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Proxool houseKeepingSleepTime bug修正 -
Proxool houseKeepingSleepTime bug修正 -
Proxool houseKeepingSleepTime bug修正 -
zk中文开发手册pdf版(基于3.5.1) -
public void testImportInContex ...
AES_DECRYPT AES_DECRYPT(key,string) Decrypt a string encoded in base64 with AES given a 16 character key.
AES_ENCRYPT AES_ENCRYPT(key,string) Encrypt a string with AES given a 16 character key.
AGC AGC(channeldirection) Apply automatic gain control to audio on a channel.
AGENT AGENT(agentid[:item]) Gets information about an Agent
ARRAY ARRAY(var1[,var2[,...][,varN]]) Allows setting multiple variables at once.
AST_CONFIG AST_CONFIG(config_file,category,var Retrieve a variable from a configuration file.
AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT(source) Set whether an audiohook may be inherited to another channel
BASE64_DECODE BASE64_DECODE(string) Decode a base64 string.
BASE64_ENCODE BASE64_ENCODE(string) Encode a string in base64.
BLACKLIST BLACKLIST() Check if the callerid is on the blacklist.
CALLERID CALLERID(datatype[,CID]) Gets or sets Caller*ID data on the channel.
CALLERPRES CALLERPRES() Gets or sets Caller*ID presentation on the channel.
CDR CDR(name[,options]) Gets or sets a CDR variable.
CHANNEL CHANNEL(item) Gets/sets various pieces of information about the channel.
CHANNELS CHANNELS([regular_expression]) Gets the list of channels, optionally filtering by a regular expression.
CHECKSIPDOMAIN CHECKSIPDOMAIN(domain) Checks if domain is a local domain.
CSV_QUOTE CSV_QUOTE(string) Quotes a given string for use in a CSV file, escaping embedded quotes as necessary
CURL CURL(url[,post-data]) Retrieves the contents of a URL
CURLOPT CURLOPT(<option>) Set options for use with the CURL() function
CUT CUT(varname,char-delim,range-spec) Slices and dices strings, based upon a named delimiter.
DB DB(family/key) Read from or write to the Asterisk database.
DB_DELETE DB_DELETE(family/key) Return a value from the database and delete it.
DB_EXISTS DB_EXISTS(family/key) Check to see if a key exists in the Asterisk database.
DENOISE DENOISE(channeldirection) Apply noise reduction to audio on a channel.
DEVICE_STATE DEVICE_STATE(device) Get or Set a device state.
DIALGROUP DIALGROUP(group[,op]) Manages a group of users for dialing.
DIALPLAN_EXISTS DIALPLAN_EXISTS(context[,extension[ Checks the existence of a dialplan target.
DUNDILOOKUP DUNDILOOKUP(number[,context[,option Do a DUNDi lookup of a phone number.
DUNDIQUERY DUNDIQUERY(number[,context[,options Initiate a DUNDi query.
DUNDIRESULT DUNDIRESULT(id[,resultnum]) Retrieve results from a DUNDIQUERY.
ENUMLOOKUP ENUMLOOKUP(number[,method-type[,opt General or specific querying of NAPTR records for ENUM or ENUM-like DNS pointers.
ENUMQUERY ENUMQUERY(number[,method-type[,zone Initiate an ENUM query.
ENUMRESULT ENUMRESULT(id,resultnum) Retrieve results from a ENUMQUERY.
ENV ENV(varname) Gets or sets the environment variable specified.
EVAL EVAL(variable) Evaluate stored variables
EXCEPTION EXCEPTION(field) Retrieve the details of the current dialplan exception.
EXISTS EXISTS(data) Test the existence of a value.
EXTENSION_STATE EXTENSION_STATE(extension[@context] Get an extension's state.
FIELDQTY FIELDQTY(varname,delim) Count the fields with an arbitrary delimiter
FILE FILE(filename,offset,length) Obtains the contents of a file.
FILTER FILTER(allowed-chars,string) Filter the string to include only the allowed characters
GLOBAL GLOBAL(varname) Gets or sets the global variable specified.
GROUP GROUP([category]) Gets or sets the channel group.
GROUP_COUNT GROUP_COUNT([groupname][@category]) Counts the number of channels in the specified group.
GROUP_LIST GROUP_LIST() Gets a list of the groups set on a channel.
GROUP_MATCH_COUNT GROUP_MATCH_COUNT(groupmatch[@categ Counts the number of channels in the groups matching the specified pattern.
HASH HASH(hashname[,hashkey]) Implementation of a dialplan associative array
HASHKEYS HASHKEYS(hashname) Retrieve the keys of the HASH() function.
HINT HINT(extension[@context][,options]) Get the devices set for a dialplan hint.
IAXPEER IAXPEER(peername[,item]) Gets IAX peer information.
IAXVAR IAXVAR(varname) Sets or retrieves a remote variable.
ICONV ICONV(in-charset,out-charset,string Converts charsets of strings.
IF IF(expresion?[true][:false]) Check for an expresion.
IFMODULE IFMODULE(modulename.so) Checks if an Asterisk module is loaded in memory.
