
asterisk 中特殊的extension


Special extensions

Asterisk makes use of some special extensions, which we will explain now:

Asterisk 使用一些特殊的extensions,解释如下:

  Extension       Description


       a       This extension is invoked when a user presses the star key "*" during a

                 voicemail greeting—usually used to allow access to the voicemail system
                 from the outside world

       h       This extension is invoked when a call is hung up


       i        This extension is invoked when the user has asked for an invalid extension
                 number in the context


       o         This extension is called the operator extension and is invoked when the user
                 pressess the zero "0" key from within the voicemail system

       s        This extension is the start extension, primarily used in situations where an
                  inbound call to a context has no information about the extension number
                 that was dialed (usually associated with Macros and Analog (FXO/FXS)




       t        This extension is invoked upon a user timeout 


       T         This extension is invoked upon an AbsoluteTimeout timer expiration


     failed     This extension is invoked when an automatic dial-out feature has failed 

      fax        This extension is invoked when a Zap (Analog/Digital) channel has detected
                  a fax signal


      talk       This extension is invoked by the BackgroundDetect application

2 楼 renwolang521 2010-09-19  
上面写错了 是 分机 1310 振铃 不是802 笔误
1 楼 renwolang521 2010-09-19  
AMI 写道

Action: Originate
Channel: Local/1310@from-local
Context: from-local
Exten: 1310
Priority: 1

我用软电话没有试成功,当执行如上 AMI 命令时,首先分机802振铃 接起来之后又会再振铃再接起 它把 “Local/xxx,1” 和 “Local/xxx,2”这两个通道连接接起来了,用的是X-lite3.0免费版。CLI输出完整如下:
CLI 写道

    -- Executing [1310@from-local:1] Set("Local/1310@from-local-003c;2", "_ALERT_INFO=<Bellcore-dr1>") in new stack
    -- Executing [1310@from-local:2] Macro("Local/1310@from-local-003c;2", "localexten,1310,SIP/1310") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-localexten:1] Dial("Local/1310@from-local-003c;2", "SIP/1310,30,t") in new stack
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called 1310
    -- SIP/1310-00000002 is ringing
    -- SIP/1310-00000002 is ringing
    -- SIP/1310-00000002 answered Local/1310@from-local-003c;2
    -- Executing [1310@from-local:1] Set("Local/1310@from-local-003c;1", "_ALERT_INFO=<Bellcore-dr1>") in new stack
    -- Executing [1310@from-local:2] Macro("Local/1310@from-local-003c;1", "localexten,1310,SIP/1310") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-localexten:1] Dial("Local/1310@from-local-003c;1", "SIP/1310,30,t") in new stack
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called 1310
    -- Local/1310@from-local-003c;1 requested special control 20, passing it to SIP/1310-00000003
  == Spawn extension (macro-localexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/1310@from-local-003c;2' in macro 'localexten'
  == Spawn extension (from-local, 1310, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/1310@from-local-003c;2'
    -- SIP/1310-00000003 is ringing
    -- SIP/1310-00000003 is ringing
    -- SIP/1310-00000002 requested special control 16, passing it to SIP/1310-00000003
    -- Music class default requested but no musiconhold loaded.
    -- SIP/1310-00000002 requested special control 20, passing it to SIP/1310-00000003
    -- SIP/1310-00000003 answered SIP/1310-00000002
  == Spawn extension (macro-localexten, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1310-00000002' in macro 'localexten'
  == Spawn extension (from-local, 1310, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1310-00000002'



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