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General Information | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Note: A nested table is a table stored within the structure of another table. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Data Dictionary Objects |
System Privileges |
Nested Table Example |
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE CourseList AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(64); --courses_tab是在数据库表user_nested_tables内标识department表中该索引表的名。
Insert into Nested Table |
SELECT cardinality(courses) FROM department; INSERT INTO department (name, director, office, courses) VALUES ('English', 'Lynn Saunders', 'Breakstone Hall 205', CourseList( 'Expository Writing', 'Film and Literature', 'Modern Science Fiction', 'Discursive Writing', 'Modern English Grammar', 'Introduction to Shakespeare', 'Modern Drama', 'The Short Story', 'The American Novel')); SELECT * FROM department; SELECT cardinality(courses) FROM department; |
Update a nested table |
DECLARE new_courses CourseList := CourseList('Expository Writing', 'Film and Literature', 'Discursive Writing', 'Modern English Grammar', 'Realism and Naturalism', 'Introduction to Shakespeare', 'Modern Drama', 'The Short Story', 'The American Novel', '20th-Century Poetry', 'Advanced Workshop in Poetry'); BEGIN UPDATE department SET courses = new_courses WHERE name = 'English'; END; / SELECT * FROM department; SELECT cardinality(courses) FROM department; |
Drop nested table |
SELECT table_name FROM user_tables; DROP TABLE courses_tab; You cannot directly drop the storage table of a nested table. Instead, you must drop the nested table column using the ALTER TABLE ... DROP COLUMN clause. desc department ALTER TABLE department DROP COLUMN courses; |
Table Unnesting | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Collection Unnesting Demo |
To select data from a nested table column you use the TABLE function to treat the nested table as columns of a table. This process is called "collection unnesting". SELECT t1.department_id, t2.* FROM hr_info t1, TABLE(t1.people) t2 WHERE t2.department_id = t1.department_id; SELECT t1.name, t2.* FROM department t1, TABLE(t1.courses) t2; |
Nested Table Demos | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Constructor for a Nested Table |
In the following example, you pass multiple elements to the constructor CourseList(), which returns a nested table containing those elements: DECLARE TYPE CourseList IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(16); my_courses CourseList; BEGIN my_courses := CourseList('Econ 2010','Acct 3401','Mgmt 3100'); END; / Because a PL/SQL table does not have a declared maximum size, you can put as many elements in the constructor as necessary. DECLARE TYPE CourseList IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(16); my_courses CourseList; BEGIN my_courses := CourseList('Econ 2010','Acct 3401','Mgmt 3100'); my_courses := CourseList('Math 2022','Acct 3431','Mgmt 3100'); my_courses := CourseList('Phys 2299','Chem 9876'); my_courses := CourseList('Food 9999'); my_courses := CourseList('Orcl 3456','Math 3434','Hist 1040'); END; / |
Defining a Type as a database object | CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE CourseList AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(64); / |
Defining Types in a package header | CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE xyz IS TYPE CourseList IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(64); TYPE PartNum IS TABLE OF parent.part_num%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; END xyz; / |
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它支持多种高级数据结构,其中就包括嵌套表(Nested Table)。嵌套表是一种特殊类型的集合类型,允许在一个列中存储一组行,这些行可以是同一种类型的数据。本示例“Oracle Nested Table Demo”将向我们展示如何在...
Oracle数据库系统提供了多种数据类型,其中包括了三种主要的集合数据类型:VARRAY(变量数组)、NESTED TABLE(嵌套表)和 Associative Array(关联数组,也称为INDEX BY TABLE)。这三种集合数据类型在存储和操作一...
这些方法主要涉及自定义类型的使用,包括PL/SQL中的嵌套表(nested table)、索引表(indexed table)以及VARARRAY类型。 ### Oracle数组实现概述 在Oracle数据库中,数组是一种非常有用的数据结构,用于存储相同类型...
首先,Oracle支持多种类型的表,包括Heap Organized Table(HOT)、Index Organized Table(IOT)、Temporary Table、Index/Hash Clustered Table、Nested Table、Object Table以及External Table。HOT是最常见的表...
- **NESTED TABLE**:用于表示可排序的数组。 ### 二、创建Type的方法 #### 1. 使用CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE语句 这是最基本的创建Type的方式,可以直接指定Type的结构。例如,创建一个简单的对象类型: ```sql ...
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE some_column IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(t_nested_var)); ``` #### 12.5 嵌套表的集合操作 Oracle 10g引入了新的特性,使得嵌套表可以像集合一样进行操作,支持集合操作如合并、交集...
Oracle提供了两种主要的集合类型:VARRAY(固定大小数组)和NESTED TABLE(可变大小表格)。VARRAY有固定的元素数量限制,而NESTED TABLE则可以动态增长。 例如,你可以创建一个存储PersonType对象的VARRAY类型: ...
在PL/SQL中,Oracle提供了三种集合类型,它们分别是联合数组(Associative Array)、内嵌表(Nested Table)和索引表(Index-By Table),这些类型为处理和操作一维数据提供了强大的工具。让我们逐一深入理解这三种...
The document contains a complete nested table of contents in the Adobe Reader bookmark pane. Click the bookmark tab if necessary to open this pane. Click on a bookmark to jump quickly to a section of ...
在SQL中,集合嵌套表(Collection Nested Table)和VARRAY(Variable Array)是两种用于存储复杂数据结构的数据类型,特别是在处理多值列或者数组类型数据时非常有用。本篇文章将详细探讨这两种数据类型,以及它们在...
Additionally, a whole new generation of web developers are appearing on the scene, many of whom have never had the grave displeasure of dealing with nested table layouts and spacer GIFs.So how are ...
4.7 嵌套表(Nested Table) 嵌套表是指将一个表嵌套在另一个表中的表类型,用于存储复杂的关系数据。 4.8 其他表 除了上述表类型外,还有其他一些特殊的表类型,如外部表、临时表等。 掌握各种类型的表的创建...
<table class="nested"> <table class="inner"> <!-- 内容 --> </table> </table> ``` 对应的CSS类可以这样写: ```css .nested { border: 1px dashed #gray; border-collapse: separate; } .nested...
* 嵌套表(Nested Table):嵌套表是将一个表嵌套在另一个表中,用于存储复杂数据。 五、ORACLE 表的创建方法 ORACLE 表的创建方法包括 CREATE TABLE 语句和 CREATE INDEX 语句。 * CREATE TABLE 语句:用于创建...
创建嵌套表的完整过程包括:使用`CREATE TYPE`创建类型,使用`AS TABLE OF`基于该类型创建新的类型,以及使用`CREATE TABLE`创建嵌套表,其中包含`NESTED TABLE ... STORE AS`关键字。 可变数组(Variable-Size ...
常见的集合类型包括`VARRAY(可变数组)`和`NESTED TABLE(嵌套表)`。它们在处理大量相似数据时提供了一种高效的方式。 2. **VARRAY(可变数组)** VARRAY是一种固定大小的集合,可以将它理解为数据库中的动态...
4. **Nested Table(嵌套表)的使用**: 对于需要频繁读取的数据集,可以一次性加载到内存中的嵌套表中,提高后续查询速度。例如,可以定义一个类型为表的变量,然后使用BULK COLLECT INTO语句一次性填充数据。 5....