Posted on September 7, 2007
by johnnygee
these concepts may seem similar, they are very different and can
significantly impact an application functionality. Lets first start
with definitions (as defined by EMC Documentum):
- A group is a set of users, groups, or a mixture of both. It is normally used to assign permissions on an object.
– A role is a special kind of group; it too can contain
a set of users, other groups, or both. The difference is that a role
is used by a client application
to filter out certain operations. WDK
framework supports scoping of WDK components by role. For example, the
Administration node in Webtop is only visible if the user is an
administrator. Roles are NOT
used to assign permissions on an object.
So what is client capability?
Client capability
– Legacy setting that is defined for each
user object. The four values for client_capability attribute are
consumer, contributor, coordinator, and (system) administrator. The
client capability setting is used as a “default role” for a user.
This setting was created long before the concept of roles was created.
WDK/Webtop uses the client capability role if the user is not assigned
to any custom roles. Once you start creating custom roles, you need
to configure/remap the client_capability role to your custom roles, if
you still want to use client_capability setting. FYI – The list of
actions available to a specific client capability role is listed in the
WDK Development Guide.
To summarize:
- groups – permissions
- roles – filtering actions
- client capability – default roles
Feel free to post comments if you need further clarification.
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