当然首先还是说 一下,好像在RISC 思想中, 使用 原子交换好像并不能让 CPU在处理流程上变得更快更高效.
反而浪费了CPU的处理能力, 下面是转载
但是随着计算机硬件的快速发展,获得这种锁的开销相对于CPU的速度在成倍地增加,原因很简单,CPU的速度与访问内存的速度差距越来越大,而这种锁使用了原子操作指令,它需要原子地访问内存,也就说获得锁的开销与访存速度相关,另外在大部分非x86架构上获取锁使用了内存栅(Memory Barrier),这会导致处理器流水线停滞或刷新,因此它的开销相对于CPU速度而言就越来越大。表1数据证明了这一点。
表1是在700MHz的奔腾III机器上的基本操作的开销,在该机器上一个时钟周期能够执行两条整数指令。在1.8GHz的奔腾4机器上, 原子加1指令的开销要比700MHz的奔腾III机器慢75纳秒(ns),尽管CPU速度快两倍多。
怎么说呢 ,至少我现在用 phtread_spin_lock 还是比较多的 , 我也看了glib 的实现 确实是是上面说的那种 ,
但是我同样坚持能不用锁 的地方就不用 粒度按照事件概率改造锁 (坚决不用pthread rw锁 等),或者和内核一样退化锁 为 RCU
3 常用指令
3.1 数据交换指令
为什么要提着几个呢 因为他能实现原子操作
普通的交换 或者相加,比如:
movl %eax,%ecx
movl %ebx,%eax
movl %ecx,%ebx
CPU 随时可能被讨厌的总线信号中断 ,或许你可以 屏蔽,但是效率不高,于是
XCHG : 两个寄存器之间 或寄存器与内存之间
此时处理器被自动LOCK 防止SMP上其他的处理器访问
BSWAP: 交换32位寄存器中的字节序(little-endian <=> big-endian)
XADD : 交换两个值把综合存储在目标操作数中
CMPXCHG :把一个值和一个外部值进行比较并且交换他和另一个值(重要)
比较目标操作数和EAX 寄存器中的值,
1 相等 : 就把源操作数的值加载到目标操作数中
2 不等 : 把目标操作数加载到EAX中
cmpxchg sour ,dest
比如你想实现下面的功能 把111 弄到数组最后一个
my @arr = qw/ 111 32 9 22/;
my $index = 0;
if($arr[$index] ge $arr[index+1]){
($arr[$index] , $arr[index+1]) = ($arr[$index+1] , $arr[index]) ;
movl (%esi) , %eax ! esi 为数组arr首地址
cmp %eax , 4(%esi) !相当于上面第4行
jgp leav
xchg %eax , 4(%esi) !体会一下
movl %eax ,(%esi) !
其实 NPTL的线程库中 就是指令来实现 原子的交换,看看他怎么写的,学习学习
宏: atomic_exchange_acq
#define atomic_exchange_acq(mem, newvalue) \
({ __typeof (*mem) result; \
if (sizeof (*mem) == 1) \
__asm __volatile ("xchgb %b0, %1" \
: "=q" (result), "=m" (*mem) \
: "0" (newvalue), "m" (*mem)); \
else if (sizeof (*mem) == 2) \
__asm __volatile ("xchgw %w0, %1" \
: "=r" (result), "=m" (*mem) \
: "0" (newvalue), "m" (*mem)); \
else if (sizeof (*mem) == 4) \
__asm __volatile ("xchgl %0, %1" \
: "=r" (result), "=m" (*mem) \
: "0" (newvalue), "m" (*mem)); \
else \
__asm __volatile ("xchgq %q0, %1" \
: "=r" (result), "=m" (*mem) \
: "0" ((long) (newvalue)), "m" (*mem)); \
result; })
很简单吧 先判断类型然后 xchg? 嘿嘿 至于怎么一路走过来的,就自己用vim 跟吧
# define __arch_compare_and_exchange_val_32_acq(mem, newval, oldval) \
({ __typeof (*mem) ret; \
__asm __volatile (LOCK_PREFIX "cmpxchgl %2, %1" \
: "=a" (ret), "=m" (*mem) \
: "r" (newval), "m" (*mem), "0" (oldval)); \
ret; })
类似的在用 gcc -O3 优化选项后 会用 一个指令 cmovl %edx, %eax
代替 比较 跳转 赋值 ~
当然对于用这么高的级别优化,最好了解每个优化子选项的意义. 不了解的话, 我个人感觉最好多用用__volatile__ 不然发生了死循环就不好了....
