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Brain to blame for genetic obesity
An international study has discovered why some people who eat a high-fat diet remain slim, yet others pile on the weight.
Researchers found in some people a high-fat diet causes the brain cells to become insulated from the body.
This prevents vital signals, which tell the body to stop eating and to burn calories through exercise, from reaching the brain.
The team from Monash University, Australia, said the findings provide a critical link in addressing the obesity epidemic.
Lead author Professor Michael Cowley, said: `These neuronal circuits regulate eating behaviours and energy expenditure and are a naturally occurring process in the brain.
`The circuits begin to form early in life so that people may have a tendency towards obesity even before they eat their first meal,` he said.
Eating a high fat diet causes more `insulation` in the nerve cells, and makes it even harder for the brain to help a person lose weight.
Professor Cowley said: `Obese people are not necessarily lacking willpower. Their brains do not know how full or how much fat they have stored, so the brain does not tell the body to stop refuelling. Subsequently, their body`s ability to lose weight is significantly reduced.`
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Atom-git-blame.zip,Plugin for Atom Editor. Toggle git-blame annotations for the current file in the gutter.怪罪,atom是一个用web技术构建的开源文本编辑器。
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3. "be to blame for" 表示“应对...负责”,如 "Who is to blame for the mistake?"。 4. "break away from" 表示“脱离”,例如 "The young company decided to break away from its parent company to pursue ...
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`git-blame.vim` 是一个 Vim 插件,它为开发者提供了一个便捷的方式来查看当前选定行在 Git 版本历史中的相关信息。这个插件整合了 Git 的 `blame` 命令,使得在 Vim 编辑器内部就可以直接查询代码的作者、修改时间...
在日常的代码管理中,有时候我们需要找出代码中的特定更改是由谁在何时引入的,这时`git blame`命令就显得尤为重要。`git blame`允许开发者追踪文件历史上的每一行代码,了解它们在各个提交中是如何演变的。 `git ...
1. 用"be to blame"结构表示应受责备,如"I feel it is your husband who is to blame for the spoiled child."。 2. "attend college"表示上大学,如"The fact that he didn't attend college made it difficult ...
- **固定搭配**:"was blame for" 应改为 "was to blame for","be to blame for" 表示对某事负责任。 - **时间状语从句**:"while climbed the hill" 应改为 "while climbing the hill",用现在分词表示动作的...
`git-diff-blame`是Git的一个扩展工具,它结合了`git blame`和`git diff`的功能,为开发者提供了一种更为直观的方式来追踪代码历史。在这个工具的帮助下,开发者可以更方便地了解代码的修改历史以及是谁在何时进行了...
2. I think it is the chemistry teacher rather than the students that is to blame for the failure of the last experiment. 3. It is not how much you read but what you read that counts. 4. "Can you tell ...
如警察说的话中,“The policeman said, ‘The bus driver was to blame for the accident.’”与“The policeman,’ said the bus driver, ‘was to blame for the accident.’”的区别,前者是警察指责任何人,后...