

  • ZK

zk.xml zk配置 zk技术 ajax


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

		Sun Mar 26 16:29:07     2006, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2006 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

	<!-- Turn on if you want to debug JavaScript.
		Once turned on, the uncompressed JavaScript files will be loaded.
		The allowed child elements include evaluator-class. 
		At most one xel-config element is allowed for each zk.xml.

	<!-- Turn on if you want to generate UUID by prefixing ID with the value specified
		here. It is designed for testing purpose.
		Notice ${page will be replaced with page's UUID. If you don't want it,
		remove it.
	<!-- Turn on if you want to use the same UUID sequence for the desktops
		after reboot. It is mainly for testing purpose.
		<description>[Optional] Monitor i3-log.conf and register a handler for the specified log-base</description>

	<!-- Turn on the following if want to use auto as the default.
	<!-- Turn on if you want to use language addons.

	<!-- Turn on if you want to ignore the consecutive click events,
	if it happens too close to the previous one, or the server is still
	serving the previous click.

	<!-- Optional -->
	<!-- Map extensions to the xml language.
		 By default, xml is mapped to xml -->
	<!-- Map extensions to the xul/html language
		 By default, xul/html are mapped to zul and xul.

		<!-- Turn on the following if you want a different timeout
			Note: The unit is seconds (while that of web.xml is minute)
		<!-- Turn on the following if you want to reset the session-timeout
		counter when receiving onTimer, like any other request
		In other words, the session is never timeoout if the desktop has
		a timer.

	<!-- Turn on if you prefer to use the native (Servlet) thread
	to process the events, instead of forking the event processing thread
	<!-- Turn on the following if you want to use ZK with a clustering server
	<!-- Turn on the following if you want to cache all desktops in a global
	cache, rather than one for each session

		<disable-event-thread />

	<!-- Optional -->
	<!-- You can define any number of richlets as follows.
		Note: To use richlet, you have to map zkLoader to /xx/* in web.xml,
		where xx could be any name. And, the final URL will be /xx/url-pattern.
		This demo application maps all richlet to /zk (see web.xml),
		so the richlet path will be, say, /zk/test/some
		 Any number of initial parameters.
	<!-- Optional -->
			 An empty URL can cause the browser to reload the same URL 

	<!-- Uncomment if you want to embed JavaScript codes and any other
	tags to be generated inside HTML HEAD.
	<script type="text/javascript">

	<!-- Optional -->
	<!-- the following listener is used to see # of sessions, desktops...
		<description>[Optional] Mointor the statistic</description>

	<!-- Configure the error page

     <location>''the error page's URI''</location>


	<!-- Configure ZUL to use smaller fonts for all locales, and
		smaller fonts for the rest Locales
	<!-- Configure ZUL to use larger fonts for all locales, and
		smaller fonts for the rest Locales
	<!-- Configure ZUL to use larger fonts for Chinese characters, and
		nomal fonts for the rest Locales
	<!-- Configure additional theme URIs
	<!-- Uncomment the following if you want to redirect to particular
		page when ZK Client receives an error code.

	<!-- Uncomment the following to customize the client-polling-based
		server push.
		Note: the unit of PollingServerPush.delay.min and max is second.
		Note: the values of PollingServerPush.start and stop are
		the JavaScript codes to execute at the client.
		Note: the value of PollingServerPush.delay.factor must be integer,
	<!-- Configure the default font size in ZUL CSS file (norm*.css)
		Default: 12px.
	<!-- Configure the font size for menus in ZUL CSS file (norm*.css)
		Default: 11px.-->
	<!-- Configure the font size for smaller fonts, such as toolbar,
		 in ZUL CSS file (norm*.css)
		Default: 11px.
	<!-- Configure the font size for extremely small fonts,
		 in ZUL CSS file (norm*.css)
		Default: 10px.
	<!-- Configure the font family for titles in ZUL CSS file (norm*.css)
		Default: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif.
		<value>Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif</value>
	<!-- Configure the font family for content in ZUL CSS file (norm*.css)
		Default: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, serif.
		<value>Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif</value>

	<!-- Configure ZUL not to override the standard HTML tags, such as body's
		margin and padding
	<!-- Configure ZUL to apply the zk prefix in the CSS file (norm*.css).
		Use this only if you want to use different fonts for ZK components
		and the rest of your Web pages
	<!-- Uncommet to control the number of lines to log an error message.
		Default: 6. If nonpostive is specified, the full stack traces are logged.
		Notice that # of lines don't include packages starting with java, javax or sun.
	<!-- Uncommet to control the number of lines to log a warning message.
		Default: 3. If nonpostive is specified, the full stack traces are logged.
		Notice that # of lines don't include packages starting with java, javax or sun.

	<!-- Uncommet to control whether the label propeties files are located.
		Default: /WEB-INF/i3-label.properties
	<!-- Uncommet to control the encoding of the labe properties files
		Default: UTF-8

	<!-- Uncomment it if you prefer to keep the desktops when an user browses to
		another URL or reloads the page.

