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赞一个,在分析AQS源码的博客当中,楼主是写的最细致,最易懂, ...
java并发编程--AbstractQueuedSynchronizer公平锁和非公平锁分析(三) -
阻塞和等待不一样吧,condition持有等待队列,而AQS持 ...
java并发编程--AbstractQueuedSynchronizer加锁和解锁分析(二) -
楼主,不知道你那个book类有什么作用。setBook那个方法 ...
JAXB--简单应用(一) -
f-u-c-k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...
java线程常见的几种死锁模式和解决方法 -
package org.mortbay.component; import java.util.EventListener; public interface LifeCycle { public void start() throws Exception; public void stop() throws Exception; public boolean isRunning(); public boolean isStarted(); public boolean isStarting(); public boolean isStopping(); public boolean isStopped(); public boolean isFailed(); public void addLifeCycleListener(LifeCycle.Listener listener); public void removeLifeCycleListener(LifeCycle.Listener listener); /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Listener. * A listener for Lifecycle events. */ public interface Listener extends EventListener { public void lifeCycleStarting(LifeCycle event); public void lifeCycleStarted(LifeCycle event); public void lifeCycleFailure(LifeCycle event,Throwable cause); public void lifeCycleStopping(LifeCycle event); public void lifeCycleStopped(LifeCycle event); } }
//======================================================================== //$Id: AbstractLifeCycle.java,v 1.3 2005/11/11 22:55:41 gregwilkins Exp $ //Copyright 2004-2005 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); //you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. //You may obtain a copy of the License at //http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 //Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software //distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, //WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. //See the License for the specific language governing permissions and //limitations under the License. //======================================================================== package org.mortbay.component; import org.mortbay.log.Log; import org.mortbay.util.LazyList; /** * Basic implementation of the life cycle interface for components. * * @author gregw */ public abstract class AbstractLifeCycle implements LifeCycle { private Object _lock = new Object(); private final int FAILED = -1, STOPPED = 0, STARTING = 1, STARTED = 2, STOPPING = 3; private volatile int _state = STOPPED; protected LifeCycle.Listener[] _listeners; protected void doStart() throws Exception { } protected void doStop() throws Exception { } public final void start() throws Exception { synchronized (_lock) { try { if (_state == STARTED || _state == STARTING) return; setStarting(); doStart(); Log.debug("started {}",this); setStarted(); } catch (Exception e) { setFailed(e); throw e; } catch (Error e) { setFailed(e); throw e; } } } public final void stop() throws Exception { synchronized (_lock) { try { if (_state == STOPPING || _state == STOPPED) return; setStopping(); doStop(); Log.debug("stopped {}",this); setStopped(); } catch (Exception e) { setFailed(e); throw e; } catch (Error e) { setFailed(e); throw e; } } } public boolean isRunning() { return _state == STARTED || _state == STARTING; } public boolean isStarted() { return _state == STARTED; } public boolean isStarting() { return _state == STARTING; } public boolean isStopping() { return _state == STOPPING; } public boolean isStopped() { return _state == STOPPED; } public boolean isFailed() { return _state == FAILED; } public void addLifeCycleListener(LifeCycle.Listener listener) { _listeners = (LifeCycle.Listener[])LazyList.addToArray(_listeners,listener,LifeCycle.Listener.class); } public void removeLifeCycleListener(LifeCycle.Listener listener) { _listeners = (LifeCycle.Listener[])LazyList.removeFromArray(_listeners,listener); } private void setStarted() { _state = STARTED; if (_listeners != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.length; i++) { _listeners[i].lifeCycleStarted(this); } } } private void setStarting() { _state = STARTING; if (_listeners != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.length; i++) { _listeners[i].lifeCycleStarting(this); } } } private void setStopping() { _state = STOPPING; if (_listeners != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.length; i++) { _listeners[i].lifeCycleStopping(this); } } } private void setStopped() { _state = STOPPED; if (_listeners != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.length; i++) { _listeners[i].lifeCycleStopped(this); } } } private void setFailed(Throwable th) { Log.warn("failed "+this+": "+th); Log.debug(th); _state = FAILED; if (_listeners != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.length; i++) { _listeners[i].lifeCycleFailure(this,th); } } } }