然后我们在来看看 nginx 里面的 原子操作
#if (NGX_SMP)
#define NGX_SMP_LOCK "lock;"
#define NGX_SMP_LOCK
* "cmpxchgl r, [m]":
* if (eax == [m]) {
* zf = 1;
* [m] = r;
* } else {
* zf = 0;
* eax = [m];
* }
* The "r" means the general register.
* The "=a" and "a" are the %eax register.
* Although we can return result in any register, we use "a" because it is
* used in cmpxchgl anyway. The result is actually in %al but not in %eax,
* however, as the code is inlined gcc can test %al as well as %eax,
* and icc adds "movzbl %al, %eax" by itself.
* The "cc" means that flags were changed.
static ngx_inline ngx_atomic_uint_t
ngx_atomic_cmp_set(ngx_atomic_t *lock, ngx_atomic_uint_t old,
ngx_atomic_uint_t set)
u_char res;
__asm__ volatile (
" cmpxchgl %3, %1; "
" sete %0; "
: "=a" (res) : "m" (*lock), "a" (old), "r" (set) : "cc", "memory");
return res;
* "xaddl r, [m]":
* temp = [m];
* [m] += r;
* r = temp;
* The "+r" means the general register.
* The "cc" means that flags were changed.
#if !(( __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 7 ) || ( __INTEL_COMPILER >= 800 ))
* icc 8.1 and 9.0 compile broken code with -march=pentium4 option:
* ngx_atomic_fetch_add() always return the input "add" value,
* so we use the gcc 2.7 version.
* icc 8.1 and 9.0 with -march=pentiumpro option or icc 7.1 compile
* correct code.
static ngx_inline ngx_atomic_int_t
ngx_atomic_fetch_add(ngx_atomic_t *value, ngx_atomic_int_t add)
__asm__ volatile (
" xaddl %0, %1; "
: "+r" (add) : "m" (*value) : "cc", "memory");
return add;
* gcc 2.7 does not support "+r", so we have to use the fixed
* %eax ("=a" and "a") and this adds two superfluous instructions in the end
* of code, something like this: "mov %eax, %edx / mov %edx, %eax".
static ngx_inline ngx_atomic_int_t
ngx_atomic_fetch_add(ngx_atomic_t *value, ngx_atomic_int_t add)
ngx_atomic_uint_t old;
__asm__ volatile (
" xaddl %2, %1; "
: "=a" (old) : "m" (*value), "a" (add) : "cc", "memory");
return old;
* on x86 the write operations go in a program order, so we need only
* to disable the gcc reorder optimizations
#define ngx_memory_barrier() __asm__ volatile ("" ::: "memory")
/* old "as" does not support "pause" opcode */
#define ngx_cpu_pause() __asm__ (".byte 0xf3, 0x90")
如果你不想代码里面嵌入式 assembly 也可以用gcc 4 提供的特性
http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.5.2/gcc/Atomic-Builtins.html#Atomic-Builtins 写道
type __sync_fetch_and_add (type *ptr, type value, ...)
type __sync_fetch_and_sub (type *ptr, type value, ...)
type __sync_fetch_and_or (type *ptr, type value, ...)
type __sync_fetch_and_and (type *ptr, type value, ...)
type __sync_fetch_and_xor (type *ptr, type value, ...)
type __sync_fetch_and_nand (type *ptr, type value, ...)
These builtins
perform the operation suggested by the name, and returns the value that had
previously been in memory. That is,
{ tmp = *ptr; *ptr op= value; return tmp; }
{ tmp = *ptr; *ptr = ~(tmp & value); return tmp; } // nand
- 大小: 2.2 KB
- **`<%@ Assembly %>`**:引入引用的程序集,使页面能够使用该程序集中的类型和方法。 - **`<%@ Import %>`**:引入命名空间,使得可以在页面中直接使用该命名空间下的类和方法。 - **`<%@ MasterType %>`**:...
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<assembly ...manifestVersion="1.0"> <assemblyIdentity processorArchitecture="x86" version="" type="win32" name="test.exe"/> <description>Test Application</description> ...</assembly>
Conclusion <br>730 <br>References <br>732 <br>Appendix A Measurement Conversion Tables <br>735 <br>Appendix <br>B Physical Constants <br>737 <br>Appendix <br>C Index of Professional Organizations <br...
Conclusion <br>730 <br>References <br>732 <br>Appendix A Measurement Conversion Tables <br>735 <br>Appendix <br>B Physical Constants <br>737 <br>Appendix <br>C Index of Professional Organizations <br...