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C:\Documents and Settings\sunchaohui>cd D:\radrails-0.7.2-win32\workspace\mm
C:\Documents and Settings\sunchaohui>d:
D:\radrails-0.7.2-win32\workspace\mm>ruby script/plugin install attachment_fu
svn: No repository found in 'svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/cartographer/plugins'
+ ./Rakefile
+ ./amazon_s3.yml.tpl
+ ./init.rb
+ ./install.rb
+ ./lib/geometry.rb
+ ./lib/technoweenie/attachment_fu/backends/db_file_backend.rb
+ ./lib/technoweenie/attachment_fu/backends/file_system_backend.rb
+ ./lib/technoweenie/attachment_fu/backends/s3_backend.rb
+ ./lib/technoweenie/attachment_fu/processors/core_image_processor.rb
+ ./lib/technoweenie/attachment_fu/processors/gd2_processor.rb
+ ./lib/technoweenie/attachment_fu/processors/image_science_processor.rb
+ ./lib/technoweenie/attachment_fu/processors/mini_magick_processor.rb
+ ./lib/technoweenie/attachment_fu/processors/rmagick_processor.rb
+ ./lib/technoweenie/attachment_fu.rb
+ ./test/backends/db_file_test.rb
+ ./test/backends/file_system_test.rb
+ ./test/backends/remote/s3_test.rb
+ ./test/base_attachment_tests.rb
+ ./test/basic_test.rb
+ ./test/database.yml
+ ./test/extra_attachment_test.rb
+ ./test/fixtures/attachment.rb
+ ./test/fixtures/files/fake/rails.png
+ ./test/fixtures/files/foo.txt
+ ./test/fixtures/files/rails.png
+ ./test/geometry_test.rb
+ ./test/processors/core_image_test.rb
+ ./test/processors/gd2_test.rb
+ ./test/processors/image_science_test.rb
+ ./test/processors/mini_magick_test.rb
+ ./test/processors/rmagick_test.rb
+ ./test/schema.rb
+ ./test/test_helper.rb
+ ./test/validation_test.rb
+ ./vendor/red_artisan/core_image/filters/color.rb
+ ./vendor/red_artisan/core_image/filters/effects.rb
+ ./vendor/red_artisan/core_image/filters/perspective.rb
+ ./vendor/red_artisan/core_image/filters/quality.rb
+ ./vendor/red_artisan/core_image/filters/scale.rb
+ ./vendor/red_artisan/core_image/filters/watermark.rb
+ ./vendor/red_artisan/core_image/processor.rb
attachment_fu is a plugin by Rick Olson (aka technoweenie <http://techno-weenie.
net>) and is the successor to acts_as_attachment. To get a basic run-through of
its capabilities, check out Mike Clark's tutorial <http://clarkware.com/cgi/blo
attachment_fu functionality
attachment_fu facilitates file uploads in Ruby on Rails. There are a few storag
e options for the actual file data, but the plugin always at a minimum stores me
tadata for each file in the database.
There are three storage options for files uploaded through attachment_fu:
File system
Database file
Amazon S3
Each method of storage many options associated with it that will be covered in t
he following section. Something to note, however, is that the Amazon S3 storage
requires you to modify config/amazon_s3.yml and the Database file storage requi
res an extra table.
attachment_fu models
For all three of these storage options a table of metadata is required. This ta
ble will contain information about the file (hence the 'meta') and its location.
This table has no restrictions on naming, unlike the extra table required for
database storage, which must have a table name of db_files (and by convention a
model of DbFile).
In the model there are two methods made available by this plugins: has_attachmen
t and validates_as_attachment.
has_attachment(options = {})
This method accepts the options in a hash:
:content_type # Allowed content types.
# Allows all by default. Use :image to allow all standard
image types.
:min_size # Minimum size allowed.
# 1 byte is the default.
:max_size # Maximum size allowed.
# 1.megabyte is the default.
:size # Range of sizes allowed.
# (1..1.megabyte) is the default. This overrides the :min
_size and :max_size options.
:resize_to # Used by RMagick to resize images.
# Pass either an array of width/height, or a geometry stri
:thumbnails # Specifies a set of thumbnails to generate.
# This accepts a hash of filename suffixes and RMagick res
izing options.
# This option need only be included if you want thumbnaili
:thumbnail_class # Set which model class to use for thumbnails.
