)
c. When you made a trade or purchase, who benefited? (Both buyer and seller) Howdo you know? (Because if they did not expect to benefit, they wouldnot trade.)
d. What could you do the next time to bemore sure you get the good you want? (Be
careful to produce what the other students want, besure to produce a high qualitygood, etc.).
3.告诉你意识到,在上一课,他们中的一些有困难的交易,他们想要的确切好学生,那你想对他们来说更容易一些。询问学生,如果他们想有一些钱使用,而交易。传递出10元打钱(一次500万美元和5 1元的零钞),给每个学生。
B。并用金钱更容易或更难以进行交易?为什么呢? (使用
C。当你做了交易或购买,谁获益? (买方和卖方)何你知道吗? (因为如果他们没有预料到的利益,他们不会交易。)
D。你该怎么办,下一次更确保你得到你想要的好? (要
Follow-up and Extension Activities:
1.Discuss the various items that have been used formoney throughout history (Gold, sil-
ver, furs, shells, tobacco, wampum beads, rice, salt, etc.). What characteristics makeanitem useful as money? (Scarce, divisible, portable, durable)
2.Bring to class samples of money from other countries. Can thismoney be spent in the
U.S.? (No) Can our dollars be spent in other countries? (For themost part, no) Whatmust we do to get money to spend when we go to other countries? (Wemust purchasethe other country's motley with our dollars. When visitorscome to the U.S., they mustpurchase our dollars with their money.)
3.Let students design some money of theirown. Use their finished designs for a bulletinboard display.
1.讨论已被用于整个货币史(金,银,毛皮,贝壳,烟草,贝壳串珠珠,米,盐等)的各个项目。有什么特点使得一个项目有用钱? (稀缺,整除,便携,耐用)
美国? (否)我们可以将美元在其他国家用了? (在大多数情况下,没有)我们必须做些让钱花的时候,我们去其他国家? (我们必须购买对方国家的杂牌与我们的美元。当游客来到美国,他们必须购买我们的美元用自己的钱。)
Resource Materials:1. The film, "Why Money," from theTradeOffsseries is excellent for grades 3-5.
2.Strategies for Teaching Economics: PrimaryLevel has a section with various teaching ac-tivities on barter and money.
3. TheElementary Economistissue on "Money and Exchange" contains a variety of teach-ing activities for all elementary grades.
4. The short film, "Why We Use Money: The Fisherman Who Needed A Knife," is excel-
lent. While designed for upper elementary, it can be used in virtually all elementarygrades.


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