IFTIME IFTIME(timespec?[true][:false]) Temporal Conditional.
IMPORT IMPORT(channel,variable) Retrieve the value of a variable from another channel.
ISNULL ISNULL(data) Check if a value is NULL.
KEYPADHASH KEYPADHASH(string) Hash the letters in string into equivalent keypad numbers.
LEN LEN(string) Return the length of the string given.
LISTFILTER LISTFILTER(varname,delim,value) Remove an item from a list, by name.
LOCAL LOCAL(varname) Manage variables local to the gosub stack frame.
LOCAL_PEEK LOCAL_PEEK(n,varname) Retrieve variables hidden by the local gosub stack frame.
LOCK LOCK(lockname) Attempt to obtain a named mutex.
MAILBOX_EXISTS MAILBOX_EXISTS(mailbox[@context]) Tell if a mailbox is configured.
MATH MATH(expression[,type]) Performs Mathematical Functions.
MD5 MD5(data) Computes an MD5 digest.
MEETME_INFO MEETME_INFO(<keyword>,<confno>) Query a given conference of various properties.
MINIVMACCOUNT MINIVMACCOUNT(<account>:item) Gets MiniVoicemail account information
MINIVMCOUNTER MINIVMCOUNTER(<account>:name[:opera Reads or sets counters for MiniVoicemail message
PP_EACH_EXTENSION PP_EACH_EXTENSION(<mac>|<template>) Execute specified template for each extension
PP_EACH_USER PP_EACH_USER(<string>|<exclude_mac> Generate a string for each phoneprov user
QUEUE_MEMBER QUEUE_MEMBER(queuename,option) Count number of members answering a queue.
QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT(queuename) Count number of members answering a queue.
QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST(queuename) Returns a list of interfaces on a queue.
QUEUE_MEMBER_PENALTY QUEUE_MEMBER_PENALTY(queuename,inte Gets or sets queue members penalty.
QUEUE_VARIABLES QUEUE_VARIABLES(queuename) Return Queue information in variables.
QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT([queuename]) Count number of calls currently waiting in a queue.
QUOTE QUOTE(string) Quotes a given string, escaping embedded quotes as necessary
RAND RAND([min][,max]) Choose a random number in a range.
REALTIME REALTIME(family,fieldmatch[,value[, RealTime Read/Write Functions.
REALTIME_DESTROY REALTIME_DESTROY(family,fieldmatch[ RealTime Destroy Function.
REALTIME_FIELD REALTIME_FIELD(family,fieldmatch,va RealTime query function.
REALTIME_HASH REALTIME_HASH(family,fieldmatch,val RealTime query function.
REALTIME_STORE REALTIME_STORE(family,field1,fieldN RealTime Store Function.
REGEX REGEX("regular expression" string) Check string against a regular expression.
SET SET(varname[=value]) SET assigns a value to a channel variable.
SHA1 SHA1(data) Computes a SHA1 digest.
SHARED SHARED(varname[,channel]) Gets or sets the shared variable specified.
SHELL SHELL(command) Executes a command as if you were at a shell.
SIP_HEADER SIP_HEADER(name[,number]) Gets the specified SIP header.
SIPCHANINFO SIPCHANINFO(item) Gets the specified SIP parameter from the current channel.
SIPPEER SIPPEER(peername[,item]) Gets SIP peer information.
SORT SORT(key1:val1[,key2:val2[,...]]) Sorts a list of key/vals into a list of keys, based upon the vals.
SPEECH SPEECH(argument) Gets information about speech recognition results.
SPEECH_ENGINE SPEECH_ENGINE(name) Change a speech engine specific attribute.
SPEECH_GRAMMAR SPEECH_GRAMMAR([nbest_number/]resul Gets the matched grammar of a result if available.
SPEECH_RESULTS_TYPE SPEECH_RESULTS_TYPE() Sets the type of results that will be returned.
SPEECH_SCORE SPEECH_SCORE([nbest_number/]result_ Gets the confidence score of a result.
SPEECH_TEXT SPEECH_TEXT([nbest_number/]result_n Gets the recognized text of a result.
SPRINTF SPRINTF(format,arg1[,arg2[,...][,ar Format a variable according to a format string.
STAT STAT(flag,filename) Does a check on the specified file.
STRFTIME STRFTIME([epoch][,timezone[,format] Returns the current date/time in the specified format.
STRPTIME STRPTIME(datetime,timezone,format) Returns the epoch of the arbitrary date/time string structured as described by the format.
SYSINFO SYSINFO(<parameter>) Returns system information specified by parameter.
TIMEOUT TIMEOUT(timeouttype) Gets or sets timeouts on the channel. Timeout values are in seconds.
TOLOWER TOLOWER(string) Convert string to all lowercase letters.
TOUPPER TOUPPER(string) Convert string to all uppercase letters.
TRYLOCK TRYLOCK(lockname) Attempt to obtain a named mutex.
TXTCIDNAME TXTCIDNAME(number[,zone-suffix]) TXTCIDNAME looks up a caller name via DNS.
UNLOCK UNLOCK(lockname) Unlocks a named mutex.
