
Computer Science Lunch & Learn






Below is a list of sites which have Computer Science related videos and/or audio. I use this list to find material for "Computer Science Lunch & Learn" sessions that I host at work. As the name implies, this is where we play computer science videos during lunch time for the benfit of interested developers. This is a great way for developers to getter a broader perspective of the field and to hopefully learn some things which will help them to create better products.

Video Sources

Audio Sources




    Learn Computer Science with Swift epub

    Learn Computer Science with Swift 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书

    计算机科学与信息技术Computer Science & Information Technology

    计算机科学(Computer Science)是研究信息处理、计算机系统以及它们的应用的学科,包括算法理论、软件工程、硬件技术、人工智能、信息安全和网络技术等多个子领域。信息技术(Information Technology)主要关注...

    Frontiers of Computer Science的word投稿模板

    Frontiers of Computer Science主要研究当前计算机科学领域取得的重大进展,旨在促进国内外科学家之间的沟通和交流。该期刊旨在让相关研究人员了解广泛主题的最新进展,报告实验、技术和想法,以促进对计算机科学...

    Advanced Computer Science - Kostas Dimtriou and Markos Hatzitaskos


    Core Computer Science - Kostas Dimtriou and Markos Hatzitaskos

    根据提供的文件内容,我们可以提炼出以下计算机科学核心知识点: 1. 系统规划与安装:在新的系统规划中,需要考虑的上下文包括系统的目的、变更管理的必要性以及兼容性问题。这通常涉及处理遗留系统或企业并购导致...

    Foundations of Computer Science

    Foundations of Computer Science 很难得能有像Ullman和Aho等人這樣的大师合作,來写电脑科学概论的书。这本书的读者设定在初学电脑科学的学生,內容就是几个重要的基础电脑科学领域,有基本的演算法,资料结构,...

    computer science curricula 2013

    computer science curricula 2013, curriculum guidelines for undergraduate degree programs in computer science

    Mathematics in computer science.rar

    Mathematics in Computer Science (MCS) publishes high-quality original research papers on the development of theories and methods for computer and information sciences, the design, implementation, and ...

    ap computer science

    AP计算机科学主要分为两个方向:AP计算机科学A(AP Computer Science A)和AP计算机科学原理(AP Computer Science Principles)。其中,AP计算机科学A更侧重于编程语言、数据结构和算法等技术细节,而AP计算机科学...

    What Is Computer Science

    What Is Computer Science

    esi-computer science

    esi-computer science的排名,上传供计算机的小伙伴参考借鉴。

    Computer Science Distilled Learn the Art of Solving Computational 无水印pdf

    Computer Science Distilled Learn the Art of Solving Computational Problems 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn...

    Foundations of Computer Science(英文版)

    Tree, List, Set, Graph, Relational date structure, Recursive description Automata, Regular Expression, Propositional Logic, Predicate Logic.

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