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sencha touch listpaging何时显示no more text


I've had a similar issue with the ListPaging plugin in SenchaTouch 2, and managed to sort out the 'load more' message behaviour when the end of the data set is reached.

This builds on what John Gordon has come up with (regarding specifying the pageSize andclearOnPageLoad config options), since these properties seem to be the same in Senchatouch 2. I haven't looked at SenchaTouch 1.x in detail. In SenchaTouch 2, all config options must be defined in aconfig property:

Ext.define('MessagingApp.store.MessageThreads', {
    extend  : 'Ext.data.Store',
    requires: ['MessagingApp.model.MessageThread'],

        model: 'MessagingApp.model.MessageThread',

        autoLoad: false,
        clearOnPageLoad: false,  // This is true by default
        pageSize: 10,            // This needs to be set for paging

        proxy: {
            type: 'jsonp',
            pageParam: 'currentPage',
            limitParam: 'pageSize',
            url: APIURL + '/message-app-service/GetMessageThreads',
            reader: {
                type: 'json',
                rootProperty: 'Data'

In the view, where we specify the plugins, we can override the 'load more' and 'no more records' messages:

        '<!-- template markup goes here -->',
            //custom helper functions here
            autoPaging: true,

            // These override the text; use CSS for styling
            loadMoreText: 'Loading...',
            noMoreRecordsText: 'All messages loaded'

The issue is that while our web service returns an array of records for a particular page, there is no overall total count property, which is needed for the plugin to determine when all records have been loaded. Hence as it is, the 'Load more' message will remain (issue #1 in the accepted solution). So in theinit function of our controller, we have to attach an event handler for the load event on the store to hook into when a new page of data is received:

    extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',

        views: [
            // Other views referenced by this controller

        stores: [

            // References to UI elements by selector...

    init: function() {
        // Other internal initialisation...

            // Selector-object pairs...

        // Provide a means to intercept loads of each page of records
        var threadStore = Ext.getStore('MessageThreads');
        threadStore.addBeforeListener('load', this.checkForThreadListEnd, this);

    // Remaining controller functions...


In the handler, we realise that we've reached the end of the data set when the number of records returned is less than the page size. If the total record count is a multiple of the page size, the last 'page' will have an empty array. Once the end of the data set has been identified, we update the totalCountconfig property of the store:

checkForThreadListEnd: function(store, records, isSuccessful) {
    var pageSize = store.getPageSize();
    var pageIndex = store.currentPage - 1;    // Page numbers start at 1

    if(isSuccessful && records.length < pageSize)
        //Set count to disable 'loading' message
        var totalRecords = pageIndex * pageSize + records.length;

// Other controller functions...

Because this is a 'before' event handler, this property will be crucially updated before the plugin decides whether to display the 'load more' or 'no more records' messages. Unfortunately, the framework doesn't provide a means to hide the 'no more records' message, so this would have to be done via CSS.

Hope this helps.



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