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前段时间自己整理的一个有关strong-named assemblies的相关知识点。
What it the strong-named assembly?
A strong name consists of the assembly‘s identity:
Simple text name
Version number
Culture information
A public key and a digital signature
Strong names guarantee name uniqueness by relying on unique key pairs
Strong names protect the version lineage of an assembly.
Strong names provide a strong integrity check.
Public/Private key pair: How to sign an assembly with a strong name:
Create a public/private key pair
>sn -k myKeyPair.snk
Get the public key
>sn -p myKeyPair.snk myPublicKey.snk
View the public key
>sn -tp myPublicKey.snk
Using the Assembly Linker (Al.exe)
>al /out:MyAssembly.dll MyModule.netmodule /keyfile:myKeyPair.snk
Using compiler options such /keyfile or /delaysign in C#
>csc /Keyfile:myKeyPair.snk test.cs
Using assembly attributes to insert the strong name information in code.
[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile(“myKeyPair.snk")]
Delay Signing an Assembly:
An organization can have a closely guarded key pair that developers do not have access to on a daily basis. The public key is often available, but access to the private key is restricted to only a few individuals.
How to delay signing an assembly:
Obtain the public key portion of the key pair.
Annotate the source code for the assembly with two custom attributes
Compile the assembly
Turn off the verification of that signature.
>sn –Vr myAssembly.dll
Using the actual strong name sign the assembly
>sn -R myAssembly.dll myKeyPair.snk
Turn verification back on by executing the following command line:
>SN -Vu myAssembly.dll
Publish and GAC:
If an assembly is to be accessed by multiple applications, the assembly must be placed into a well-known directory, which is called the global assembly cache (GAC).
the GAC identifies assemblies using name, version, culture, public key, and CPU architecture.
You can't ever place a weakly named assembly into the GAC.
Install an assembly to GAC
>gacutil -i hello.dll
Remove an assembly from GAC
>gacutil –u hello.dll
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标题 "selenium-dotnet-strongnamed-2.44.0.zip" 暗示这是一个针对.NET框架的Selenium库的特定版本,具有强命名(Strong-Named)的特性。Selenium是一个广泛使用的自动化测试工具,它允许开发人员编写脚本来模拟用户...
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3. 强命名问题:如果程序集是强命名的(strong-named),那么它的哈希值必须与引用匹配。 4. 多目标框架问题:开发环境和运行环境的.NET Framework版本不一致。 为了解决这个问题,开发者通常需要执行以下步骤: 1...
- **增强的.NET支持**:包括Strong-named assemblies,支持更多的.NET类库,提升了.NET环境下的兼容性和性能。 - **创新DataWindow**:DataWindow的改进允许开发人员创建更丰富、更具交互性的用户界面。 - **其他...
.NET Framework提供了强命名(Strong-Named)和合并(Assembly Binding Redirection)等机制来解决这些问题。 4. 错误处理:当DLL调用失败时,需要捕获并处理异常。了解`Platform Invoke (P/Invoke)`和`Interop ...
- **Strong-Named Assemblies**:强命名程序集,通过签名确保程序集的唯一性和安全性,避免版本冲突。 - **Interface vs Class**:接口定义了一组方法和属性,不包含具体的实现;类则可以包含具体的方法实现和数据...
TFrame + TLabel + TRadioGroup = bad5.00 of 5 Closed9477 Delphi .NET assembly references with strong names5.00 of 5 Closed9254 Incorrect reference public key token included into Delphi8 strong-named ...
4. 强命名(Strong-Named)隔离:对于强命名的程序集,数据将被隔离在各自的命名空间内。 在C#中,使用`System.IO.IsolatedStorage`命名空间中的类来操作隔离存储。主要涉及以下核心类: - `IsolatedStorageFile`...
全局程序集缓存是.NET Framework中的一个特殊存储区域,它用于存放可以被多个应用程序域(AppDomain)共享的、强命名(Strong-Named)的程序集。GAC中的程序集具有唯一的标识,包括版本号、公钥和 Culture 信息,...
为了避免这种情况,应使用强命名的DLL(Strong-Named DLLs)和适当的版本控制策略。 9. **程序集**:在.NET Framework中,程序集(Assembly)是模块化代码的基本单元,它包含元数据和IL代码。一个程序集可以包含一...
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Server features to simple applications for hobbyists, or let experienced users develop scaling and strong service-based projects for their customers, with the advantages of native code and easy-to-...
If you compile Strong Named Assemblies then imported ActiveX Controls must also be Strong Named. The Utilities folder contains a Strong Name compiled version of: \Utilities\VS.NET\Strong Named DLLs ...
If you compile Strong Named Assemblies then imported ActiveX Controls must also be Strong Named. The Utilities folder contains a Strong Name compiled version of: \Utilities\VS.NET\Strong Named DLLs ...
Strong Named DLL assemblies of TeeChart and TeeChart with Windows wrapper for use with Visual Studio.NET projects that require to be Strong Named. Changes to note: 1. VC++ developers should ...
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