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liferay portal 4.2.1 配置sso+cas


liferay portal 4.2.1  配置sso+cas 


The following are a set of instructions for integrating Liferay Portal with CAS Server to setup single sign on (SSO) between Liferay and an existing web application.

[edit]Setting up CAS server
We will begin with setting up JA-SIG CAS server on Tomcat 5.x.x.

Download cas-server WAR from Liferay's download page or the whole distribution from here and drop the cas-web.war file into Tomcat's webapps dir. In a production environment The CAS server should really run on its own tomcat instance but for testing purposes we'll drop it in the same instance as our Liferay portal.

We'll need to edit the server.xml file in tomcat and uncomment the SSL section to open up port 8443.

<connector port="8443" maxhttpheadersize="8192"></connector>

xml 代码
  1. <Connector port="8443" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"  
  2. maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"  
  3. enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"  
  4. acceptCount="100" scheme="https" secure="true"  
  5. clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />  

[edit]Setting up the CAS client
Next we need to download the Yale CAS client from here. Get cas-client-2.0.11. Place the casclient.jar in ROOT/web-inf/lib of the Liferay install.

[edit]Generate the SSL cert with Java keytool
Now that we have everything we need, it's time to generate an SSL cert for our CAS server. Instructions and more information on SSL certs can be found here(http://www.ja-sig.org/products/cas/downloads/index.html)


But I found some typos and errors on that page. So following the instructions below should get you what you need.

In any directory ( I use my root ) enter the command:

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keypass changeit -keyalg RSA

Answer the questions: (note that your firstname and lastname MUST be hostname of your server and cannot be a IP address; this is very important as an IP address will fail client hostname verification even if it is correct)

Enter keystore password:  changeit
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]:  localhost
What is the name of your organizational unit?
What is the name of your organization?
What is the name of your City or Locality?
What is the name of your State or Province?
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
Is CN=localhost, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown correct?
[no]: yes

Then enter the command:

keytool -export -alias tomcat -keypass changeit -file %FILE_NAME%
I use server.cert for %FILE_NAME%. This command exports the cert you generated from your personal keystore (In windows your personal keystore is in C:\Documents and Settings\<username></username>\.keystore)

Finally import the cert into Java's keystore with this command. Tomcat uses the keystore in your JRE (%JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/cacerts)

keytool -import -alias tomcat -file %FILE_NAME% -keypass changeit -keystore %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/cacerts
Startup the CAS server

Now you are ready to startup your CAS server. Simply startup Tomcat and access CAS with https://localhost:8443/cas You should see the CAS login screen and no errors in your catalina logs.

[edit]Setting up Liferay Portal
Note: If you are using Liferay 4.2, this filter is already defined. All you have to do is modify the URL parameters, if your CAS server is at a different location.

It's time to move on to configuring Liferay. In the web.xml file you will need to add a new filter and its mapping directly above the first existing auto login filter mapping. This new filter we just added will redirect all login attempts to the CAS server. If your hostname is different you can modify the init-params accordingly. 

xml 代码
  1. <filter>    
  2.    <filter-name>CAS Filter</filter-name>    
  3.    <filter-class>edu.yale.its.tp.cas.client.filter.CASFilter</filter-class>    
  4.    <init-param>    
  5.       <param-name>edu.yale.its.tp.cas.client.filter.loginUrl</param-name>    
  6.       <param-value>https://localhost:8443/cas-web/login</param-value>    
  7.    </init-param>    
  8.    <init-param>    
  9.       <param-name>edu.yale.its.tp.cas.client.filter.validateUrl</param-name>    
  10.       <param-value>https://localhost:8443/cas-web/proxyValidate</param-value>    
  11.    </init-param>    
  12.    <init-param>    
  13.       <param-name>edu.yale.its.tp.cas.client.filter.serviceUrl</param-name>    
  14.       <param-value>http://localhost:8080/c/portal/login</param-value>    
  15.    </init-param>    
  16. </filter>  

