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= Before we start

This is a Rails Engine version of the Salted Login Generator, a most excellent login system which is sufficient for most simple cases. For the most part, this code has not been altered from its generator form, with the following notable exceptions

* Localization has been removed.
* The 'welcome' page has been changed to the 'home' page
* A few new functions have been thrown in
* It's... uh.... a Rails Engine now ;-)

However, what I'm trying to say is that 99.9999% of the credit for this should go to Joe Hosteny, Tobias Luetke (xal) and the folks that worked on the original Salted Login generator code. I've just wrapped it into something runnable with the Rails Engine system.

Please also bear in mind that this is a work in progress, and things like testing are wildly up in the air... but they will fall into place very soon. And now, on with the show.

= Installation

Installing the Login Engine is fairly simple.

Your options are:
  1.  Install as a rails plugin:
      $ script/plugin install login_engine
  2.  Use svn:externals
      $ svn propedit svn:externals vendor/plugins

      You can choose to use the latest stable release:
          login_engine http://svn.rails-engines.org/plugins/login_engine

      Or a tagged release (recommended for releases of your code):
          login_engine http://svn.rails-engines.org/logine_engine/tags/<TAGGED_RELEASE>

There are a few configuration steps that you'll need to take to get everything running smoothly. Listed below are the changes to your application you will need to make.

=== Setup your Rails application

Edit your <tt>database.yml</tt>, most importantly! You might also want to move <tt>public/index.html</tt> out of the way, and set up some default routes in <tt>config/routes.rb</tt>.

=== Add configuration and start engine

Add the following to the bottom of environment.rb:

  module LoginEngine
    config :salt, "your-salt-here"

  Engines.start :login
You'll probably want to change the Salt value to something unique. You can also override any of the configuration values defined at the top of lib/user_system.rb in a similar way. Note that you don't need to start the engine with <tt>Engines.start :login_engine</tt> - instead, <tt>:login</tt> (or any name) is sufficient if the engine is a directory named <some-name>_engine.

=== Add the filters

Next, edit your <tt>app/controllers/application.rb</tt> file. The beginning of your <tt>ApplicationController</tt> should look something like this:

  require 'login_engine'

  class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
    include LoginEngine
    helper :user
    model :user
    before_filter :login_required

If you don't want ALL actions to require a login, you need to read further below to learn how to restrict only certain actions. 

Add the following to your ApplicationHelper:

  module ApplicationHelper
    include LoginEngine

This ensures that the methods to work with users in your views are available

=== Set up ActionMailer

If you want to disable email functions within the Login Engine, simple set the :use_email_notification config flag to false in your environment.rb file:

  module LoginEngine
    #  ... other options...
    config :use_email_notification, false


You should note that retrieving forgotten passwords automatically isn't possible when the email functions are disabled. Instead, the user is presented with a message instructing them to contact the system administrator

If you wish you use email notifications and account creation verification, you must properly configure ActionMailer for your mail settings. For example, you could add the following in config/environments/development.rb (for a .Mac account, and with your own username and password, obviously):

ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = {
  :address => "smtp.mac.com",
  :port => 25,
  :domain => "smtp.mac.com",
  :user_name => "<your user name here>",
  :password => "<your password here>",
  :authentication => :login

You'll need to configure it properly so that email can be sent. One of the easiest ways to test your configuration is to temporarily reraise exceptions from the signup method (so that you get the actual mailer exception string). In the rescue statement, put a single "raise" statement in. Once you've debugged any setting problems, remove that statement to get the proper flash error handling back.

=== Create the DB schema

After you have done the modifications the the ApplicationController and its helper, you can import the user model into the database. Migration information in login_engine/db/migrate/. 

You *MUST* check that these files aren't going to interfere with anything in your application. 

You can change the table name used by adding

  module LoginEngine
    #  ... other options...
    config :user_table, "your_table_name"


...to the LoginEngine configuration in <tt>environment.rb</tt>. Then run from the root of your project:

  rake db:migrate:engines ENGINE=login

to import the schema into your database.

== Include stylesheets

If you want the default stylesheet, add the following line to your layout:

  <%= engine_stylesheet 'login_engine' %>
... somewhere in the <head> section of your HTML layout file.

