例如:相同字段:status ==》t.status 即可解决。
org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: PreparedStatementCallback; SQL [
select count(*) from (
select info0_.id as id49_, info0_.infotype as infotype49_, info0_.title as title49_, info0_.subTitle as subTitle49_, info0_.content as content49_,
info0_.type as type49_, info0_.createtime as createtime49_, info0_.publishtime as publisht8_49_, info0_.lastupdatetime as lastupda9_49_,
info0_.views as views49_, info0_.lastViewTime as lastVie11_49_, info0_.remark as remark49_, info0_.icon as icon49_, info0_.summary as summary49_,
info0_.source as source49_, info0_.ispoint as ispoint49_, info0_.important as important49_, info0_.support as support49_, info0_.oppose as oppose49_,
info0_.status as status49_, info0_.sort as sort49_, info0_.sign as sign49_, info0_.keywords as keywords49_, info0_.iconintroduce as iconint24_49_,
info0_.layouttype as layouttype49_, info0_.isreview as isreview49_, info0_.resourcestype as resourc27_49_, info0_.temp1 as temp28_49_,
info0_.temp3 as temp29_49_, info0_.temp2 as temp30_49_, info0_.USERID as USERID49_, info0_.MEMBERID as MEMBERID49_ from T_INFO info0_,
T_INFOANDCLASS infoandcla1_
where info0_.id=infoandcla1_.infoid and infoandcla1_.classid=4 and status=? and resourcestype=? and (content like ?) and infotype=? and (source like ?) ) as a]
; Column 'status' in where clause is ambiguous;
nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Column 'status' in where clause is ambiguous
- 浏览: 16520 次
- 来自: 广州
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在MySQL中,错误1093 - "You can't specify target table for update in FROM clause" 是一个常见的问题,它发生在尝试在`UPDATE`语句的`FROM`子句中直接引用要更新的同一张表时。这个错误表示MySQL不支持在`UPDATE`...
Normally, only the columns in the WHERE clause are helpful in determining useful indexes, but for a covering index, all columns must be included. If all columns needed for the query are in the index,...
在MySQL数据库中,错误代码1093 - "You can’t specify target table ‘t’ for update in FROM clause" 是一个常见的错误,它通常发生在尝试在一个`UPDATE`语句的`FROM`子句中直接引用要更新的目标表时。...
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