If you use a ...serviceUrl param like above, after logging in with CAS, the browser will be redirected back to that serviceUrl. However, you can change it to the following and it will redirect back to the full URL that was originally requested. This allows you to have a deep link (e.g. to a certain layout with parameters for a portlet even) that is preserved through the CAS login process:

xml 代码
  1.    <init-param>    
  2.       <param-name>edu.yale.its.tp.cas.client.filter.serverName</param-name>    
  3.       <param-value>localhost:8080</param-value>    
  4.    </init-param>    
  6. <filter-mapping>    
  7.    <filter-name>CAS Filter</filter-name>    
  8.    <url-pattern>/c/portal/login</url-pattern>    
  9. </filter-mapping>  

Then add the following to the rest of the auto login filters <filter-mapping></filter-mapping>

xml 代码
  1. <filter-mapping>    
  2.    <filter-name>Auto Login Filter</filter-name>    
  3.    <url-pattern>/c/portal/login</url-pattern>    
  4.    <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher>    
  5.    <dispatcher>INCLUDE</dispatcher>    
  6.    <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher>    
  7. </filter-mapping>  

Note: this is only needed in Liferay 4.2

Set the com.liferay.filters.sso.cas.CASFilter setting to true.

( system-ext.properties这个文件不存在,新建一个\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\system-ext.properties,然后填入该内容)

Place the following in system-ext.properties:

   # The CAS filter will redirect the user to the CAS login page for SSO. See
   # http://www.ja-sig.org/products/cas for more information.

(portal-ext.properties 该文件存在,仅仅添加内容即可)
Put this in portal-ext.properties.

## Auto Login
# Input a list of comma delimited class names that implement
# com.liferay.portal.security.auth.AutoLogin. These classes will run in
# consecutive order for all unauthenticated users until one of them return a
# valid user id and password combination. If no valid combination is
# returned, then the request continues to process normally. If a valid
# combination is returned, then the portal will automatically login that
# user with the returned user id and password combination.
# For example, com.liferay.portal.security.auth.BasicAutoLogin reads from a
# cookie to automatically log in a user who previously logged in while
# checking on the "Remember Me" box.
# This interface allows deployers to easily configure the portal to work
# with other SSO servers. See com.liferay.portal.security.auth.CASAutoLogin
# for an example of how to configure the portal with Yale's SSO server.
Comment the first auto.login.hooks property and uncomment the second to add CASAutoLogin to the list of AutoLogin implementations.

[edit]Startup Liferay and Test
Startup the portal and when the homepage loads up hit the login link. If all goes well you should be redirected to the CAS server's login screen. Login to CAS with liferay.com.1 as your username and liferay.com.1 as your password. You should now be logged into the portal.

The current auth scheme for CAS is quite simple but in production an auth scheme which taps into an LDAP repository or some other auth service will be required.

If you created a cert with the %FILE_NAME%, you'll probably run into problems. Here are 2 commands to delete the tomcat alias from the keystore so you can start fresh:

keytool -delete -alias tomcat -keystore %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/cacerts
keytool -delete -alias tomcat -file server.cert
You may not be able to get https://localhost:8443/cas up and running after the cert key generation. If so, skip the test and try it after you've finished all the steps. If you can't login at that point, you've probably generated your cert incorrectly.
I've had problems with certs on IE7, make sure you try it out on Firefox and Opera.
CAS Setup - Integrate Liferay Portal with a CAS server to access multiple applications with a single sign on.

Retrieved from "http://wiki.liferay.com/index.php/Single_SignOn_-_Integrating_Liferay_With_CAS_Server"
Category: Customization

1 楼 javaray 2010-07-19  
遨豪大连专注于门户信息化服务,擅长于Liferay门户安装,部署和配置实施,快速Theme,基于Liferay门户实施二次开发;移植第三方门户应用系统到Liferay门户及实现企业信息化管理平台;提供必要的Liferay项目开发和管理服务以及性能改进的详细计划以及企业版服务等,更多参考: www.aukcell.com

业务咨询在线联系:eonpeter@gmail.com (msn)


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