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Using the GlassFish ESB Installation GUI


Using the GlassFish ESB Installation GUI

This topic provides instructions that lead you through the procedures to successfully install GlassFish ESB using a graphical user interface (GUI). Before beginning the installation, read Planning for GlassFish ESB Installation . It provides pertinent information such as supported platforms, operating system limitations, and parameter definitions. If you have any questions or problems, go to the GlassFish ESB web site at http://www.glassfish-esb.org . To access all the GlassFish ESB documentation in HTML format, go to the GlassFish ESB web site at http://www.glassfish-esb.org .

What You Need to Know

What You Need to Do


Overview of Installation

Before beginning the installation, read Planning for GlassFish ESB Installation , which contains information such as supported platforms, operating system limitations, parameter definitions, and the like. This information is necessary for you to complete a successful installation of GlassFish ESB.

Complete Graphical User Interface Installation

The following software is installed:

  • NetBeans IDE 6.1 ML

Note - IDE is an acronym for an integrated development environment. It consists of a number of components, such as a compiler, source code editor, build tools, debugger, browser, object inspector, class hierarchy diagram, and so on. These components can be used when performing object-oriented software development. The integrated tools can also be used to build a graphical user interface (GUI).

  • GlassFish v2 Update Release 2 (UR2)
  • Open ESB core components
  • Java Business Integration (JBI) service engines
  • Java Business Integration (JBI) binding components
  • Java Business Integration (JBI) component tooling

Caution - GlassFish ESB does not support spaces in the installation directory path. The process also installs the Sun Uninstallation software.

Note - You must have the JDK (Java Development Kit) software installed and JAVA_HOME set prior to installing GlassFish ESB or the Installer will halt the installation. See Installing the JDK Software and Setting JAVA_HOME for details.


Installing the JDK Software and Setting JAVA_HOME

If you do not already have the JDK software installed or if JAVA_HOME is not set, the GlassFish ESB installation will not be successful. The following tasks provide the information you need to install the JDK software and set JAVA_HOME on UNIX or Windows systems. The following list provides the GlassFish ESB JDK requirements by platform.


JDK5: At least release 1.5.0_14 JDK6: At least release 1.6.0_03

Linux (Red Hat and SUSE)

JDK5: At least release 1.5.0_14 JDK6: At least release 1.6.0_03


JDK5: The latest 1.5 release supported by Apple

Microsoft Windows

JDK5: At least release 1.5.0_14 JDK6: At least release 1.6.0_03
Caution - The GlassFish ESB Installer does not support JDK release 1.6.0_04 in the 64–bit version on the Solaris SPARC or AMD 64–bit environments.

To Install the JDK Software and Set JAVA_HOME on a UNIX System

1. Install the JDK software.

2. Go to http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp .

3. Select the appropriate JDK version and click Download. The JDK software is installed on your computer, for example, at /usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_02 . You can change this location.

4. Set JAVA_HOME .

5. Korn and bash shells:export JAVA_HOME = _jdk-install-dir_ export PATH=$ JAVA_HOME /bin:$PATH

6. Bourne shell:JAVA_HOME = _jdk-install-dir_ export JAVA_HOME PATH=$ JAVA_HOME /bin:$PATH export PATH

7. C shell:setenv JAVA_HOME _jdk-install-dir_ setenv PATH $ JAVA_HOME /bin:$PATH export PATH=$ JAVA_HOME /bin:$PATH


To Install the JDK Software and Set JAVA_HOME on a Windows System

1. Install the JDK software.

2. Go to http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp .

3. Select the appropriate JDK software and click Download.
The JDK software is installed on your computer, for example, at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02 . You can move the JDK software to another location if desired.

4. To set JAVA_HOME :

  • Right click My Computer and select Properties.
  • On the Advanced tab, select Environment Variables, and then edit JAVA_HOME to point to where the JDK software is located, for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_02 .

Installing GlassFish ESB Using the GlassFish ESB Installer

This procedure installs the following:

  • NetBeans 6.1 ML
  • GlassFish v2 Update Release 2 (UR2)
  • Open ESB core components
  • Java Business Integration (JBI) service engines
  • Java Business Integration (JBI) binding components
  • Java Business Integration (JBI) component tooling

Although you can change the defaults, accepting most of them is a good practice, especially the port numbers.

