Given that there are many cases where it is necessary to communicate between plug-ins in different sandboxes, what can we do?
1. We can communicate through a shared data structure or event passing system that lives in a sandbox that is a parent to both plug-ins. You can create your mechanisms to do this, or you can use the event system .
Note: It’s important to remember that event classes send via the event system must be either defined in the JRE core library (java.lang.String, for example) or in a parent sandbox.
2. A class in a parent sandbox can invoke call methods on a class in a child sandbox through an interface. The interface must be defined in the parent sandbox (which makes it visible to both parent and child). A class in the child sandbox can then implement the interface and register that implementation with the parent. Finally, the parent can make calls to the child via the interface.
Plug-ins can communicate their internal structure for the purpose of overview, but also for some associated functionality (eg. program-lists). 5. Resizeable UI Editor VST 3 defines a way to allow ...
Step-by-step, easy-to-use instructions to optimize the existing features of Jenkins using the complete set of plug-ins that Jenkins offers Who This Book Is For If you are a Java developer, a software ...
交流数据发现 为什么要这个项目? 数据可视化是一项重要的技能,已在数据分析过程的许多部分中使用。 探索性数据可视化通常发生在数据整理过程中和之后,这是您用来了解数据中存在的模式和关系的主要方法。...
交流数据发现 项目5-Udacity数据分析师纳米学位 数据可视化是一项重要的技能,已在数据分析过程的许多部分中使用。 探索性数据可视化通常发生在数据整理过程中和之后,这是您用来了解数据中存在的模式和关系的主要...
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learning-to-communicate, 多Agent强化学习的学习与学习 基于的多agent增强学习学习方法研究杰克。Foerster ,Yannis M 。 Assael,Nando de Freitas,Shimon Whiteson 我们考虑在环境中使用多代理感知和行为的问题...
交流数据发现 福特Gobike使用数据分析 单变量探索: 在单变量探索中,我关注于不同因素如何影响乘车次数。 因此,我主要使用直方图来研究乘车量和不同变量之间的关系。 在行驶期间,其分布严重偏向右侧。...
- Variables to communicate between tasks - Conditional Aborts - Built in event system - Unity 5 multiplayer support - Use existing code with reflection tasks - Hundreds of tasks - Evaluate tasks using...
- Variables to communicate between tasks - Conditional Aborts - Built in event system - Unity 5 multiplayer support - Use existing code with reflection tasks - Hundreds of tasks - Evaluate tasks using...
js-communicate INTRAS-JS的交互通讯模块,提供了JS中模拟AS3事件监听处理方式用于取代AS直接调页面接口的方式。使用该库将为SWF提供三个接口给JS来调用:notify,用于JS调AS中的接口swf.notify('pausePlayer', [p1,...
learning to communicate with deep multi-agent reinforcement learning-附件资源
This book provides practical, proven techniques for making writing for business more effective and less stressful. All levels of business and technical personnel will find this easy-to-read guide ...
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