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Apache Ant™
Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other. The main known usage of Ant is the build of Java applications. Ant supplies a number of built-in tasks allowing to compile, assemble, test and run Java applications. Ant can also be used effectively to build non Java applications, for instance C or C++ applications. More generally, Ant can be used to pilot any type of process which can be described in terms of targets and tasks.
The latest version Ant1.8.2.
1. Ant安装(Windows)
- 下载ant最新版本并解压到文件目录
- 设置ANT_HOME环境变量
- 添加%ANT_HOME%\bin 到path
- 检查是否设置成功:ant -version
2. Ant构建文件(build.xml)
Build.xml由xml编写, ant构建文件对大小写敏感
3. 运行ant
ant [options] [target [target2 [target3] ...]]
-help, -h print this message
-projecthelp, -p print project help information
-version print the version information and exit
-diagnostics print information that might be helpful to
diagnose or report problems.
-quiet, -q be extra quiet
-verbose, -v be extra verbose
-debug, -d print debugging information
-emacs, -e produce logging information without adornments
-lib <path> specifies a path to search for jars and classes
-logfile <file> use given file for log
-l <file> ''
-logger <classname> the class which is to perform logging
-listener <classname> add an instance of class as a project listener
-noinput do not allow interactive input
-buildfile <file> use given buildfile
-file <file> ''
-f <file> ''
-D<property>=<value> use value for given property
-keep-going, -k execute all targets that do not depend
on failed target(s)
-propertyfile <name> load all properties from file with -D
properties taking precedence
-inputhandler <class> the class which will handle input requests
-find <file> (s)earch for buildfile towards the root of
-s <file> the filesystem and use it
-nice number A niceness value for the main thread:
1 (lowest) to 10 (highest); 5 is the default
-nouserlib Run ant without using the jar files from ${user.home}/.ant/lib
-noclasspath Run ant without using CLASSPATH
-autoproxy Java 1.5+ : use the OS proxies
-main <class> override Ant's normal entry point
Ant将打开默认的构建文件,并执行默认的目标compile. 默认情况下,ant命令会在当前目录下寻找build.xml。
ant –buildfile test.xml
runs Ant using the test.xml file in the current directory, on the default target.
ant -buildfile test.xml dist
runs Ant using the test.xml file in the current directory, on the target called dist.
ant -buildfile test.xml -Dbuild=build/classes dist
runs Ant using the test.xml file in the current directory, on the target called dist, setting the build property to the value build/classes.
ant -lib /home/ant/extras
runs Ant picking up additional task and support jars from the /home/ant/extras location
ant -lib one.jar;another.jar
ant -lib one.jar -lib another.jar
adds two jars to Ants classpath.
4. Using Apache Ant
Structure of Buildfile
Task1 |
Task2 |
Property |
Path |
Taskn |
taskref |
A project has three attributes:
Attribute |
Description |
Required |
name |
the name of the project. |
No |
default |
the default target to use when no target is supplied. |
No; however, since Ant 1.6.0, every project includes an implicit target that contains any and all top-level tasks and/or types. This target will always be executed as part of the project's initialization, even when Ant is run with the -projecthelp option. |
basedir |
the base directory from which all path calculations are done. This attribute might be overridden by setting the "basedir" property beforehand. When this is done, it must be omitted in the project tag. If neither the attribute nor the property have been set, the parent directory of the buildfile will be used. |
<project name="CopsTestComp" default="show property" basedir=”.”>
A target can depend on other targets. You might have a target for compiling, for example, and a target for creating a distributable. You can only build a distributable when you have compiled first, so the distribute target depends on the compile target. Ant resolves these dependencies.
For example:
<target name="jar" depends="clean,build">
A task is a piece of code that can be executed.
<target name="build">
<mkdir dir="${path.build}" /> //task1
<javac classpath="${path.build}" debug="true" srcdir="src" destdir="${path.build}"> //task2
<include name="**/*.java" />
<classpath refid= "compile.classpath "/>
Properties are an important way to customize a build process or to just provide shortcuts for strings that are used repeatedly inside a build file.
<property name="src" location="src"/>
<property name="build" location="build"/>
<property name="dist" location="dist"/>
Use of external tasks
Ant supports a plugin mechanism for using third party tasks. For using them you have to do two steps:
- place their implementation somewhere where Ant can find them
- declare them.