Caution - GlassFish ESB does not support spaces in the installation directory path.

Before You Begin

When installing GlassFish ESB on UNIX systems, such as Solaris machines, you need to set the DISPLAY variable to install in GUI mode. How you do this depends on how you connect to your system.

  • If you receive the error message “No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it” and you use the SSH command to connect to your system from another UNIX machine, you need to set the DISPLAY variable.
  • C shell with localhost as the host name setenv DISPLAY localhost:0.0
  • Korn shell with localhost as the host name DISPLAY localhost:0.0 export DISPLAY
  • If you use X Windows software, such as Exceed, the DISPLAY variable is set for you automatically.

Do not use telnet if you install on a Windows system.

To Install GlassFish ESB Components Using theGlassFish ESB Installer


1. Download the installation executable file for your platform from www.glassfish-esb.org .

2. Extract the installer file for your platform to a temporary directory.

3. Exit from all programs prior to beginning the installation. You can cancel the installation at any time during the process.

4. To start the installation, initiate the appropriate executable file:

  • For Linux or Solaris, change the execution mode with the command chmod a+x installer_file .sh , then start the installation with the command ./installer_file .sh .
  • For Macintosh, place the installer_file .tgz under $HOME/Desktop , double—click the installer_file .tgz from the Desktop, and double-click the extracted file installer_file .command from the Desktop.
  • For Windows, double-click the file installer_file .exe

5. When the GlassFish ESB Installer wizard appears, click Next on the Introduction page to begin the installation.
Tip - Use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate forward and backward in the installation.

6. On the License Agreement page, read the license agreement carefully, select “I accept the terms of the License Agreement” and then click Next.

7. Verify the location for the NetBeans IDE, and verify the location of its associated Sun JDK. If you are satisfied with the default locations, click Next. NetBeans and GlassFish require the Sun JDK for installation. For more information, see Installing the JDK Software and Setting JAVA_HOME .

8. Verify the location for GlassFish, verify the location of its associated Sun JDK. accept the default server properties, and click Next. The default server properties are described in this table:

Setting Description Default
Admin user name The name you use when you log in as administrator. admin
Admin password The password you use when you log in as administrator. adminadmin
HTTP port number The port on which GlassFish listens for HTTP requests for web applications that you deploy. 8080
Secure HTTPS port number The port on which GlassFish listens for HTTPS requests for web applications that you deploy. 8181
Admin port number The port on which GlassFish listens for administrative HTTP requests. 4848

Note - The default Admin Password is adminadmin
Caution - If you select a Java Runtime Environment (JRE), you cannot install or configure GlassFish.

9. When the Pre-Installation Summary page appears, verify each component of the installation and click Install. If you need to make changes, use the Previous button to return to a previous screen.
Note - If a firewall blocks any of the components from installing, remove the block and continue installing the component.

10. After verifying your available disk space and whether you need a desktop icon and Start Menu item, click Install.
Note - The installation process can take several minutes, depending on the speed of your system.

11. When the Registration Screen appears, you can choose any of the following:

  • Sign up for a Sun Online Account The Registration form appears. It asks for general information, such as name, email address, and so on. It requires that you set up a password for your account. Once you have filled out the form to your satisfaction, click Submit.

Note - You must have a Sun Online account set up before you can register GlassFish ESB and receive the benefits of registration.

  • Provide your Sun Online Account registered email address with password
  • Skip registration now and register later When you register, the following benefits become available to you:
    • Notification of new versions, patches, and updates
    • Special offers on Sun developer products, services, and training
    • Ability to track and manage your registered products on the Sun Inventory site

12. Click Next, and when the Successful Installation screen appears, read the comments and then click Finish. GlassFish ESB is configured for your system. For additional details about the installation, see the installation logs. Use the NetBeans Plugin Manager to change installed components or add NetBeans plugins.


Starting NetBeans

To start NetBeans, after the initial installation, navigate to the GlassFish ESB install directory or to the directory where the component is installed that you want to start. Run the appropriate command.

From GlassFish ESB Installation Directory
Windows GUI: Double-click the NetBeans desktop icon or select NetBeans from the Start menu
Mac OSX GUI: Select the NetBeans icon in the Dock or double-click NetBeans.app in the Applications directory
Windows CLI directory: _install-directory_\netbeans.exe
Solaris and Linux directory: _install-directory_/netbeans/bin


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