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- 来自: 北京
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.Assert;
public class TestStringIdentical extends TestCase {
public void testTwoConstantStringAreTheSame()
Assert.assertSame("hi", "hi");
public void testConstantStringIsTheSameAsItsReference()
String reference = "hi";
Assert.assertEquals(reference, "hi");
public void testTwoConsantStringReferenceAreTheSame()
String hi = "hi";
String hey = "hi";
Assert.assertSame(hi, hey);
public void testConstantStringPlusAReferenceIsNotConstant()
String reference = "lo";
//since "hel" + reference is computed at runtime,which is newly created and therefore distinct. check apendix below
Assert.assertNotSame("hello", "hel" + reference);
public void testConstantStringPlusConstantIsStillConstant()
//computed during compile-time, so still a constant.
Assert.assertSame("hello", "hel" + "lo");
Assert.assertSame("hello123", "hel" + "lo" + 123);
public void testInternedStringAlwaysIsConstant()
Assert.assertSame("hello", new String("hello").intern());
Assert.assertSame("hello", "hello".intern());
public void testConstantStringIsNotTheSameAsTheOneConctructedByNew()
String hi = new String("hi");
Assert.assertNotSame(hi, "hi");
String empty = new String();
Assert.assertNotSame("", empty);
String original = new String("sometext");
String refer = original;
Assert.assertSame(original, refer);
public void testSubStringFromIndexIsInclusiveButEndIndexIsExclusive()
String abc = "abc";
Assert.assertEquals("c", abc.substring(2,3));
Assert.assertEquals("b", abc.substring(1,2));
* Appendix 1:
* package testPackage;
class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String hello = "Hello", lo = "lo";
System.out.print((hello == "Hello") + " ");
System.out.print((Other.hello == hello) + " ");
System.out.print((other.Other.hello == hello) + " ");
System.out.print((hello == ("Hel"+"lo")) + " ");
System.out.print((hello == ("Hel"+lo)) + " ");
System.out.println(hello == ("Hel"+lo).intern());
class Other { static String hello = "Hello"; }
and the compilation unit:
package other;
public class Other { static String hello = "Hello"; }
produces the output:
true true true true false true
This example illustrates six points:
* Literal strings within the same class (§8) in the same package (§7) represent references to the same String object (§4.3.1).
* Literal strings within different classes in the same package represent references to the same String object.
* Literal strings within different classes in different packages likewise represent references to the same String object.
* Strings computed by constant expressions (§15.28) are computed at compile time and then treated as if they were literals.
* Strings computed at run time are newly created and therefore distinct.
* The result of explicitly interning a computed string is the same string as any pre-existing literal string with the same contents.
* Appendix 2:
* A compile-time constant expression is an expression denoting a value of primitive type or a String that is composed using only the following:
* Literals of primitive type and literals of type String
* Casts to primitive types and casts to type String
* The unary operators +, -, ~, and ! (but not ++ or --)
* The multiplicative operators *, /, and %
* The additive operators + and -
* The shift operators <<, >>, and >>>
* The relational operators <, <=, >, and >= (but not instanceof)
* The equality operators == and !=
* The bitwise and logical operators &, ^, and |
* The conditional-and operator && and the conditional-or operator ||
* The ternary conditional operator ? :
* Simple names that refer to final variables whose initializers are constant expressions
* Qualified names of the form TypeName . Identifier that refer to final variables whose initializers are constant expressions
Compile-time constant expressions are used in case labels in switch statements (§14.10) and have a special significance for assignment conversion (§5.2).
A compile-time constant expression is always treated as FP-strict (§15.4), even if it occurs in a context where a non-constant expression would not be considered to be FP-strict.