	<!-- Configure the Hibernate SessionFactory Lifecycle.
		<description>Hibernate SessionFactory Lifecycle</description>
	<!-- Configure the Hibernate configuration file name if not "hibernate.cfg.xml"
	<!-- Configure the Hibernate "Open Session In View" Session Lifecycle
		<description>Hibernate "Open Session In View" Session Lifecycle</description>

	<!-- Hibernate thread session context handler
		<description>Hibernate thread session context handler</description>
1 楼 jasonsun1985 2010-11-12  


    zk 配置的web.xml

    &lt;description&gt;ZK loader for ZUML pages &lt;servlet-name&gt;zkLoader &lt;servlet-class&gt;org.zkoss.zk.ui.http.DHtmlLayoutServlet&lt;/servlet-class&gt; &lt;!-- 必须指定更新引擎(DHtmlUpdateServlet)的URI,并且它必须...

    ZK 6.5.0 Configuration Reference

    `zk.xml` 是 ZK 配置的核心文件之一,用于配置客户端和服务器端的交互细节。 - **client-config Element**: 配置客户端的行为,例如调试模式、主题选择等。 - **debug-js Element**: 启用调试模式时,将加载未经...


    在配置Zookeeper时,我们需要在服务提供者的配置文件(通常是`dubbo.properties`或XML配置)中指定Zookeeper的地址,如`zookeeper.address=`。 接下来,我们进入具体实现步骤: 1. **安装Zookeeper*...

    Publishing.ZK.Developers.Guide pdf 书中代码

    1. **ZK组件基础**:ZK提供了丰富的组件库,包括按钮、表格、树视图等,这些组件可以直接在XML布局文件中声明。通过学习书中的代码,你可以了解如何配置和定制这些组件,以及如何处理组件事件。 2. **事件处理**:...

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    zk 6 学习资料

    配置是ZK应用的核心部分,这份文档详细介绍了ZK的各种配置选项,如ZK服务器参数、组件属性、主题定制等。通过深入理解配置,开发者能够优化应用性能,实现自定义功能。 3. **开发者的参考(ZK 6.0.1 Developer's ...


    然后,在web.xml中添加ZK的Servlet配置,以便服务器能够识别ZK的应用。 **三、常用功能** 1. **页面文本框校验**:可以为文本框设置约束,例如`(^[0-9a-zA-z]{3,5})?/: 航班号格式错误 !" &gt;`,在Java代码中同样...

    zk_spring_jpa_todo.rar_jpa_spring jpa zk_zk_zk todo.zip_zk bs

    在Web应用中,"WEB-INF"目录下通常会放置web.xml配置文件,这是应用的部署描述符,定义了应用的配置信息,比如Servlet和过滤器的映射。 这个DEMO的实现可能会包括以下几个关键部分: 1. **实体类**:定义待办事项...

    基于Java的实例开发源码-Ajax框架 ZK.zip

    通过这个基于Java的实例开发源码,你可以学习到如何配置ZK环境,理解ZK组件的工作原理,掌握ZK事件处理机制,以及如何使用ZK Studio进行项目开发。实践是检验真理的唯一标准,通过实际操作,你将更好地理解和运用ZK...

    基于java的Ajax框架 ZK.zip

    开发者可以通过简单的XML或Java代码来创建和配置组件,极大地简化了页面构建工作。 **3. ZK事件模型** ZK的事件模型是其一大特色。它支持服务器端事件处理,开发者可以直接在Java代码中处理用户触发的事件,无需...




    `WEB-INF`目录下可能包含Servlet、过滤器和监听器的配置,以及ZK相关的配置文件,如zk.xml,它定义了ZK应用的配置信息。 从这些文件夹结构我们可以推断,这个ZKDemo项目可能包含了以下知识点: - **ZK框架介绍**:...


    ### zk框架开发中遇到的错误整理 #### 1. projectmag.entity.xml中的field字段缺少,没有与project.entity.xml中的字段一一对应。 **问题描述**:在`projectmag.entity.xml`文件中,某些字段未与`project.entity....

    基于Java的实例源码-Ajax框架 ZK.zip

    1. **环境配置**:首先,需要在项目中引入ZK的依赖库,这通常通过Maven或Gradle等构建工具来完成。 2. **创建ZUML页面**:编写ZUML文件,定义UI组件和它们的交互行为。例如,创建一个简单的按钮,可以写成: ```...


    `zk.cfg.xml`用于设置Zookeeper配置,`zk-env.xml`用于环境变量设置,而`zk.log4j.xml`是日志配置,通常不需要修改。在`metainfo.xml`中,确保服务名称和服务组件的正确配置。 在`package`文件夹下,有多个Python...


    现在我们来详细探讨如何配置ZooKeeper集群和ActiveMQ集群。 首先,我们要理解ZooKeeper集群的基本概念。ZooKeeper集群由多个节点(称为ZooKeeper服务器)组成,每个节点都存储和处理一部分数据。为了保证高可用性,...


    此手册涵盖了 ZK 3.6.3 版本的详细使用方法与技巧。 #### 二、ZK 用户界面标记语言 ZK 提供了一种称为 ZUML(ZK User Interface Markup Language)的标记语言,用于定义用户界面。下面详细介绍了一些常用的隐式对象...


    下面是安装和配置 Hbase 集群模式的详细步骤和知识点: 系统环境 在安装 Hbase 之前,需要确保系统环境已经准备就绪。这里使用 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64bit 作为操作系统, JDK 版本为 1.8.0_161,Hbase 版本为 1.2.6...


    2. **构建脚本**:如`build.xml`,用于使用Ant或Maven等工具编译和打包Zookeeper。 3. **配置文件**:如`conf/zoo.cfg`,是Zookeeper服务器的基本配置,包括数据目录、端口号等设置。 4. **二进制文件**:编译后的...

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