Don't add anything to the CLASSPATH environment variable - this is often the reason for very obscure errors. Use Ant's own mechanisms for adding libraries:
via command line argument
adding to
adding to
For the declaration there are several ways:
- declare a single task per using instruction using
<taskdef name="jag_connect" classname="com.sybase.jaguar.management.jagtool.ant.ConnectTask" />
declare a bundle of tasks using a properties-file holding these taskname-ImplementationClass-pairs and
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties" /> <for ... />
declare a bundle of tasks using a xml-file holding these taskname-ImplementationClass-pairs and
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" /> <for ... />
declare a bundle of tasks using a xml-file named antlib.xml, XML-namespace and
protocoll handler<project xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antconrib"/> <ac:for ... />
Example Buildfile
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="Test" default="show property" basedir=”.”>
<property name="jar.file" value="${ant.project.name}.jar" />
<property name="entity.name" value="Package:${ant.project.name}" />
<property name="list.type" value="Package" />
<property name="path.build" value="${basedir}/bin" />
<property name="path.jar" value="D:/jar/jar_hksg/" />
<property name="webs.jar" value="D:/jar/jar_hksg/" />
<!-- EAServer properties -->
<property name="jaguar.host" value="" />
<property name="jaguar.port" value="9091" />
<property name="jaguar.user" value="addddd" />
<property name="jaguar.password" value="123456" />
<!-- import EAServer task -->
<taskdef name="jag_connect" classname="com.sybase.jaguar.management.jagtool.ant.ConnectTask" />
<taskdef name="jag_deploy" classname="com.sybase.jaguar.management.jagtool.ant.DeployTask" />
<taskdef name="jag_delete" classname="com.sybase.jaguar.management.jagtool.ant.DeleteTask" />
<taskdef name="jag_refresh" classname="com.sybase.jaguar.management.jagtool.ant.RefreshTask" />
<taskdef name="jag_restart" classname="com.sybase.jaguar.management.jagtool.ant.RestartTask" />
<taskdef name="jag_shutdown" classname="com.sybase.jaguar.management.jagtool.ant.ShutdownTask" />
<taskdef name="jag_list" classname="com.sybase.jaguar.management.jagtool.ant.ListTask" />
<target name="jar" depends="clean,build">
<delete file="${jar.file}"/>
<jar destfile="${jar.file}">
<fileset dir="${path.build}" includes="**/*.*" />
<fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="META-INF/**" />
<target name="connect">
<jag_connect host="${jaguar.host}" port="${jaguar.port}" user="${jaguar.user}" password="${jaguar.password}" />
<target name="restart" depends="connect">
<jag_restart />
<waitfor checkevery="1" checkeveryunit="second">
<socket server="${jaguar.host}" port="${jaguar.port}" />
<target name="shutdown" depends="connect">
<jag_shutdown />
<target name="deploy" depends="jar,connect">
<jag_deploy type="ejbjar" install="true" strategy="full" file="${basedir}/${jar.file}" verbose="true" />
<jag_refresh entity="${entity.name}" />
<target name="undeploy" depends="connect">
<jag_delete entity="${entity.name}" />
<target name="list" depends="connect">
<jag_list type="${list.type}" />
<target name="refresh" depends="connect">
<jag_refresh entity="${entity.name}" />
<target name="clean">
<delete includeEmptyDirs="true">
<fileset dir="${path.build}" />
<target name="build">
<mkdir dir="${path.build}" />
<javac classpath="${path.build}" debug="true" srcdir="src" destdir="${path.build}">
<include name="**/*.java" />
<classpath refid= "compile.classpath "/>
<path id= "compile.classpath ">
<pathelement path = "${path.jar}easj2ee.jar"/>
<pathelement path = "${path.jar}log4j-1.2.15.jar "/>
<pathelement path = "${path.jar}easserver.jar"/>
<pathelement path = "${path.jar}easclient.jar"/>
<pathelement path = "${path.jar}hksps.jar"/>
<pathelement path = "${path.jar}common.jar"/>
<pathelement path = "${path.jar}mbclnt50.jar"/>
<target name="show property">
<echo message="Host:${jaguar.host}"/>
<echo message="Port:${jaguar.port}"/>
The structure of the build.xml:
Stucture of build.xml
Apache Ant™ 1.8.2 Manual(http://ant.apache.org/manual/index.html)
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**Ant学习笔记** Ant是一个基于Java的构建工具,它的全称是Another Neat Tool,主要应用于Java项目的构建。Ant的设计理念是通过XML配置文件来定义构建过程,而非依赖于特定平台的shell命令。每个构建任务是由实现了...
**Ant学习笔记** Apache Ant,一个Java库和命令行工具,其任务是驱动构建过程。它是Java世界中广泛使用的构建工具,类似于Unix世界的Make。Ant以其XML格式的构建文件(通常命名为`build.xml`)而闻名,这个文件包含...
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《Ant构建工具学习指南》 Ant,作为Java领域的一个强大构建工具,它的主要作用在于将复杂的项目构建过程规范化、自动化,使得开发者能够更专注于代码的编写而非构建流程。本文将深入探讨Ant的基本概念、安装配置、...
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**ANT学习笔记(一)——ANT结合JUNIT4学习DEMO** ANT,全称为Apache Ant,是一个基于Java的构建工具,用于自动化Java项目的构建、编译、测试和部署过程。它通过XML配置文件来定义任务,使得项目构建过程可配置且可...
### ant的学习笔记知识点详解 #### 一、Ant的作用与特性 Ant是一款强大的自动化构建工具,主要应用于Java项目,能够高效地处理项目的编译、打包、测试等任务。它采用XML格式编写构建脚本,这使得Ant具有良好的跨...
3. **Ant学习笔记.doc与Ant权威指南.pdf** Ant是Java世界里常用的构建工具,能够自动化执行编译、打包、测试等任务。文档和PDF提供了Ant的基本使用、任务定义、宏定义等,对于项目构建流程的管理至关重要。 4. **...