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Oracle 11g R2 for Win7旗舰版(64位)的安装步骤
People in China are among the most fearful of getting old, a new global survey suggests.
According to Bupa, a British healthcare organization, which asked 12,262 people in 12 countries about their attitudes toward aging, 28 percent of the Chinese polled said they feel depressed when they think about getting old.
And although 72 percent of all respondents aged 65 and over said they do not feel old, the survey conducted in June and July this year found more than half of those aged 45 to 54 in China already consider themselves to be elderly.
About 30 percent of Chinese respondents said they worry about who will look after them in later years, while 91 percent agreed the government of the world`s most populous nation should improve care for the elderly.
However, because people in China think about their future earlier, research suggests the country could be one of the best prepared for addressing the aging problem.
About one third of Chinese respondents - more than double the global average - said they have put money aside for retirement, while 46 percent have taken out insurance, the poll showed.
Despite being one of the best prepared nations, three fifths of those surveyed in China expect their family to care for them when they can no longer do so themselves.
A Bupa-sponsored report,however, revealed that the "informal care network" (the traditional pattern of families looking after the elderly) is disintegrating.
This is due to a number of factors, said the report, including structural changes to the population, the increase of women in employment, the increase of one-person households and the rise in divorce rates.
The first batch of Chinese couples with only one child are largely in their 50s or 60s because the country`s family planning policy was adopted in the late 1970s.
Li Yinping, 55, a retired accountant, said she thinks only people in their 70s can be called old. She said her pension is enough to support her in later years and that her only hope is that her son can visit regularly.
"I don`t worry about my later years at all," said Li. "When I`m old, I can turn to a rest home. The local hospital can deliver the medicine I need with just a phone call."
Xiao Zhe, a 26-year-old computer engineer in Beijing, is an only child whose parents live in his hometown of Chongqing.
"I`m so busy with my work that I can`t go back to visit them often," he said. "When they`re not able to care for themselves, I will hire a nurse to look after them."
China will become the oldest society in the world by 2030, according to a recent report by a Beijing-based government think tank.
The United Nations also forecasts that people aged 60 and over will account for 28 percent of the country’s total population by 2040.
According to Bupa, a British healthcare organization, which asked 12,262 people in 12 countries about their attitudes toward aging, 28 percent of the Chinese polled said they feel depressed when they think about getting old.
And although 72 percent of all respondents aged 65 and over said they do not feel old, the survey conducted in June and July this year found more than half of those aged 45 to 54 in China already consider themselves to be elderly.
About 30 percent of Chinese respondents said they worry about who will look after them in later years, while 91 percent agreed the government of the world`s most populous nation should improve care for the elderly.
However, because people in China think about their future earlier, research suggests the country could be one of the best prepared for addressing the aging problem.
About one third of Chinese respondents - more than double the global average - said they have put money aside for retirement, while 46 percent have taken out insurance, the poll showed.
Despite being one of the best prepared nations, three fifths of those surveyed in China expect their family to care for them when they can no longer do so themselves.
A Bupa-sponsored report,however, revealed that the "informal care network" (the traditional pattern of families looking after the elderly) is disintegrating.
This is due to a number of factors, said the report, including structural changes to the population, the increase of women in employment, the increase of one-person households and the rise in divorce rates.
The first batch of Chinese couples with only one child are largely in their 50s or 60s because the country`s family planning policy was adopted in the late 1970s.
Li Yinping, 55, a retired accountant, said she thinks only people in their 70s can be called old. She said her pension is enough to support her in later years and that her only hope is that her son can visit regularly.
"I don`t worry about my later years at all," said Li. "When I`m old, I can turn to a rest home. The local hospital can deliver the medicine I need with just a phone call."
Xiao Zhe, a 26-year-old computer engineer in Beijing, is an only child whose parents live in his hometown of Chongqing.
"I`m so busy with my work that I can`t go back to visit them often," he said. "When they`re not able to care for themselves, I will hire a nurse to look after them."
China will become the oldest society in the world by 2030, according to a recent report by a Beijing-based government think tank.
The United Nations also forecasts that people aged 60 and over will account for 28 percent of the country’s total population by 2040.
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FFHQ老化数据集 ||概述FFHQ-Aging是人脸数据集,旨在对年龄转换算法以及许多其他可能的视觉任务进行基准测试。该数据集是NVIDIA 的扩展,在70,000张原始FFHQ图像的基础上,它还包含每个图像的以下信息:性别信息...
The FGNet Aging Data:包含1002张图片。The FG-NET-AD contains 1002 images from 82 different subjects with ages ranging between newborns to 69 years old subjects.
"NTRON技术白皮书:交换机AgingTime" 一、交换机基本概念 在讨论 Aging Time 之前,需要了解一些基本概念,例如交换机、局域网、MAC 地址、地址解析逻辑(ARL)等。 交换机是一种智能设备,具有内置的智能和...
中国老年社会追踪调查(China Longitudinal Aging Soci al Survey,CLASS) 是一个全国性、连续性的大型社会调查项目。通过定 期、系统地收集中国老年人群社会、经济背景数据,掌握老年人在衰老过程中面临的各种问 ...
芹菜可重现的蛋白质组学数据分析的示例。 要安装,请运行: source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")options(pkgType="source")biocLite("vladpetyuk/celegans.aging", build_vignettes=TRUE)
hmm模型matlab代码Matlab数据和代码的存储库,可从Moretto等人的论文“通过隐马尔可夫模型揭示正常衰老中的全脑动力学”中得出的数字。 代码: Code/MAIN_code_Moretto_NeuroImage.m main code ...
来自热过应力的初步数据使用老化和表征系统加速老化。该数据集包含来自 6 个器件的老化数据,其中一台设备老化时直流栅极偏置,其余器件老化时信号栅极偏置平方。记录多个变量,在某些情况下,可以高速测量栅极电压...
**FGNET衰老数据库详解** FGNET衰老数据库是一个广泛使用的数据集,专为研究人脸识别和年龄估计而设计。在计算机视觉领域,尤其是人脸识别和年龄建模的研究中,它扮演着至关重要的角色。这个数据库包含了跨年龄的...
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2. 长期aging性能:MEMS振荡器的aging性能优于石英晶振荡器,SiTime的产品规格书规定了10年的aging。 3. 电磁 susceptibility(EMS):MEMS振荡器在外部电磁场中的抗扰能力优于石英晶振荡器,SiTime的振荡器在塑料...
...这个数据库的建立,为科研人员提供了大量的人脸图像数据,支持了对人脸特征、老化过程以及相关计算机视觉算法的深入研究。 该数据库的核心在于其详尽的年龄信息,涵盖了从婴儿到老年人的各个年龄段,为研究不同...
IGBT 故障数据,NASA数据。可用于验证PHM算法。
JEDEC JEP139:2000(R2012) Constant Temperature Aging to Characterize Aluminum Interconnect Metallization for Stress-Induced Voiding - 完整英文电子版(17页).zip
docker docker学习小项目1:Docker Official Image pack aging for Docker
【CS远程控制在无线路由器aging测试中的应用与研究】 随着互联网的广泛应用,路由器的性能、稳定性和可靠性成为了关键因素。为了确保路由器的质量,aging测试变得至关重要。然而,传统的aging测试方式依赖于人工...