RadRails 這個最早出現的 Open Source Rails IDE ,最近宣佈他們即將把控制權交給
Aptana 這個 Project。

Aptana 是一個 Eclipse Based 的 HTML,CSS,Javscript IDE,加入了 RadRails 也代表著除了 Aptana 原本強項的 HTML/CSS/JS編輯外,也一定會納入 Ruby on Rails 整合。
RadRails 官方早在幾天前就發表
他們需要更多人手支援,並且他們不能夠再 Full Time OpenSource 下去了。也該是想想 RadRails 的未來怎麼走更好的時候了。
The bottom line to all of this is that Matt and I can't provide the same kind of commitment that we once could. Like or not, RadRails is not a business. We've been working our asses off on a startup for the past few months and RadRails has suffered as a result. I wish things were different and we could sit back and work on open source all day but that is just not the reality anymore.
I chose to come out and face our problems head on rather than hide from the obvious.
RadRails 雖然讓出了控制權,但是 RadRails 帶給我們的,卻是一連串的 Free Solution,包含 NetBeans,IntelliJ。
We've set a trend for Rails specific tooling that can now be seen in other IDEs such as Netbeans and IntelliJ. In many ways we've accomplished what we initially set out to do and 18 months later there is not just one Rails IDE, but close to a dozen free solutions.
不管如何,RadRails,Aptana 都是 Eclipse Base 的 IDE,也都是 EPL License,相互整合可說是沒有太多問題。Aptana 官方也馬上
宣佈很快的就會有 Boundle 出現,並且 Aptana Team 的目標就是將兩者最初更加緊密的整合。
Initially, you’ll see some immediate bundling of the products, and then we’ll work on making a tighter integration as time goes on.
我對這件事情是抱持著相當正面的態度,Aptana 的 View 端 IDE 加上 RadRails 對於 Ruby on Rails 能力,相信可以做出相當不錯的 IDE Solution。
Aptana RadRails,作为一款Eclipse的插件,主要的作用就是JavaScript的调试和智能提示,就想你跟踪Java bug那样方便,有助于提升javaweb的开发效率
Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part01 Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part01
Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part03 Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part03
标题"Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.2.exe.hx7.rar"和描述中的"Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.2.exe.hx7.rar 最后一个"提到了一个名为"Aptana RadRails"的软件的安装程序的压缩包文件。这个压缩包可能是该软件的旧版本,...
Aptana RadRails还集成了Git和其他版本控制系统,方便开发者进行团队协作。 总的来说,Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.2.exe.hx5.rar是一个用于安装旧版本Aptana RadRails IDE的分段压缩文件,适合那些需要一个强大的...
Aptana RadRails是Aptana公司推出的一款开源IDE,它基于Eclipse平台,提供了丰富的功能,如代码编辑、调试、版本控制集成以及对多种Web技术的支持,包括HTML、CSS、JavaScript、PHP、Python等,但其核心是对Ruby on ...
2. **集成开发环境(IDE)特性**:作为一款IDE,Aptana RadRails包含了代码编辑器、项目管理、版本控制系统(如Git、SVN等)集成、构建工具(如Rake)和调试器。这些功能帮助开发者提高效率,减少出错的可能性。 3....
Aptana RadRails 2.0.5 includes extensive capabilities to build Ruby and Rails applications in addition to support for HTML, CSS and JavaScript editing.
Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part05 Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part05
Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part09 Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part09
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Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part02 Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part02
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Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part06 Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part06
标题"Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.2.exe.hx1.rar"提示我们这是一个关于Aptana RadRails的安装程序的压缩文件。Aptana RadRails是一款集成开发环境(IDE),专为Ruby on Rails框架设计,提供了一整套工具集,帮助...
标题"Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.2.exe.hx4.rar"提示我们这是一个与Aptana RadRails相关的安装程序的压缩文件,版本为2.0.2,并且经过了hx4的编码处理。这个文件可能是为了分块上传或下载而被分割成了多个部分,从...