Examples of constant expressions:
Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2
2.0 * Math.PI
"The integer " + Long.MAX_VALUE + " is mighty big."
import junit.framework.Assert;
public class TestStringIdentical extends TestCase {
public void testTwoConstantStringAreTheSame()
Assert.assertSame("hi", "hi");
public void testConstantStringIsTheSameAsItsReference()
String reference = "hi";
Assert.assertEquals(reference, "hi");
public void testTwoConsantStringReferenceAreTheSame()
String hi = "hi";
String hey = "hi";
Assert.assertSame(hi, hey);
public void testConstantStringPlusAReferenceIsNotConstant()
String reference = "lo";
//since "hel" + reference is computed at runtime,which is newly created and therefore distinct. check apendix below
Assert.assertNotSame("hello", "hel" + reference);
public void testConstantStringPlusConstantIsStillConstant()
//computed during compile-time, so still a constant.
Assert.assertSame("hello", "hel" + "lo");
Assert.assertSame("hello123", "hel" + "lo" + 123);
public void testInternedStringAlwaysIsConstant()
Assert.assertSame("hello", new String("hello").intern());
Assert.assertSame("hello", "hello".intern());
public void testConstantStringIsNotTheSameAsTheOneConctructedByNew()
String hi = new String("hi");
Assert.assertNotSame(hi, "hi");
String empty = new String();
Assert.assertNotSame("", empty);
String original = new String("sometext");
String refer = original;
Assert.assertSame(original, refer);
public void testSubStringFromIndexIsInclusiveButEndIndexIsExclusive()
String abc = "abc";
Assert.assertEquals("c", abc.substring(2,3));
Assert.assertEquals("b", abc.substring(1,2));
* Appendix 1:
* package testPackage;
class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String hello = "Hello", lo = "lo";
System.out.print((hello == "Hello") + " ");
System.out.print((Other.hello == hello) + " ");
System.out.print((other.Other.hello == hello) + " ");
System.out.print((hello == ("Hel"+"lo")) + " ");
System.out.print((hello == ("Hel"+lo)) + " ");
System.out.println(hello == ("Hel"+lo).intern());
class Other { static String hello = "Hello"; }
and the compilation unit:
package other;
public class Other { static String hello = "Hello"; }
produces the output:
true true true true false true
This example illustrates six points:
* Literal strings within the same class (§8) in the same package (§7) represent references to the same String object (§4.3.1).
* Literal strings within different classes in the same package represent references to the same String object.
* Literal strings within different classes in different packages likewise represent references to the same String object.
* Strings computed by constant expressions (§15.28) are computed at compile time and then treated as if they were literals.
* Strings computed at run time are newly created and therefore distinct.
* The result of explicitly interning a computed string is the same string as any pre-existing literal string with the same contents.
* Appendix 2:
* A compile-time constant expression is an expression denoting a value of primitive type or a String that is composed using only the following:
* Literals of primitive type and literals of type String
* Casts to primitive types and casts to type String
* The unary operators +, -, ~, and ! (but not ++ or --)
* The multiplicative operators *, /, and %
* The additive operators + and -
* The shift operators <<, >>, and >>>
* The relational operators <, <=, >, and >= (but not instanceof)
* The equality operators == and !=
* The bitwise and logical operators &, ^, and |
* The conditional-and operator && and the conditional-or operator ||
* The ternary conditional operator ? :
* Simple names that refer to final variables whose initializers are constant expressions
* Qualified names of the form TypeName . Identifier that refer to final variables whose initializers are constant expressions
Compile-time constant expressions are used in case labels in switch statements (§14.10) and have a special significance for assignment conversion (§5.2).
A compile-time constant expression is always treated as FP-strict (§15.4), even if it occurs in a context where a non-constant expression would not be considered to be FP-strict.
Examples of constant expressions:
Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2
2.0 * Math.PI
"The integer " + Long.MAX_VALUE + " is mighty big."
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You will understand how to set a simple operator in Java You will learn all the technical Java programming language such as Loops and Arrays, Boolean Logic, Methods, Inheritance and Polymorphism, ...
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### Understand 5.952 for Linux 下载与安装教程 #### 一、引言 在软件开发领域,代码阅读工具对于提升开发效率至关重要。在Linux环境下,Understand 被誉为是一款堪比 Windows 下 SourceInsight 的神器,特别适用...
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