
The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect.(转)


The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect.


The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect ().从字面上理解是:客户端发送的请求语法错误。实际就是springmvc无法实现数据绑定。

Java代码  收藏代码
  1. public String saveOrder(  
  2.             String[] itemIds,  
  3.             @RequestParam("level")String[] levels,  
  4.             ModelMap modelMap)  


public String saveOrder(
			String[] itemIds,
			@RequestParam("level")String[] levels,
			ModelMap modelMap)

这里面的itemIds就一定要和jsp页面里的参数名字相同;如果你非要命名不相同要像levels的写法那样通过@RequestParam来转换,其中括号里面的level是jsp页面里面的参数名字,levels是在controller方法中要用到的名字;如果jsp页面中没有itemIds和level任何一个参数,也会报相同的错误,就是因为springmvc无法实现数据的绑定。因此,如果不能保证存在”level”的参数,必须使用:@RequestParam(value = "level", required = false)




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