URIDECODE URIDECODE(data) Decodes a URI-encoded string according to RFC 2396.
URIENCODE URIENCODE(data) Encodes a string to URI-safe encoding according to RFC 2396.
VALID_EXTEN VALID_EXTEN([context],extension[,pr Determine whether an extension exists or not.
VERSION VERSION([info]) Return the Version info for this Asterisk.
VMCOUNT VMCOUNT(vmbox[@context][,folder]) Count the voicemails in a specified mailbox.
VOLUME VOLUME(direction) Set the TX or RX volume of a channel.
使用 Local Channel呼叫时context 加/n与不加的区别
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Dialplan函数是Asterisk提供的内置函数,用于扩展Dialplan的功能。函数的调用通常遵循以下格式: ```plaintext FunctionName(arg1, arg2, ...) ``` 其中`FunctionName`是函数名称,而`arg1, arg2, ...`是传递给...
Asterisk Dialplan是 Asterisk VoIP 服务器中的核心组件之一,它负责处理呼叫路由、通话控制和多种功能。Asterisk的拨号计划由一系列命令组成,这些命令用于定义呼叫流程并决定如何处理不同类型的呼叫事件。以下是...
Asterisk Dialplan 学习笔记 Asterisk 是一个开源的自动交换机软件,主要用于Voice over Internet Protocol(VoIP)和传统电话网络之间的通讯。Asterisk 的配置文件中最重要的两个文件是sip.conf和extensions.conf...
"Asterisk 中dialplan实现去电黑名单" 在 Asterisk 电话系统中,实现去电黑名单功能可以防止业务人员重发拨打该电话,造成骚扰客户。本文将介绍如何使用 Asterisk 的 dialplan 实现去电黑名单功能。 首先,我们...
5. MixMonitor函数:Asterisk中用于启动和停止录音的函数。配置中通过MixMonitor启动录音,并用其文件名变量存储录音文件路径。 6. 代码修改说明:文档中提到要替换原有的chan_sip.so模块,使用func_channel.so和...
在Asterisk中,拨号方案(Dialplan)是控制通话流程的核心元素,它由一系列的函数组成,这些函数用于处理从接听电话到挂断的整个过程。以下是一些常见的拨号方案函数的详细说明: 1. Answer():此函数用于接听一个...
and implementers, then show solutions to those problems using the Asterisk dialplan. As you go through the recipes and start looking at the solutions, you may think, “Oh, that’s a neat idea, but ...
Asterisk权威指南(第3版)第06章Dialplan基础 Asterisk权威指南(第3版)第07章外线连接 Asterisk权威指南(第3版)第08章语音邮件 Asterisk权威指南(第3版)第10章深入Dialplan Asterisk权威指南(第3版)第11章Parking&...
Dialplan是Asterisk的核心组件之一,它决定了来电如何被路由和处理。这部分内容深入讲解了Dialplan的一些基础但重要的概念和技术。 #### 1.1 Counting and Conditionals 在Dialplan中,能够执行基于计数和条件判断...
5. **使用通道(Channels)和拨号计划(Dialplan)**:Asterisk-java提供了对通道和拨号计划的操作,你可以查询现有的通道状态,修改拨号计划,甚至在运行时动态改变Asterisk的行为。 6. **实时监控**:通过...
2. **架构概述**:Asterisk的核心架构包括通道(Channels)、拨号计划(DialPlan)、应用程序(Apps)和管理接口(Manager API)。通道处理实际的通信连接,DialPlan定义了如何处理呼叫,应用程序执行特定的通话操作...
Asterisk 之数据库配置方案 Asterisk 是一个开源的 PBX(Private Branch Exchange)系统,可以实现电话交换和语音网关的功能。在传统的 Asterisk 配置中,配置文件都是存储在文件系统中的,但是随着系统的复杂度和...
Asterisk是一款开源的电话交换机软件,它允许用户创建高度自定义的通信系统,包括VoIP(Voice over IP)电话、会议桥、自动呼叫分配(ACD)以及许多其他电信功能。Asterisk的核心设计理念是灵活性和可扩展性,这使得...
asterisk拨号方案的配置 Asterisk拨号方案的配置是Voice over Internet Protocol(VoIP)技术中的一个关键组件,它控制着呼入和呼出电话的处理和路由。配置文件“extensions.conf”是Asterisk拨号方案的核心,它...
- `core show functions`:显示所有可用的功能函数,这些函数可以在拨号计划中使用,实现复杂的逻辑操作。 4. **模块管理**: - 模块管理是Asterisk的一大特色,允许动态加载、卸载和重载功能模块,以适应不同的...
Asterisk.NET 1.6.3 是一个专门为.NET开发者设计的开源库,它提供了对Asterisk PBX系统的编程接口,使得用户可以方便地在C#、VB.NET或其他.NET支持的语言中控制和扩展Asterisk功能。这个库是基于Asterisk Manager ...
Asterisk是一款强大的开源通信平台,它被广泛用于构建VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol)电话系统,SIP(Session Initiation Protocol)服务器以及各种通信应用。这个“Asterisk中文文档说明”涵盖了从基础概念到...