== Integrate flash messages into your layout

LoginEngine does not display any flash messages in the views it contains, and thus you must display them yourself. This allows you to integrate any flash messages into your existing layout. LoginEngine adheres to the emerging flash usage standard, namely:

* :warning - warning (failure) messages
* :notice - success messages
* :message - neutral (reminder, informational) messages

This gives you the flexibility to theme the different message classes separately. In your layout you should check for and display flash[:warning], flash[:notice] and flash[:message]. For example:

  <% for name in [:notice, :warning, :message] %>
    <% if flash[name] %>
      <%= "<div id=\"#{name}\">#{flash[name]}</div>" %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

Alternately, you could look at using the flash helper plugin (available from https://opensvn.csie.org/traccgi/flash_helper_plugin/trac.cgi/), which supports the same naming convention.

= How to use the Login Engine 

Now you can go around and happily add "before_filter :login_required" to the controllers which you would like to protect. 

After integrating the login system with your rails application navigate to your new controller's signup method. There you can create a new account. After you are done you should have a look at your DB. Your freshly created user will be there but the password will be a sha1 hashed 40 digit mess. I find this should be the minimum of security which every page offering login & password should give its customers. Now you can move to one of those  controllers which you protected with the before_filter :login_required snippet. You will automatically be re-directed to your freshly created login controller and you are asked for a password. After entering valid account data you will be taken back to the controller which you requested earlier. Simple huh?

=== Protection using <tt>before_filter</tt>

Adding the line <tt>before_filter :login_required</tt> to your <tt>app/controllers/application.rb</tt> file will protect *all* of your applications methods, in every controller. If you only want to control access to specific controllers, remove this line from <tt>application.rb</tt> and add it to the controllers that you want to secure.

Within individual controllers you can restrict which methods the filter runs on in the usual way:

       before_filter :login_required, :only => [:myaccount, :changepassword]
       before_filter :login_required, :except => [:index]

=== Protection using <tt>protect?()</tt>

Alternatively, you can leave the <tt>before_filter</tt> in the global <tt>application.rb</tt> file, and control which actions are restricted in individual controllers by defining a <tt>protect?()</tt> method in that controller.

For instance, in the <tt>UserController</tt> we want to allow everyone access to the 'login', 'signup' and 'forgot_password' methods (otherwise noone would be able to access our site!). So a <tt>protect?()</tt> method is defined in <tt>user_controller.rb</tt> as follows:

  def protect?(action)
    if ['login', 'signup', 'forgot_password'].include?(action)
      return false
      return true

Of course, you can override this Engine behaviour in your application - see below.

== Configuration

The following configuration variables are set in lib/login_engine.rb. If you wish to override them, you should set them BEFORE calling Engines.start (it is possible to set them after, but it's simpler to just do it before. Please refer to the Engine documentation for the #config method for more information).

For example, the following might appear at the bottom of /config/environment.rb:

  module LoginEngine
    config :salt, 'my salt'
    config :app_name, 'My Great App'
    config :app_url, 'http://www.wow-great-domain.com'

=== Configuration Options

+email_from+:: The email from which registration/administration emails will appear to 
               come from. Defaults to 'webmaster@your.company'.
+admin_email+:: The email address users are prompted to contact if passwords cannot
                be emailed. Defaults to 'webmaster@your.company'.
+app_url+:: The URL of the site sent to users for signup/forgotten passwords, etc.
            Defaults to 'http://localhost:3000/'.
+app_name+:: The application title used in emails. Defaults to 'TestApp'.
+mail_charset+:: The charset used in emails. Defaults to 'utf-8'.
+security_token_life_hours+:: The life span of security tokens, in hours. If a security
                              token is older than this when it is used to try and authenticate
                              a user, it will be discarded. In other words, the amount of time
                              new users have between signing up and clicking the link they
                              are sent. Defaults to 24 hours.
+two_column_input+:: If true, forms created with the UserHelper#form_input method will
                     use a two-column table. Defaults to true.
+changeable_fields+:: An array of fields within the user model which the user
                      is allowed to edit. The Salted Hash Login generator documentation
                      states that you should NOT include the email field in this
                      array, although I am not sure why. Defaults to +[ 'firstname', 'lastname' ]+.
+delayed_delete+::  Set to true to allow delayed deletes (i.e., delete of record
                    doesn't happen immediately after user selects delete account,
                    but rather after some expiration of time to allow this action
                    to be reverted). Defaults to false.
+delayed_delete_days+:: The time delay used for the 'delayed_delete' feature. Defaults to
                        7 days.
+user_table+:: The table to store User objects in. Defaults to "users" (or "user" if
               ActiveRecord pluralization is disabled).
+use_email_notification+:: If false, no emails will be sent to the user. As a consequence,
                           users who signup are immediately verified, and they cannot request
                           forgotten passwords. Defaults to true.
+confirm_account+:: An overriding flag to control whether or not user accounts must be
                    verified by email. This overrides the +user_email_notification+ flag.
                    Defaults to true.

