The strut-2 framework is designed for the compilation of the entire development cycle including of building, developing and maintaining the whole application. It is very extensible as each class of the framework is based on an Interface and all the base classes are given an extra application and even you can add your own. The basic platform requirements are Servlet API 2.4, JSP API 2.0 and Java 5.
Some of the general features of the current Apache Strut 2 framework are given below.
Architecture First the web browser request a resource for which the Filter Dispatcher decides the suitable action. Then the Interceptors use the required functions and after that the Action method executes all the functions like storing and retrieving data from a database. Then the result can be seen on the output of the browser in HTML, PDF, images or any other.
Tags - Tags in Strut 2 allow creating dynamic web applications with less number of coding. Not only these tags contain output data but also provide style sheet driven markup that in turn helps in creating pages with less code. Here the tags also support validation and localization of coding that in turn offer more utilization. The less number of codes also makes it easy to read and maintain.
MVC - The Model View Controller in Strut 2 framework acts as a coordinator between application model and web view. Its Controller and View components can come together with other technology to develop the model. The framework has its library and markup tags to present the data dynamically.
Configuration - Provides a deployment descriptor to initialize resources in XML format. The initialization takes place simply by scanning all the classes using Java packages or you can use an application configuration file to control the entire configuration. Its general-purpose defaults allow using struts directly Out of the box.
Configuration files are re-loadable that allows changes without restarting a web container.
Other Features:
- All framework classes are based on interfaces and core interfaces are independent from HTTP.
- Check boxes do not require any kind of special application for false values.
- Any class can be used as an action class and one can input properties by using any JavaBean directly to the action class.
- Strut 2 actions are Spring friendly and so easy to Spring integration.
- AJAX theme enables to make the application more dynamic.
- Portal and servlet deployment are easy due to automatic portlet support without altering code.
- The request handling in every action makes it easy to customize, when required.
在Struts2插件的features目录下,可能有专门描述Struts2相关特性的XML文件,这些文件用于在Eclipse环境中展示和管理插件的特性。 使用Struts2插件能够带来以下几点优势: 1. 提高开发效率:自动化的代码生成使得...
- **Understanding the Provided Tag Libraries and Their Features**(了解框架提供的标签库及其特性):Struts2提供了丰富的标签库,可以帮助开发者更容易地创建动态HTML页面。 - **Customizing UI Themes**...
### Eclipse开发Struts2教程知识点解析 #### 一、安装与配置环境 ##### 1. 安装Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers - **下载**:访问官网 []...
Practical Apache Struts 2 Web 2.0 Projects shows you how to capitalize upon these new features to build next–generation web ... <br>Gain an in–depth understanding of the Struts framework...
第一步:在 Eclipse 中,选择 Help 菜单下的 Software Updates,接着选择 Find and Install,然后选择 Search for new features to install,最后选择 New Remote Site,输入名称和 URL,例如:...
one of the leading developers of Struts 2, Chad Davis, a passionate Struts 2 developer, along with Scott Stanlick, this book gently walks you through the key features of Struts 2 in example-...
需要注意的是,随着技术的发展,现在的开发环境中Eclipse版本已经更新到了更高级别,例如目前的Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers,同时Struts 1.x也已经被Struts 2所替代,Spring和Hibernate也都有了更多的新特性...
Struts2提供了灵活的配置选项、强大的拦截器机制、内置的表单处理等功能,使得开发者能够快速构建出稳定、高效的Web应用。 ### 如何整合这些技术 #### 使用Google Plugin for Eclipse安装GWT和App Engine SDK ...
而在"features"目录中,通常存放的是Struts2框架的特性描述文件,它们定义了插件的行为和配置。 总的来说,Struts插件和资源包是实现Struts应用国际化的关键元素。通过合理使用这些工具和组件,开发者能够构建出...
随着项目的演进,Struts 1 和 WebWork 两个项目已经集成并发展为Struts 2。Struts 2的最新版本为2.0.9(2007年7月发布)。Struts 2提供了一个更加灵活和强大的框架,它不仅继承了Struts 1的优点,还引入了许多新的...
2. **配置文件编辑支持**:对于Struts的主配置文件struts-config.xml,插件提供了语法高亮、错误检查和自动补全功能。这使得开发者能更容易地理解和修改配置,避免因配置错误导致的问题。 3. **JSP标签助手**:在...
1. **features**:此目录通常包含Eclipse插件的特性描述文件(feature.xml),这些文件定义了插件的功能集、依赖关系和其他元数据。在JInto中,"features"可能包含了描述JInto插件如何与Eclipse环境集成以及提供哪些...
.......................1 Java/JavaEE.....1 2008年11月1日...............1 Unix 学习笔记7 一、Unix前言............7 二、Unix基础知识....7 三、Unix常用命令....8 四、 文件系统权限.21 五、软硬连接的区别......
第三章 Action,Result & Struts2 Tag Library......................267 第四章 Data Transfer & Type Converter..273 第五章 Validation(数据格式验证)..276 第六章 Internationalization(I18N:国际化).............
Section A.1. Summarizing the Benefits of Ant Section A.2. Installing and Setting Up Ant Section A.3. Creating an Ant Project Section A.4. Reviewing Common Ant Tasks Section A.5. Example: Writing a...
Section A.1. Summarizing the Benefits of Ant Section A.2. Installing and Setting Up Ant Section A.3. Creating an Ant Project Section A.4. Reviewing Common Ant Tasks Section A.5. Example: Writing a...
1:外文原文 Struts——an open-source MVC implementation This article introduces Struts, a Model-View-Controller implementation that uses servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology. Struts can help...