// ======================================================================== // Copyright 2004-2005 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // ======================================================================== package org.mortbay.thread; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.mortbay.component.AbstractLifeCycle; import org.mortbay.log.Log; /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** A pool of threads. * <p> * Avoids the expense of thread creation by pooling threads after * their run methods exit for reuse. * <p> * If an idle thread is available a job is directly dispatched, * otherwise the job is queued. After queuing a job, if the total * number of threads is less than the maximum pool size, a new thread * is spawned. * <p> * * @author Greg Wilkins <gregw@mortbay.com> */ public class QueuedThreadPool extends AbstractLifeCycle implements Serializable, ThreadPool { private String _name; private Set _threads;//线程池里的所有poolThread private List _idle;//空闲的poolThread private Runnable[] _jobs;//等待执行的job(即:工作队列) private int _nextJob;//工作队列中下一个出队的位置 private int _nextJobSlot;//工作队列中下一个入队的位置 private int _queued;//工作队列的实际长度 private int _maxQueued; private boolean _daemon; private int _id; private final Object _lock = new Lock();//工作队列_jobs和空闲线程_idle队列的锁 private final Object _threadsLock = new Lock();//线程池所有线程_threads的锁 private final Object _joinLock = new Lock();// private long _lastShrink; private int _maxIdleTimeMs=60000; private int _maxThreads=250; private int _minThreads=2; private boolean _warned=false; private int _lowThreads=0; private int _priority= Thread.NORM_PRIORITY; private int _spawnOrShrinkAt=0; private int _maxStopTimeMs; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Construct */ public QueuedThreadPool() { _name="qtp-"+hashCode(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Construct */ public QueuedThreadPool(int maxThreads) { this(); setMaxThreads(maxThreads); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Run job. * @return true */ public boolean dispatch(Runnable job) { if (!isRunning() || job==null) return false; PoolThread thread=null; boolean spawn=false; synchronized(_lock) { // Look for an idle thread int idle=_idle.size(); if (idle>0) thread=(PoolThread)_idle.remove(idle-1); else { // queue the job _queued++;//初始值为0 if (_queued>_maxQueued)//当入列的job数大于最大队列数时,更新最大队列数为当前入列个数. _maxQueued=_queued; _jobs[_nextJobSlot++]=job;//_jobs[0]=job; _nextJobSlot = 1; _nextJobSlot表示下一个可以插入_jobs队列的位置。 if (_nextJobSlot==_jobs.length)// _nextJobSlot=0; if (_nextJobSlot==_nextJob)//_nextJob表示当前_jobs队列第一个可用的job的位置。_jobs队列已满时,重新扩容(倍增)。 { // Grow the job queue Runnable[] jobs= new Runnable[_jobs.length+_maxThreads];//jobs队列倍增 int split=_jobs.length-_nextJob; if (split>0) System.arraycopy(_jobs,_nextJob,jobs,0,split); if (_nextJob!=0) System.arraycopy(_jobs,0,jobs,split,_nextJobSlot); _jobs=jobs; _nextJob=0; _nextJobSlot=_queued; } spawn=_queued>_spawnOrShrinkAt; } } if (thread!=null) { thread.dispatch(job); } else if (spawn) { newThread(); } return true; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Get the number of idle threads in the pool. * @see #getThreads * @return Number of threads */ public int getIdleThreads() { return _idle==null?0:_idle.size(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @return low resource threads threshhold */ public int getLowThreads() { return _lowThreads; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @return maximum queue size */ public int getMaxQueued() { return _maxQueued; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Get the maximum thread idle time. * Delegated to the named or anonymous Pool. * @see #setMaxIdleTimeMs * @return Max idle time in ms. */ public int getMaxIdleTimeMs() { return _maxIdleTimeMs; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Set the maximum number of threads. * Delegated to the named or anonymous Pool. * @see #setMaxThreads * @return maximum number of threads. */ public int getMaxThreads() { return _maxThreads; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Get the minimum number of threads. * Delegated to the named or anonymous Pool. * @see #setMinThreads * @return minimum number of threads. */ public int getMinThreads() { return _minThreads; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @return The name of the BoundedThreadPool. */ public String getName() { return _name; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Get the number of threads in the pool. * @see #getIdleThreads * @return Number of threads */ public int getThreads() { return _threads.size(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Get the priority of the pool threads. * @return the priority of the pool threads. */ public int getThreadsPriority() { return _priority; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public int getQueueSize() { return _queued; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @return the spawnOrShrinkAt The number of queued jobs (or idle threads) needed * before the thread pool is grown (or shrunk) */ public int getSpawnOrShrinkAt() { return _spawnOrShrinkAt; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @param spawnOrShrinkAt The number of queued jobs (or idle threads) needed * before the thread pool is grown (or shrunk) */ public void setSpawnOrShrinkAt(int spawnOrShrinkAt) { _spawnOrShrinkAt=spawnOrShrinkAt; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @return maximum total time that stop() will wait for threads to die. */ public int getMaxStopTimeMs() { return _maxStopTimeMs; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @param stopTimeMs maximum total time that stop() will wait for threads to die. */ public void setMaxStopTimeMs(int stopTimeMs) { _maxStopTimeMs = stopTimeMs; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Delegated to the named or anonymous Pool. */ public boolean isDaemon() { return _daemon; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public boolean isLowOnThreads() { return _queued>_lowThreads; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public void join() throws InterruptedException { synchronized (_joinLock) { while (isRunning()){ _joinLock.wait(); } } // TODO remove this semi busy loop! while (isStopping()){ Thread.sleep(100); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Delegated to the named or anonymous Pool. */ public void setDaemon(boolean daemon) { _daemon=daemon; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @param lowThreads low resource threads threshhold */ public void setLowThreads(int lowThreads) { _lowThreads = lowThreads; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Set the maximum thread idle time. * Threads that are idle for longer than this period may be * stopped. * Delegated to the named or anonymous Pool. * @see #getMaxIdleTimeMs * @param maxIdleTimeMs Max idle time in ms. */ public void setMaxIdleTimeMs(int maxIdleTimeMs) { _maxIdleTimeMs=maxIdleTimeMs; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Set the maximum number of threads. * Delegated to the named or anonymous Pool. * @see #getMaxThreads * @param maxThreads maximum number of threads. */ public void setMaxThreads(int maxThreads) { if (isStarted() && maxThreads<_minThreads) throw new IllegalArgumentException("!minThreads<maxThreads"); _maxThreads=maxThreads; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Set the minimum number of threads. * Delegated to the named or anonymous Pool. * @see #getMinThreads * @param minThreads minimum number of threads */ public void setMinThreads(int minThreads) { if (isStarted() && (minThreads<=0 || minThreads>_maxThreads)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("!0<=minThreads<maxThreads"); _minThreads=minThreads; synchronized (_threadsLock) { while (isStarted() && _threads.size()<_minThreads) { newThread(); } } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @param name Name of the BoundedThreadPool to use when naming Threads. */ public void setName(String name) { _name= name; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Set the priority of the pool threads. * @param priority the new thread priority. */ public void setThreadsPriority(int priority) { _priority=priority; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Start the BoundedThreadPool. * Construct the minimum number of threads. */ protected void doStart() throws Exception { if (_maxThreads<_minThreads || _minThreads<=0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("!0<minThreads<maxThreads"); _threads=new HashSet(); _idle=new ArrayList(); _jobs=new Runnable[_maxThreads];//按照最大线程数创建的工作队列 for (int i=0;i<_minThreads;i++)//按最小线程数创建的poolThread { newThread(); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Stop the BoundedThreadPool. * New jobs are no longer accepted,idle threads are interrupted * and stopJob is called on active threads. * The method then waits * min(getMaxStopTimeMs(),getMaxIdleTimeMs()), for all jobs to * stop, at which time killJob is called. */ protected void doStop() throws Exception { super.doStop(); long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i=0;i<100;i++) { synchronized (_threadsLock) { Iterator iter = _threads.