# This current attachment class is used by default.
:path_prefix # path to store the uploaded files.
# Uses public/#{table_name} by default for the filesystem,
and just #{table_name} for the S3 backend.
# Setting this sets the :storage to :file_system.
:storage # Specifies the storage system to use..
# Defaults to :db_file. Options are :file_system, :db_fil
e, and :s3.
:processor # Sets the image processor to use for resizing of the atta
ched image.
# Options include ImageScience, Rmagick, and MiniMagick.
Default is whatever is installed.
has_attachment :max_size => 1.kilobyte
has_attachment :size => 1.megabyte..2.megabytes
has_attachment :content_type => 'application/pdf'
has_attachment :content_type => ['application/pdf', 'application/msword', 't
has_attachment :content_type => :image, :resize_to => [50,50]
has_attachment :content_type => ['application/pdf', :image], :resize_to => '
has_attachment :thumbnails => { :thumb => [50, 50], :geometry => 'x50' }
has_attachment :storage => :file_system, :path_prefix => 'public/files'
has_attachment :storage => :file_system, :path_prefix => 'public/files',
:content_type => :image, :resize_to => [50,50]
has_attachment :storage => :file_system, :path_prefix => 'public/files',
:thumbnails => { :thumb => [50, 50], :geometry => 'x50' }
has_attachment :storage => :s3
This method prevents files outside of the valid range (:min_size to :max_size,
or the :size range) from being saved. It does not however, halt the upload of
such files. They will be uploaded into memory regardless of size before validat
attachment_fu migrations
Fields for attachment_fu metadata tables...
in general:
size, :integer # file size in bytes
content_type, :string # mime type, ex: application/mp3
filename, :string # sanitized filename
that reference images:
height, :integer # in pixels
width, :integer # in pixels
that reference images that will be thumbnailed:
parent_id, :integer # id of parent image (on the same table, a self-refe
rencing foreign-key).
# Only populated if the current object is a thumbnai
thumbnail, :string # the 'type' of thumbnail this attachment record des
# Only populated if the current object is a thumbnai
# Usage:
# [ In Model 'Avatar' ]
# has_attachment :content_type => :image,
# :storage => :file_system,
# :max_size => 500.kilobytes,
# :resize_to => '320x200>',
# :thumbnails => { :small => '10x10
# :thumb => '100x1
00>' }
# [ Elsewhere ]
# @user.avatar.thumbnails.first.thumbnail #=> 'small
that reference files stored in the database (:db_file):
db_file_id, :integer # id of the file in the database (foreign key)
Field for attachment_fu db_files table:
data, :binary # binary file data, for use in database file storage
attachment_fu views
There are two main views tasks that will be directly affected by attachment_fu:
upload forms and displaying uploaded images.
There are two parts of the upload form that differ from typical usage.
1. Include ':multipart => true' in the html options of the form_for tag.
<% form_for(:attachment_metadata, :url => { :action => "create" }, :html =
> { :multipart => true }) do |form| %>
2. Use the file_field helper with :uploaded_data as the field name.
<%= form.file_field :uploaded_data %>
Displaying uploaded images is made easy by the public_filename method of the Act
iveRecord attachment objects using file system and s3 storage.
public_filename(thumbnail = nil)
Returns the public path to the file. If a thumbnail prefix is specified it wi
ll return the public file path to the corresponding thumbnail.
attachment_obj.public_filename #=> /attachments/2/file.jpg
attachment_obj.public_filename(:thumb) #=> /attachments/2/file_thumb.jpg
attachment_obj.public_filename(:small) #=> /attachments/2/file_small.jpg
When serving files from database storage, doing more than simply downloading the
file is beyond the scope of this document.
attachment_fu controllers
There are two considerations to take into account when using attachment_fu in co
The first is when the files have no publicly accessible path and need to be down
loaded through an action.
def readme
send_file '/path/to/readme.txt', :type => 'plain/text', :disposition => 'inl
See the possible values for send_file for reference.
The second is when saving the file when submitted from a form.
Example in view:
<%= form.file_field :attachable, :uploaded_data %>
Example in controller:
def create
@attachable_file = AttachmentMetadataModel.new(params[:attachable])
if @attachable_file.save
flash[:notice] = 'Attachment was successfully created.'
redirect_to attachable_url(@attachable_file)
render :action => :new
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