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The naming scheme in MySQL 5.5
The naming scheme in MySQL 5.5 uses release names that consist of three numbers and a suffix; for example,mysql-5.5.6-m3. The numbers within the release name are interpreted as follows:
•The first number (5) is the major version and describes the file format. All MySQL 5 releases have the same file format.
•The second number (5) is the release level. Taken together, the major version and release level constitute the release series number.
•The third number (6) is the version number within the release series. This is incremented for each new release. Usually you want the latest version for the series you have chosen.
For each minor update, the last number in the version string is incremented. When there are major new features or minor incompatibilities with previous versions, the second number in the version string is incremented. When the file format changes, the first number is increased.
Release names also include a suffix to indicates the stability level of the release. Releases within a series progress through a set of suffixes to indicate how the stability level improves. The possible suffixes are:
•mN (for example, m1, m2, m3, ...) indicate a milestone number. MySQL development uses a milestone model, in which each milestone proceeds through a small number of versions with a tight focus on a small subset of thoroughly tested features. Following the releases for one milestone, development proceeds with another small number of releases that focuses on the next small set of features, also thoroughly tested. Features within milestone releases may be considered to be of pre-production quality.
•rc indicates a Release Candidate. Release candidates are believed to be stable, having passed all of MySQL's internal testing, and with all known fatal runtime bugs fixed. However, the release has not been in widespread use long enough to know for sure that all bugs have been identified. Only minor fixes are added.
•If there is no suffix, it indicates that the release is a General Availability (GA) or Production release. GA releases are stable, having successfully passed through all earlier release stages and are believed to be reliable, free of serious bugs, and suitable for use in production systems. Only critical bugfixes are applied to the release.
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