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public void testImportInContex ...
Asterisk cmd ChanSpy
Listen in on a call. Useful in a call center to monitor agents on the phone.
See bug 3836
This adds the ability to spy on any bridged call, this includes VoIP only calls where ZapScan/ZapBarge couldn't this can.
Valid Options:
- b: Only spy on channels involved in a bridged call.
- g(grp): Match only channels where their ${SPYGROUP} variable is set to contain 'grp' in an optional : delimited list.
- q: Don't play a beep when beginning to spy on a channel, or speak the selected channel name.
- r[(basename)]: Record the session to the monitor spool directory. An optional base for the filename may be specified.
The default is 'chanspy'.
- v([value]): Adjust the initial volume in the range from -4 to 4. A negative value refers to a quieter setting.
Since 1.4:
- w Enable 'whisper' mode, so the spying channel can talk to the spied-on channel.
- W Enable 'private whisper' mode, so the spying channel can talk to the spied-on
channel but cannot listen to that channel.
Since 1.6:
- o: Only listen to audio coming from this channel.
- X: Allow the user to exit ChanSpy to a valid single digit numeric extension in the current context or
the context specified by the SPY_EXIT_CONTEXT channel variable. The name of the last channel
that was spied on will be stored in the SPY_CHANNEL variable.
- e(ext): Enable 'enforced' mode, so the spying channel can only monitor extensions whose name
is in the 'ext' : delimited list.
If <chanprefix> is specified, only channel names *beginning* with that string will be scanned.
('all' or an empty string are also both valid <chanprefix>)
While spying, the following actions may be performed:
Dialing # cycles the volume level.
Dialing * will stop spying and look for another channel to spy on.
Dialing a series of digits followed by # builds a channel name to append to <chanprefix>
(e.g. run ChanSpy(Agent) and dial 1234# while spying to jump to channel Agent/1234)
Update: Asterisk 1.4 includes a 'whisper' feature as part of ChanSpy(): A third party may speak to only one of the two parties of a bridged call.
- Up to and including Asterisk 1.4.17 ChanSpy can cause a crash/segfault if used together with Monitor or MixMonitor at the same time. 1.4.18 is supposed to attack this issue by using "audiohooks" that replaces the current ChanSpy approach.
exten => 556,1,ChanSpy(scan)
ChanSpy will not work if you are Record()-ing the spied channel; unless you add transmit_silence_during_record=yes to the options section in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
See also
- ExtenSpy: Listen/whisper to a specific extension (introduced in Asterisk 1.4)
- Recording calls with Asterisk
- Asterisk cmd ZapBarge: Listen to a Zap channel call
- Asterisk cmd ZapScan
- Click to Spy for Windows, Linux & Mac, DialApplet
Version information
- As of october 19 2004, ChanSpy is not included in the standard Asterisk distribution or the development CVS tree.
- As of March 22 2005 this bug was reopened and can be viewed at above link.
- On March 24 2005 ChanSpy was added into CVS HEAD
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