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) ((Thread)iter.next()).interrupt(); } Thread.yield(); if (_threads.size()==0 || (_maxStopTimeMs>0 && _maxStopTimeMs < (System.currentTimeMillis()-start))) break; try { Thread.sleep(i*100); } catch(InterruptedException e){} } // TODO perhaps force stops if (_threads.size()>0) Log.warn(_threads.size()+" threads could not be stopped"); synchronized (_joinLock) { _joinLock.notifyAll(); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ protected void newThread() { synchronized (_threadsLock) { if (_threads.size()<_maxThreads) { PoolThread thread =new PoolThread(); _threads.add(thread);//添加到线程池中 thread.setName(thread.hashCode()+"@"+_name+"-"+_id++);//线程name = 线程hashCode + @ + 线程池名字 + 线程在线程池中的序号(递增) thread.start(); } else if (!_warned) { _warned=true; Log.debug("Max threads for {}",this); } } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Stop a Job. * This method is called by the Pool if a job needs to be stopped. * The default implementation does nothing and should be extended by a * derived thread pool class if special action is required. * @param thread The thread allocated to the job, or null if no thread allocated. * @param job The job object passed to run. */ protected void stopJob(Thread thread, Object job) { thread.interrupt(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public String dump() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); synchronized (_threadsLock) { for (Iterator i=_threads.iterator();i.hasNext();) { Thread thread = (Thread)i.next(); buf.append(thread.getName()).append(" ").append(thread.toString()).append('\n'); } } return buf.toString(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @param name The thread name to stop. * @return true if the thread was found and stopped. * @Deprecated Use {@link #interruptThread(long)} in preference */ public boolean stopThread(String name) { synchronized (_threadsLock) { for (Iterator i=_threads.iterator();i.hasNext();) { Thread thread = (Thread)i.next(); if (name.equals(thread.getName())) { thread.stop(); return true; } } } return false; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @param name The thread name to interrupt. * @return true if the thread was found and interrupted. */ public boolean interruptThread(String name) { synchronized (_threadsLock) { for (Iterator i=_threads.iterator();i.hasNext();) { Thread thread = (Thread)i.next(); if (name.equals(thread.getName())) { thread.interrupt(); return true; } } } return false; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Pool Thread class. * The PoolThread allows the threads job to be * retrieved and active status to be indicated. */ public class PoolThread extends Thread { Runnable _job=null;//线程池通过内部类的成员变量进行交互 /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ PoolThread() { setDaemon(_daemon); setPriority(_priority); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** BoundedThreadPool run. * Loop getting jobs and handling them until idle or stopped. */ public void run() { boolean idle=false;// Runnable job=null;//独立于线程 try { while (isRunning()) { // Run any job that we have. if (job!=null) { final Runnable todo=job; job=null; idle=false; todo.run(); } synchronized(_lock) { // is there a queued job? if (_queued>0) { _queued--; job=_jobs[_nextJob]; _jobs[_nextJob++]=null; if (_nextJob==_jobs.length) _nextJob=0; continue; } // Should we shrink? final int threads=_threads.size(); if (threads>_minThreads && (threads>_maxThreads || _idle.size()>_spawnOrShrinkAt)) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((now-_lastShrink)>getMaxIdleTimeMs()) { _lastShrink=now; _idle.remove(this); return; } } if (!idle) { // Add ourselves to the idle set. _idle.add(this); idle=true; } } // We are idle // wait for a dispatched job synchronized (this) { if (_job==null) this.wait(getMaxIdleTimeMs()); job=_job; _job=null; } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.ignore(e); } finally { synchronized (_lock) { _idle.remove(this); } synchronized (_threadsLock) { _threads.remove(this); } synchronized (this) { job=_job; } // we died with a job! reschedule it if (job!=null) { //此处是因为内部类和外部类有同名的方法,否则,直接调用即可. //调用外部类对象(线程池)的dispatch()方法,而不是内部类对象(PoolThread线程)的dispatch()方法 QueuedThreadPool.this.dispatch(job); } } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ void dispatch(Runnable job) { synchronized (this) { _job=job; this.notify(); } } } private class Lock{} }
package com.iteye.suo.jetty.thread; import org.mortbay.thread.QueuedThreadPool; public class QueuedThreadPoolTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { QueuedThreadPool pool = new QueuedThreadPool(); pool.start(); for(int i=0;i<20;i++){ final int num = i; pool.dispatch(new Runnable(){ public void run() { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " loop of " + num); } }); } System.out.println("done!"); //如何停止pool?这样停止的话,若线程池里有任务,将会被中断。 pool.stop(); } }
3 楼
XzMarine 写道
这里不是判断是否满吧 其实这里是一个消费者和生产者模式 _nextJobSlot==_nextJob表示的是目前消费的速度已经超过生产的速度了,所以要扩容
2 楼
还有,为什么不直接用_queued来做判断?当_queued == _jobs.length()的时候,不是很明显就能看出_jobs队列已满吗?
1 楼
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