== Overriding controllers and views

The standard home page is almost certainly not what you want to present to your users. Because this login system is a Rails Engine, overriding the default behaviour couldn't be simpler. To change the RHTML template shown for the <tt>home</tt> action, simple create a new file in <tt>RAILS_ROOT/app/views/user/home.rhtml</tt> (you'll probably need to create the directory <tt>user</tt> at the same time). This new view file will be used instead of the one provided in the Login Engine. Easy!

== Tips & Tricks

How do I...

  ... access the user who is currently logged in

  A: You can get the user object from the session using session[:user]
       Welcome <%= session[:user].name %>

    You can also use the 'current_user' method provided by UserHelper:
      Welcome <%= current_user.name %>

  ... restrict access to only a few methods? 
  A: Use before_filters build in scoping. 
       before_filter :login_required, :only => [:myaccount, :changepassword]
       before_filter :login_required, :except => [:index]
  ... check if a user is logged-in in my views?
  A: session[:user] will tell you. Here is an example helper which you can use to make this more pretty:
       def user?

  ... return a user to the page they came from before logging in?

  A: The user will be send back to the last url which called the method "store_location"
       User was at /articles/show/1, wants to log in.
       in articles_controller.rb, add store_location to the show function and
       send the user to the login form. 
       After he logs in he will be send back to /articles/show/1

You can find more help at http://wiki.rubyonrails.com/rails/show/SaltedLoginGenerator

== Troubleshooting

One of the more common problems people have seen is that after verifying an account by following the emailed URL, they are unable to login via the normal login method since the verified field is not properly set in the user model's row in the DB.

The most common cause of this problem is that the DB and session get out of sync. In particular, it always happens for me after recreating the DB if I have run the server previously. To fix the problem, remove the /tmp/ruby* session files (from wherever they are for your installation) while the server is stopped, and then restart. This usually is the cause of the problem.

= Notes

=== Database Schemas & Testing

Currently, since not all databases appear to support structure cloning, the tests will load the entire schema into your test database, potentially blowing away any other test structures you might have. If this presents an issue for your application, comment out the line in test/test_helper.rb

= Database Schema Details

You need a database table corresponding to the User model. This is provided as a Rails Schema file, but the schema is presented below for information. Note the table type for MySQL. Whatever DB you use, it must support transactions. If it does not, the functional tests will not work properly, nor will the application in the face of failures during certain DB creates and updates.

  mysql syntax:
  CREATE TABLE users (
    login VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,
    salted_password VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
    email VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,
    firstname VARCHAR(40),
    lastname VARCHAR(40),
    salt CHAR(40) NOT NULL,
    verified INT default 0,
    role VARCHAR(40) default NULL,
    security_token CHAR(40) default NULL,
    token_expiry DATETIME default NULL,
    deleted INT default 0,
    delete_after DATETIME default NULL

  CREATE TABLE "users" (
    login VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,
    salted_password VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
    email VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,
    firstname VARCHAR(40),
    lastname VARCHAR(40),
    salt CHAR(40) NOT NULL,
    verified INT default 0,
    role VARCHAR(40) default NULL,
    security_token CHAR(40) default NULL,
    token_expiry TIMESTAMP default NULL,
    deleted INT default 0,
    delete_after TIMESTAMP default NULL

  CREATE TABLE 'users' (
    login VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,
    salted_password VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
    email VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,
    firstname VARCHAR(40),
    lastname VARCHAR(40),
    salt CHAR(40) NOT NULL,
    verified INT default 0,
    role VARCHAR(40) default NULL,
    security_token CHAR(40) default NULL,
    token_expiry DATETIME default NULL,
    deleted INT default 0,
    delete_after DATETIME default NULL

Of course your user model can have any amount of extra fields. This is just a starting point.


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